Omega Summoner

Hunt for the Horsemen III

Hunt for the Horsemen III

0A few days after the raid against the Horseman of Plague, the next horseman appeared or rather was discovered. It was the Horseman of Death and it actually spawned near south area where the castle of the undead is located.     

A guild known as the Masked Death, which is mainly filled with undead players, set up the raid against it. Since the Horseman of Death is near the castle of the undead, many undead players also came and got recruited by the Masked Death guild. They managed to build a raid party that had a strong number of one thousand.     

One would think that they are just throwing away their lives when the Horseman of Death has instant death skills, but they are undead. Undead are not affected by instant death spells or abilities but that does not mean that they do not get damaged. They will not get executed immediately but probably drop to red health depending on their defenses.     

The thousand strong undead players showed the power of what undead could really do. Due to the nature of their race, not many players chose to become undead but there are still a sizeable number of players that did so. The ones that chose to be undead are those that have job classes that are in perfect synergy with the racial characteristics of undead.     

A lot of players that were second guessing back then also regretted their decision to not change into undead. The first generation undead players are much stronger than those that have just become undead. The first generation undead players already achieved evolutions to a Death Knight, Lich or any other mid-tier undead.     

In fact, undead players are dominating the player versus player matches due to their unique Death Aura and spells that have instant death. The thousand undead players that are going to march against the Horseman of Death are all mid-tier undead.     

The one leading the group is the guild leader of the Masked Death guild which is an undead called the the Headless Hessian of the Hollow. He is a Dullahan and centaur hybrid with a large, cursed glaive as a weapon. He is also one of the smaller Undead Captains in the infantry of the Undead King.     

In fact, he is actually a retired veteran soldier that wanted to experience the joys of battle. He rounded up his other brothers at arms that are in the same position as him and created a guild. They were of the human race at first but later changed to undead when they learned that undead do not consume stamina.     

The concept of stamina in the game inhibited what they could really do which is why they gladly changed to undead. The Guild Leader of the Masked Death is named Hollow as that was his codename back then. He was also their Battalion commander back when they were still in the service.     

The raid of the Masked Death Guild is much different compared to the first two raids that happened. They were far more organized and employed military warfare in their formations. The Horseman of Death is not a great match against undead players since its powers derived from the death around it.     

Undead are already dead but are just in a special state of death. The Horseman of Death could not take the attacks and spells that the undead release. It could also not activate the instant death effect as undead that get hit by that spell only get damaged severely. The Horseman of Death would also enter a state of severe exhaustion when using its instant death attack which made the undead damage it severely.     

The raid is supposed to be a success if not for the interference of the players aligned with the dark god. The players aligned with the dark gods are not only tasked with killing off the horseman but also taking their essence. The dark gods want their essence as they might be able to use it to pierce the barrier that pushes away the descent of the gods.     

Since the divine barrier is made using divine energy of fallen gods with the powers of Asmodians, the essence of the horseman might be able to destroy it or just a part of it. Some dark gods are already itching to descend to the main world when one of them managed to fully descend.     

The dark gods do not want to do a spectacle like what the Dark God of a Thousand Faces did. They know that subtlety is the best so that they will not get purged before they fully return to power in the main world and set up their divine territory. A small hole is just what they need so that they could avoid the detection of the Gods of Pandemonium.     

In fact, it is not just followers of the dark gods that barged in on the raid. Some players that are chosen champions of some devious gods of Pandemonium also wanted the essence. They want to descend to the world once again and rule over humanity. They just masked their plans to other gods that their champions will just purge the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.     

Apocalypse is not just the event where all of the players move but also the gods as well. The movement of several superpowers are also apparent, but they make sure to hide their tracks. The power that the Horsemen of the Apocalypse have is a power that can kill divinity after all.     

The Horseman of Death was already at 30% health when they followers of the dark gods and the champions of the Gods of Pandemonium appeared. They thought that they could kill the Horseman of Death, but an eerie smile suddenly appeared on the blank face of the enemy.     

An aura of thick death surrounded all those in the one kilometer radius of the Horseman of Death. Its health also decreased all the way to 10% but an icon suddenly appeared on all players in the area. The icon is looks like the Horseman of Death with its scythe pointed towards their neck.     

When the skeletal horse stomped its hoof, the scythe passed through the necks of all the players in the vicinity. The players that are alive all died with one strike of the scythe. The undead players all got reduced to 1% health. The scariest part is that the 10% health of the Horseman of Death suddenly got filled back to 80%.     

The players from the followers of the dark gods and the champions of the gods numbered to 70. Each death recovered 1% of the Horseman of Death's health. That is not the only thing that happened as its stats also rose depending on the number of deaths around it. Seventy souls of players increased the stats of the Horseman of Death by 70% as well.     

The increase in stats is not permanent though as it only affects the Horseman of Death for half an hour. Although, that is what dictated the fate of all the players as half an hour with 70% stat increase against a level 300 raid boss is a death sentence. If the greedy players did not intervene, then the first death of a Horseman would have been recorded.     

In fact, the players that made the raid unwinnable got lot of hate from others. The main world is changing rapidly due to the horsemen. Numerous NPCs are dying either due to hunger or sickness. Crops do not grow as fast because of stale atmosphere and war is imminent due to the rising food shortages.     

The players did not notice the changes at first but the first to notice are the guilds that run a territory. They are burning money with each passing day as the citizens are starving while some have turned to banditry. The world of Pandemonium has become unstable due to the appearance of four raid bosses.     

The ones that are not affected that much are races that do not eat as much or those with blessed fields. In fact, the New Alfheim that is the territory of the Evergreen guild is being showered by blessings due to having a bountiful harvest. The Tree of Life planted there might not be fully spouted but it is still a tree of life.     

This made them a great trade partners for guilds that have less food production as they have excess. This also made them a target against those that want to plunder but they managed to push them back. Another bountiful area for food is Adrian's territory and all of his money earned are due to exporting food via Piggy Bank's trade channels.     

In fact, some neighboring kingdoms are also planning on attacking Adrian's territory, but they are still in the process of information gathering. Adrian knew of this because a certain player that has a peculiar race called a Shade told him of this. He has yet to verify it but he found it to be trustworthy since she is of the Shade race that resides in his territory.     

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