Lord Shadow



0To Azief he thought that at least only a few minutes had passed.      

He did not realize that the sun has come down and right now the entire Centre Palace seems to be glowing with golden lights.      

To those that saw the Centre Palace when they are returning home from dungeon training or from their hunts they did not find anything weird with the Centre Palace glowing in golden color.     

To them, it might be that the bigwigs of Pandemonium is feasting on the Grand Hall of the Centre Palace.      

For those people who is inside of an inn looking out from their window, they might think it is the lighting of the Centre Palace to celebrate the return of Death Monarch.      

To those who in the tavern, how would they realize it when they are deep in drinking?     

 To the officials that notice the lights, they know that there is no such feast or songs of celebration.      

It is not like the officials did not try to persuade the Death Monarch to host such celebration but Death Monarch had decided there would be no such celebration for now.     

So why is the Centre Palace glowing in golden lights? The Keepers moves in the dark of night and those who is in the employ of some of the officials relay the news.     

They came out of the Centre Palace and whispers the matters to their master. These officials after knowing the news look at the Palace with renewed fear.     

Death Monarch seems to be growing ever stronger. It is a good thing but it is also a fearful thing.     

No one could understand the fear of these officials when Death Monarch issued a meeting.      

These officials are mostly in Orb Condensing stage. While Death Monarch is in Divine Comprehension stage. That is not one or two realm above them.      

That is four realms above them     

The reason why all of the officials always try to read the emotions and face of Death Monarch is because they fear him.      

For a person of Death Monarch power, if he thought of it, the pressure that he could unleashed could kill any of them.      

Who could understand the bravery that one had to have when leaving their homes and attending a meeting with Death Monarch.     

At least those people in the military could at least struggle before dying.      

As for the official's circle, they could not even struggle if Death Monarch wanted them to die.      

Even before when he is in Disk Formation, the pressure is pressuring enough. Now that he is in Divine Comprehension and growing even more stronger, who could know what kind of pressure would he unleashed when he gets angry?     

These officials could only sigh. It is a good thing for Pandemonium so the officials have always been a little conflicted.      

They could only look at the glowing Centre Palace with these complicated emotions in their hearts.     

Meanwhile inside the Throne Room, Death Monarch seems to be in a trance and his eyes is glowing golden and blue      

the light from his eyes shines so brightly like it is the sun that is about come out from the east      

And while these Keepers relayed news to the outside, hiding in the darkness of nights is shadows that look upon all of this with cold eyes.     

Azief did not know and notice all of this commotion. And even if he does notice he would not care.     

Sofia saw the glowing Centre Palace from the yard of her picket fence house and she could only shake her head. She knows that tonight Azief might not come to the house.      

'Like always, he is improving himself. I wish he did not do that tonight though. Six years is a long time after all' she sighed and then said     

'I guess I could wait another day' Sofia understood that when Azief is in the zone, he would not be distracted. As long as he did not once again take a step to the Heavens, Sofia would not mind it.     

Since he is not coming tonight she needs to finish the cupcake that she bakes a few hours ago.     

On the other side Will who is now waiting on the inside of the villa of the Immortal Couple also notices the glowing lights that is slowly enveloping the entire palace area and his eyes become even more narrowed.      

Azief said that he has something to talk about with him      

Will could guess what it is about.      

Because he too senses the disturbance in Time.      

He sighed     

Will believes that his brother might have sense and see some things when he is inside the Time Tunnel.      

After all, Will also had experience traveling inside a Time Tunnel before.      

Such journey could enlighten you about certain Laws like Time.      

Will also had seen something when he is in his coma. Azief is not the only one that want to talk. He too also wanted to talk with Azief      

It is that vision that led him to Erika and it is also that vision that sometimes made him hesitant. In the throne room, he noticed the way Azief was seeing Sofia.      

It is the same way he looks at Azief. Because of that, he could faintly guess what Azief saw in the Time Tunnel.     

He sighed again. He could go now. he could take one step and be half way around the world by now and try to run away from fate and destiny.      

But he only sighed and look toward that palace, his mind is filled with complicated thoughts.      

But he did not take a step forward. Instead he went backward, waiting for his sworn brother.      

The Immortal Couple who were sitting on the yard sipping some drinks only shakes their head looking at Will in the distance.     

Lihua then said to Xu Cong     

'Will we dragged back to the matters of the court?' she asked Xu Cong. Xu Cong shakes his head and smiles.     

'Death Monarch is always a man of his word. He had promised us both that as long as we did not interfere, did not meddle and do not care about the court, he would never let anyone force us to enter that muddy world again. I like the way we live right now, like a pair of immortals that do not have worries. And I doubt Will would talk about matters of the governance of Pandemonium with Death Monarch. Those two people probably did not care that much about governing Pandemonium as most people thoughts'     

Sighing Xu Cong asked Lihua     

'Why are you worried all of a sudden about Pandemonium and its court?'     

Lihua then said      

'Loki is my teacher' she said simply. Xu Cong sighed and shakes his head     

'You pay all that you have owed to him already' Xu Cong said. She then replies with     

'I don't think that payment is enough' Xu Cong don't know what to say and then he looks toward the palace and then said     

'Let us hope that the two brothers did not have to clash with each other' Lihua nodded     

Then they too retreated inside.     

That night the world doesn't seem to be able to fall asleep. This is the first day of Death Monarch return and the whole world is abuzz.      

And while the world speculated Death Monarch next action, in England, around one of the forbidden zones of the world, a woman opened her eyes, her eyes is white like there were clouds covering her irises.      

And then a smile appears on that woman face and she whispers to the wind     

'I am here and I am waiting. To be the herald of a Great Era. To see the Beginning of a Golden Era and be the witness to the End of Worlds.'      

Saying that, she got up from her cross legged position and her eyes seems to gaze upon one direction.      

And in her eyes she could see visions, glimpses of futures, of seven beings fighting a celestial war in the stars, a great wedding stained by the blood of Gods and Men, she sees death and destruction and then she closes her eyes.     

She stands there….and she waits.     


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