Journey To Become A True God

plans to tackle Baisheng and his accomplices

plans to tackle Baisheng and his accomplices


After getting what he wanted, Ye Chen immediately returned to the hospital where Liu Yue was.


What Ye Chen discovered could definitely make Liu Yue very shocked.

After a while, Ye Chen finally returned to the hospital, Ye Chen went straight to the balcony of the hospital.

Luckily it's nighttime, so no one will notice Ye Chen's existence.

Ye Chen didn't waste any time, he immediately rushed over to Situ Rui's ward.

Liu Yue kept looking for Ye Chen's whereabouts, Ye Chen's car was still in this hospital, but Liu Yue's current whereabouts Ye Chen.

Liu Yue heard the sound of the door opening, Liu Yue immediately looked at the entrance.

When Liu Yue looked at the entrance, Liu Yue saw that the person who had opened the door was Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, where have you going? " Liu Yue immediately asked where Ye Chen had just disappeared.

"I was going to look for a clue about who the mastermind is who poisoned your grandmother, and what a coincidence I found something interesting." Ye Chen opened his cell phone and showed Liu Yue something, Ye Chen showed Liu Yue the video of the conversation between Bai Sheng and Du Yao. 

"Bai Sheng, you dare to do that to my grandmother and me, just watch out for you." After seeing the video shown by Ye Chen, Liu Yue immediately shouted in a quite high tone.

"Yue'Er what's wrong?" Situ Rui who was sleeping suddenly woke up from her sleep.

"Grandma, see what Bai Sheng wants to do to us." Liu Yue took the cell phone in Ye Chen's hand and showed Situ Rui the video about Bai Sheng's plan.

After seeing the Whole Video from start to finish, Situ Rui raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

"Bai Sheng I can't believe that your real face is like this, if only I had known this before, I would have kicked you out of the company a long time ago." Situ Rui also seems very angry with what Bai Sheng has done to her.

Once Bai Sheng was helped by Situ Rui when he was in trouble finding a job, Bai Sheng used to be a very poor young man who had nothing.

after Situ Rui picked it up and provided a decent job for Bai Sheng within his company, Bai Sheng's life started to improve.

As time went by, Bai Sheng showed his excellent work, and over the years Bai Sheng finally climbed the top and was appointed by Situ Rui to become a representative in Liu's company, after which Bai Sheng became Situ Rui's trusted person.

The edge turned out that Situ Rui was wrong, the person Who Situ Rui thought was the most Trustworthy Turns out to be the Tiger in the blanket, moreover Bai Sheng now has made 80% of the shareholders on his side.

If these people took their money from the company, then the company would definitely incur a huge loss, Situ Rui didn't want that to happen.

"Ye Chen, where did you get this video? "Situ Rui is very curious about how Ye Chen got this Video.

"Grandma Rui, you don't need to know how I can get this Video, what we need to think about right now is to find a way to deal with Bai Sheng and the people around him", if Ye Chen explained how to get this Video to Situ Rui, it would be Situ Rui. won't believe it.

"Ye Chen, do you have a plan for this?" Liu Yue asked if Ye Chen had a plan in this matter.

"Of course I have a pretty good plan, but you two have to play in it." Ye Chen already has a plan to deal with Bai Sheng and those rogue shareholders.

Ye Chen started telling Liu Yue and Situ Rui his plan.

Liu Yue: "That's a very good idea, but the problem is do you have any evidence of embezzlement by Bai Sheng and the shareholders? ".

"Of course, I have all the evidence that Bai Sheng and the shareholders did." Ye Chen took out a document and handed it to Liu Yue.

Liu Yue immediately picked up, The document that was in Ye Chen's hand, she began to look at the contents inside, after seeing the contents inside, Liu Yue was completely dumbfounded by the amount of embezzlement committed by Bai Sheng and the shareholders in her company.

This document really contained all of the embezzlement of funds in her company, Liu Yue wondered where Ye Chen got all this from, This made Ye Chen even more and more mysterious to Liu Yue.

Situ Rui was also a little curious about what was in the Documents that Ye Chen just released, after seeing the amount of money that had been embezzled in her company, Situ Rui was also unable to believe this.

All in all, this embezzlement value was almost 30% of the current total value of Liu Group's shares, this was an enormous amount, and this matter had not been known to her for many years.

It seemed that many of her employees were also plotting with Bai Sheng and hiding embezzlement from Situ Rui and also Liu Yue, after this matter was resolved Situ Rui would definitely seek out and sue these people.

Situ Rui: "I agree with Ye Chen's plan, we'd better do it as soon as possible Tomorrow, Yue'er Hurry up and arrange everything properly so that this Plan can succeed One Hundred Percent".

Liu Yue "alright, grandma, I will try my best to do it".

 Liu Yue immediately called her Secretary and asked her to inform all shareholders to have a meeting tomorrow afternoon in the main building.

"Grandma Rui, this is a pill for you. I hope that after eating this pill you can get well soon." Ye Chen took out a bottle which contained a Green Pill, Ye Chen handed this pill to Situ Rui.

"Thank you very much" there Rui received the bottle from Ye Chen's hand, there Rui did not forget to thank Ye Chen.

"Then I will go home first" Because it was quite late Ye Chen wanted to go back to his villa immediately.

Liu Yue: "alright, but don't forget to come to the meeting Tomorrow, you are an important witness in this matter".

"Of course, tomorrow I will definitely come, you don't have to worry." After Ye Chen said goodbye to Liu Yue and Situ Rui, Ye Chen left the ward.

Situ Rui: " Yue'Er you found a very good young man, is Ye Chen your boyfriend? ".

 Hearing what her grandmother said, Liu Yue's face immediately turned red, "Grandma what are you saying, me and Ye Chen are just ordinary friends, we don't have a special relationship." Liu Yue immediately denied her grandmother's words.

"Hahaha, look at your red face, grandma doesn't mind if you have a lover, at your current age you should be married." Rui's grandmother started teasing Liu Yue.

Liu Yue "Grandma don't tease me anymore or I'll start ignoring you".

"Fine, I won't tease you anymore" Situ Rui smiled at her granddaughter's shy behavior.

After chatting for a while with Liu Yue, Situ Rui rested again so that tomorrow would have the strength to attend the meeting.

After leaving Situ Rui's ward, Ye Chen came out of the hospital, Ye Chen immediately went to the place where he parked his car.

Ye Chen did not get on his car, instead Ye Chen put his car into the fairy gate storage room, Ye Chen had better fly to shorten the time to return to his villa.

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