Omega Summoner

What the Grudge!

What the Grudge!

0Adrian appeared to them in his demon form as his magic is suppressed in a polymorphed state. The royal family gasped upon seeing his form, but the king and queen immediately reorganized their thoughts. The king and queen would do anything even if it means selling their soul to the demon in front of them.     

"As long as my son recovers from the curse, I will do anything." The king and queen thought with a fervent wish that their son will recover.     

"It seems that you are not even disturbed by my form? It seems that your rule for strictly humans in your territory is not to be implemented when you can gain something." Adrian stated.     

"It is not that, Venerable One. The rule was placed there by imperial decree and could not be removed for another hundred years. It is not that we do not welcome other races, but they are not able to set up any house or business in our territory because of it." The king stated in a respectable tone.     

"I do not really care about that. All you needed to do is respect your end of the deal and give us passage to the bean stalk." Adrian stated as he looked at the third prince on the cradle.     

Adrian used his special eyes to see the state that the third prince is, and he could only say that he is filled to the brim with the curse. He then looked at the other princes and noticed that they do not have much of the curse energy that the other royals have.     

"Still, for that Nymph Queen to curse your whole generation…she is really someone who can hold a grudge. She even used runic letters to place the curse on the family." Adrian thought as he can see glowing runic letters covering the body of the third prince.     

"I will now start." Adrian stated as he placed his hand on the forehead of the third prince and injected mana into his head.     

As soon as Adrian poured mana into the third prince, a powerful repelling force suddenly sent him flying towards the wall. Adrian crashed into the wall and even created a huge pattern on it. He stood back up and tasted something sweet on his mouth.     

Adrian touched his lips and could see blood on his fingers. The royal family immediately got scared upon witnessing such a thing because that did not happen before. When they invited priests to perform Purification on them, they can feel it taking effect but only for a small moment.     

"This is the first time I encountered something like a curse fighting back. Greater Summon: Saena!" Adrian stated as he summoned Saena.     

The white bird then perched near the cradle of the third prince as she can see his state as well. Actually, Saena saw better than what Adrian could see as her eyes could see the very essence of the curse. Adrian borrowed Saena's eyes to see the exact state of the curse.     

Adrian could see what Saena could see and what he saw is something more serious than he thought. The curse is actually eating the third prince' mana alive as he was born with such abundant mana. When Adrian looked at the others, he could see that the other members of the royal family are not as blessed with mana compared to the third prince.     

The Nymphs could also be called as faeries which means they have great knowledge when it came to mana. It would make sense why the Nymph Queen would place a curse on the royal family that deals with their mana. She wanted to incapacitate the royal family and make sure that they will never rise up to take revenge.     

"She combined the curse using runic letters so that no one alive in this era could expel it. She made sure to intensify the curse with the amount of mana one has to kill anyone blessed enough to search for a cure." Adrian thought as he tried his next approach.     

Adrian took out the necklace that the elven elders gave him and used his scribe abilities to write runic characters on it. The necklace now had three characters with the abilities of Reduction, Fortify, and Protection. He then proceeded to put the necklace on the neck of the third prince.     

The third prince that looked like he was plagued by nightmares suddenly had an expression of relief on his face. Upon seeing that their son looked a bit better, the royal family immediately cheered for the results, but Adrian is not happy with what he did. All he did is alleviate the curse and not dispel it like he promised.     

"Saena, absorb the curse." Adrian commanded as she started to rise up in the air.     

Saena then started to change the surrounding as if the mana got heavy to the point that some people had difficulty breathing. Lycan and Solstice came to the rescue and projected a shield using their mana to counteract the heavy atmosphere. The royal family could breathe once more.     

As soon as Saena opened her mouth, a black mist like thing suddenly materialized around the third prince. The black like thing started to resist at first but it soon started to flow towards Saena's mouth. With every second that Saena absorbed the black mist like thing, she started to get damaged.     

The black mist is the curse of the Nymph Queen materializing to the point that everyone could see it which should have been impossible. Adrian tried touching the black mist, but his hand got repelled like last time. The force of the repulsion is not that great, so he did not get sent flying back like last time.     

"This is not good." Adrian suddenly muttered as he could see Saena losing health at a rapid pace. She would die before getting rid of at least 50% of the curse placed on the third prince.     

"Nether Domain. Netheros True Form." Adrian muttered as he turned the king's hall into part of the Nether Realm.     

He also changed to his true form which the royal family saw. Since the royal family is not proficient in using mana, they fainted at the sight of the form of the demon in front of them. Lycan and Solstice were alarmed when they saw the royal family fainting, but they cannot control everything. They are at least alive which is why they did not even bother waking them up.     

Adrian might not know yet, but normal people could potentially lose their minds when they see his real form. The passive skill Paranoia is not something to be used on normal people in the universe of Pandemonium. He has yet to know that his form could only be directly seen by people who can control their mana correctly or else they will fall into despair.     

With Adrian in his real form, Saena also transformed to her Nether Form. Her whole body almost covered a quarter of the room. If they were not gaseous in a sense, then both Adrian and Saena might have destroyed the castle with their forms. Adrian actually had to crouch down a little due to the height of the ceiling.     

The curse is starting to get reduced at a fast rate and Saena is no longer having reduced health every time that she inhales the curse. The problem is that the curse that the Nymph Queen placed on the royal family is now starting to react.     

The runic letters are starting make the area become even more oppressive to the point that the castle started shaking. The guards wanted to come inside of the king's audience hall, but they were told not to enter at all costs. The royal knights decided to see the situation inside of the hall just o make sure even if the king forbade them.     

The moment the royal knights saw a huge demon and a demonic bird in front of the third prince, they immediately became alert and drew their swords. Adrian looked at them and wanted to try to erect a barrier but that would mean failing what he is currently doing right now.     

The third prince might even die if he stops what he is doing. Since Saena cannot process all the curse alone, Adrian has been deciphering every runic letter and creating a counter curse against them to lessen the blow on Saena.     

"Stop! Do not harm the Venerable One!" The king muttered as he regained consciousness, but he looks like he will fall down any minute.     

"Oh! I almost tried to cut their limbs apart. I wanted to at least try and fight a royal knight to see if they are really that powerful." Solstice stated as she crossed her arms in order to hide the blood that she already drew from herself.     

With the royal knights stopped by the king, the process of removing the curse became a breeze. It did not take long for the curse to get reduced to 30% but Adrian's transformation is already over. He reverted back to his normal appearance and the Nether Domain vanished from the room. A cry of a baby could be heard after the process was over.     

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