Omega Summoner

Name of the Guild

Name of the Guild

0[You have successfully created a Pocket Dimension Guild House.]     

[You are the first to create a pocket dimension. You have earned the title 'Carver of Dimensions.]     


Title: Carver of Dimensions     

Tier: Special     


-Able to feel pocket dimensions more clearly.     

-You will not be accidentally caught if pocket dimensions suddenly closed.     

-Able to modify pocket dimensions that you have created.     

Description: A title given to those that are the pioneer in creating pocket dimensions. It is said that no one knows the origins of pocket dimensions as they are older than the Daemos that frequently use them.     


[Please state the name of your guild. Insert the Guild Medallion once the name of the guild has been decided.]     

"And we are done! Thankfully, it all proceeded according to plan, and nothing went wrong. Well, if something did go wrong then we would have been sucked into oblivion and forever wander inside of it." Adrian muttered as he rejoiced that the guild house has been successfully created.     

"I am sorry, but could you please repeat that last phrase?" Peridot asked since she thought she heard something incredibly wrong and disturbing.     

"Anyways, it is time for a vote for three of the names that I have come up with. If any of you also thought of a name for the guild, then feel free to add that to the three that I have thought of." Adrian stated as he told then the three names he came up with.     

The three guild names that Adrian suggested is Chaotic, Illuminati and Pantheon. He thought of the name Chaotic because of the nature of their gameplay which is extremely chaotic. He also got this idea when he read comments on videos of the fight with the dark god. The viewers were describing them as Chaotic due to the nature of attacks that they use.     

He thought of the name Illuminati as they often moved in secret, but people know that they exist. He just honestly put this in for more name choices and he also thought it was a cool sounding name. This was the first name that he thought of without much thinking.     

The last name Pantheon has been thought up when he read comments about him, Levin Cloud and Vayu. Under some of the videos or posts that talk about them, the people often call them as Demon God, Holy God, and Wind God respectively. He thought that they could embrace these monikers and be a group of gods which is called a Pantheon.     

Creepysoo also thought of a name, but it was immediately shut down when they heard it. It was not of their taste except for Soleil as she seemed to like that name. It made Creepysoo even more depressed when only the youngest could appreciate his naming taste.     

The group then voted for the name that they wanted, and it got votes of three, two and three respectively. Chaotic and Pantheon got tied and it was up to Adrian's vote to break the tie. Adrian also though deeply on what name he should choose.     

"I think I am going to go with Pantheon for my vote." Adrian stated to which all agreed as they respect the decision of each individual.     

Adrian then proceeded to take out the Guild Medallion and inserted it at the portal entrance of the pocket dimension. When he did so, the Guild Medallion crumbled into dust and scattered inside of the pocket dimension.     

[Please choose a design for your Guild Emblem. The design for the guild emblem will be present in the clothes of each guild member. The Guild Emblem can only be changed once every six months or with the Guild Emblem Changer item.]     

Adrian immediately knew what design he needs to incorporate. He chose a small temple with the tree of life and death in the background as the design for the Guild Emblem. He wanted to choose this as having Yewdrassil as the symbol looked cool and symbolic.     

[Congratulations Equinox for creating the Pantheon guild.]     

[You have become the Guild Master of the Pantheon Guild.]     

When the notifications appeared, the guild emblem is then printed on his cloaks. The cloak that had no design suddenly had an emblem of the tree of life and death with a small temple. Even the others agreed that the guild emblem does have its own charm to it. Adrian then proceeded to appoint the four key positions for the guild.     

Guild Master: Equinox     

Vice Guild Master: Levin Cloud     

Guild Secretary: Peridot     

Guild Treasurer: Solstice     

The positions of the key figures were already voted by them earlier on. When Adrian finished setting up the key guild positions, he then proceeded to invite the rest that were not chosen as guild key figures.     

"So, we can all see the portal but how do we get inside?" Creepysoo asked as he was able to see the swirling vortex when he got invited to the guild.     

"The Guild Emblem is the key to the guild house. Follow me inside." Adrian stated as he entered the portal with great confidence.     


When all of them went inside the portal, they are greeted by a wonderous floating island that is half as big as the main island of Avalon. The only thing present in the floating island of the pocket dimension is a Guild Board where quests for the guild can be posted. The whole floating island is also tiled with the design of the guild emblem.     

"Woah! The guild house is cool. We even have the view of the stars! How is that possible?" Creepysoo excitedly stated.     

"It is really as bare as they said though." Adrian muttered as the only thing free is the guild board.     

"No worries as we will fill it up with things to decorate. I want my own room though. Guild houses are said to be customizable by guild members." Solstice once again brought out her own room argument.     

"Get the thing that I told you to or get a Level 400 Mana Eater magic stone. The latter would be enough to generate about ten smaller hidden dimensions so that each of us get a room.     

"We should power level to 300 then so that we can get that magic stone!" Creepysoo chimed it as he is excited at the prospect of his own room.     

"You have your own room in the castle of the undead though." Levin Cloud stated as he remembered being invited inside Creepysoo's room.     

"This will be our private quarters here, so I want to decorate it again.     

This is how the guild known as Pantheon is formed. A guild said that only those with godlike abilities can join. What they did not know is that their increased guild activities is due to room decoration.     

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