The Last X



0Chen Yu didn't plan to devote much time or effort to dealing with CEO Wu. After all, the old man was just a middling businessman who had some irritating fetishes, he wasn't worth any significant amount of attention.     

Having located CEO Wu's usual club, Chen Yu dressed in a silk collared shirt and tight shorts that barely covered his hips, tousling his hair to make himself look like a high schooler. CEO Wu's principle seemed to be the younger the better.     

Since he knew that Feng Kuo would find out what he was doing within an hour of stepping foot into the red-light district, he didn't take any detours or hesitate. Reaching the club's entrance, he strolled straight past the bouncers, who skimmed over his tempting outfit and let him in without a comment. The only requirement they had for this category of guests was that their appeal was enough to solicit interest, which Chen Yu fully met.     

Inside, the interior was luxuriously decorated in a modern style. With low lighting and quiet songs playing in the background, the atmosphere was refined, not at all like a nightclub or a brothel. Well-dressed men and women sat on plush black seats, elegantly sipping their wine and surveying the group of attractive youths chatting at the center bar. Occasionally, one of the pretty young things would be summoned over and, if satisfactory, would serve the patron some drinks until they left to a private room.     

Glancing around, Chen Yu sneered.     

Feng Kuo certainly deserved his title as king of the flesh trade. He'd managed to perfectly and cleverly disguise his call house as some sophisticated lounge. Despite the fact that these people were prostitutes and johns in all but name, the veneer of refinement that Feng Kuo maintained protected the dignity of everyone involved without forcing them to sacrifice their pleasure and profit.     

In fact, Chen Yu couldn't comprehend the point of such a pretense. To him, the occupation of selling sex was only as demeaning as the many others that also required monetizing labor, time, and talent. Moreover, he'd long understood that there was never a market without a demand.     

In any case, hypocrisy like this was boring, he was unwilling to stay longer than he needed to.     

When he'd first entered, he'd already spotted CEO Wu in a corner, fondling a petite kid. Casually walking past the two, he patted his pockets as if looking for something and, unable to find it, his eyes became teary and anxious. Coincidentally, he happened to lift this helpless gaze toward CEO Wu.     

This particular degenerate had a secret obsession. He loved to torture beautiful boys until they produced a begging expression exactly like Chen Yu's, so having such a look directed at him immediately sparked his favorite kink.     

Hooked, CEO Wu pushed away the escort he'd been testing out and grabbed Chen Yu before he could pass by. The discarded youth shot a resentful glare at Chen Yu for stealing his target, but since this was a well-regulated place, he huffed away without making a fuss. Anyway, there were plenty of other options besides this pot-bellied old man. It was fortunate for that boy that he'd left easily. If he hadn't, perhaps Chen Yu would have invited him to accompany CEO Wu.     

Meanwhile, because they were in the shadows and Chen Yu had changed his aura entirely, the old man didn't recognize Young Master Ren, so he recklessly dragged him into the booth, cloyingly probing what had made him so sad. When the youth explained that he'd lost his wallet, CEO Wu briefly considered whether this was merely a classic ploy for some money, but staring into this little slut's eyes, the naivete was too genuine to doubt.     

At the thought that he'd caught a virgin, CEO Wu generously promised to replace the wallet for him, making the innocent young man worship him as if he was his savior. Watching boys' admiring expressions collapse into despair once they realized how they'd been tricked was the best stimulant for CEO Wu, he was already so excited at the fantasy that he couldn't wait.     

Leaning close, he enticed, "Why don't we talk somewhere else? Maybe it's fate that we met, we shouldn't miss this chance to learn more about each other."     

Chen Yu nodded shyly, smirking inside. En, he absolutely wouldn't miss this chance.     

The two moved over into a side room that CEO Wu had reserved earlier, which was furnished with a king-size bed, an arrangement of packaged sex toys, and a stack of condoms. In a hidden closet was also a rack of specialized tools.     

The private rooms supposedly didn't have any surveillance, but Chen Yu noticed several pinhole cameras at various angles. Although he could disable them, he didn't bother. Anyway, this was Feng Kuo's club, he wouldn't worry about what was going to be recorded.     

CEO Wu could sense that the boy was nervous, so he offered to massage him to help him relax. But since he wasn't Chen Yu's type, being touched intimately like that would be repulsive. Thus, Chen Yu smoothly turned the tables, insisting that he be the one to give a back rub. The old man happily agreed and, eager to start, quickly stripped and lay face-down on the bed.     

Right when he was expecting some soft touches, however, the boy suddenly opened the closet, picked up some hemp bondage rope, and expertly tied his arms and legs together. CEO Wu swung frantically on his round stomach, but he found that he couldn't free himself at all. Somewhat confused at what this inexperienced boy intended, he twisted his neck around, inquiring, "What is this? You don't have to try to impress me, just follow my instructions."     

Chen Yu laughed. Still couldn't grasp the situation ah? "CEO Wu, don't be stupid. I'm obviously not here to entertain you."     

Perceiving the complete shift in personality, CEO Wu realized he'd been duped. With a frightened tremor, he questioned, "Y-you, what do you want? Money? Backing?" Though he wasn't someone important enough to search out for these things...     

Chen Yu was too lazy to respond, he directly flipped the fat body over and tugged on a pair of gloves. He'd be operating on a sensitive spot, so he should take care not to cause an infection. Pinching the man's shriveled genitals, he smiled, kindly advised, "Don't speak, you might bite your tongue," and clipped everything off with a crisp snip.     

Screams continuously rang out, but this was a luxury club, naturally the rooms were soundproofed. Still, the noise was irritating. In a helpful mood, Chen Yu decided to perform a bonus surgery and removed the man's tongue as well.     

He'd inevitably been splattered with some blood and was moving to wipe it off when his cell phone rang. Damn, Feng Kuo had found him faster than he'd expected.     

Well, he'd have to face the snake at some point. Holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder, he answered while stuffing CEO Wu's shirt into his mouth to block the inarticulate grunts.     

"Uncle Kuo, Jun's at your club." Chen Yu's greeting was slightly sweeter than usual.     

Feng Kuo responded with a cold chuckle. "Yes, you are, aren't you?"     

Blinking artlessly, Chen Yu asked, "Uncle Kuo, are you mad at me?"     

The deep voice on the other end simply commanded, "I'm sending someone to that room to pick you up. Follow him to my office there and wash up. Don't take a step out of my office, wait quietly for me."     

A shower was exactly what Chen Yu was hoping for, so he hummed and hung up. CEO Wu had passed out from the pain during the call, but Chen Yu wasn't concerned about cleaning up the mess. Feng Kuo's subordinates probably had plenty of experience.     

Within fifteen minutes, Feng Kuo strode into his club's office, his teeth itching to bite that naughty child. The bloodstained clothes carelessly strewn on the floor along with the sound of water running reminded him again and again of the vicious scene he'd examined from the surveillance cameras, making him unable to hold back.     

He pulled open the shower door and seized Chen Yu's wet hair, tugging his head back hard. That fragile white throat temptingly presented in front of him, making him uncontrollably sink his teeth in until the taste of iron flooded his mouth. Watching Jun carry out his brutally neat act of violence with that intoxicating, evil look drove him wild, he couldn't stop his madness, he was bursting with the urge to drain every drop of blood from Jun and replace it with his own.     

Chen Yu struggled a bit, but when he found that he couldn't free himself without deepening the bite, he decided to show some weakness.     

At Jun's whimpers of pain, Feng Kuo startled awake from his frenzy. Seeing the thin, shivering body, he hurriedly grabbed a thick towel and wrapped him up, and once the trembling subsided a bit, he carried him outside the bathroom. The room remained silent as he sat down on the desk chair, settling his pet sideways on top of his lap.     

Stroking the teeth marks on Jun's neck, his gaze darkened but he knew he had to curb his desires, so in an attempt to distract himself, he murmured, "What's your relationship with CEO Wu?"     

Because Chen Yu felt that in the end, his actions could negatively affect Feng Kuo's business, he didn't complain about the pain, instead docilely producing his prepared story of how the old man had groped him inappropriately at Ren Anjing's funeral.     

Hearing that there hadn't been other interactions beyond that, Feng Kuo was relieved. He clarified, "So you two didn't meet separately? You didn't like it when he touched you?"     

The tone of these questions was rather odd. Chen Yu raised his eyebrows. Did Feng Kuo really imagine his standards were so low? Nevertheless, he assured his lover that of course he wasn't attracted to anyone but him.     

But reviewing his memory, Feng Kuo wasn't satisfied. He'd inspected the video and viewed how Jun had worn revealing clothes, smiled at that old bastard, touched another man's naked body. It appeared he'd been too indulgent, his pet needed to be taught a lesson.     

Seeing Feng Kuo tap his fingers slowly, Chen Yu understood that his lover hadn't calmed down, so he didn't relax. All at once, however, he was flipped over Feng Kuo's knees, trapped like he had been in the car during their second encounter. He didn't even have time to prepare himself before several smacks landed on his buttocks.     

Feng Kuo barely paused to sweep the towel away, exposing Jun's naked body completely, then continued spanking until the creamy, tender skin flushed a delicious red.     

Chen Yu bit his lip and endured the humiliation. Although he could have escaped if he used his full strength, he didn't want to injure Feng Kuo in the process. Besides, he didn't usually play such games, but he felt that this...wasn't bad every so often.     

Scrutinizing Jun's round hips bouncing with every slap and the slim thighs rubbing together whenever his calloused palm approached, Feng Kuo hoarsely demanded, "Pet, you know what you've done wrong, don't you?"     

Chen Yu raised a tearstained face and nodded, but Feng Kuo refused to give in so easily this time. Gripping the narrow jaw, he pushed his thumb into Jun's mouth, stroking the soft, wet tongue, and insisted, "Tell me."     

By now, Chen Yu knew very well that his lover didn't care about any potential loss to his reputation, the vinegar jar had simply overturned again. So, while pouting, he lightly sucked on Feng Kuo's thumb and lisped, "I thouldn't ha' touche' him."     

Feng Kuo's eyes flashed. Even if he recognized that Jun was beguiling him with that unspeakably cute and seductive move, he couldn't help but fall for it. He lightly seated the boy by his feet and stood up, unbuckling his pants, then rasped out, "Good boy, then you should work hard to earn forgiveness, shouldn't you?"     

Chen Yu hummed inside. This truly was quite interesting. Kneeling properly, he rubbed his cheek against Feng Kuo's thigh and peeked up through his long eyelashes. In a soft voice, he obediently replied, "Yes, Uncle Kuo."     

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