Journey To Become A True God

Ye Chen was arrested

Ye Chen was arrested


Ye Chen escorted Lin Rouxi and her mother to the hotel, Lin Rouxi's mother's attitude towards Ye Chen also began to change, while on the way Sui Xi asked Ye Chen many things.


8 minutes later Ye Chen arrived at the hotel door, after arriving at the hotel entrance Lin Rouxi and Sui Xi got off Ye Chen's car.

"Ye Chen, thank you for the ride." Sui Xi thanked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen: "It doesn't matter aunt, after all, it is my duty to take you off the horse safely"

After saying thank you, Sui Xi walked first to the entrance of the hotel, Lin Rouxi approached Ye Chen's car window glass, Lin Rouxi began to whisper into Ye Chen's ear.

"Ye Chen, thank you very much, because of you I was able to get out of trouble, I am very indebted to you." Lin Rouxi suddenly kissed Ye Chen's cheek, without saying much else Lin Rouxi immediately left following her mother's steps disappearing into the hotel.

Ye Chen did not expect that Teacher Lin would suddenly kiss him, was this a gift from Lin Rouxi's teacher for him, Ye Chen smiled towards Lin Rouxi's disappearance, even though it was just a play, Ye Chen really enjoyed being lovers with Lin Rouxi.

Ye Chen didn't want to stay here any longer, he stepped on the gas pedal and headed back to his villa.

Lin Rouxi who was walking behind her mother currently had a face that was red like an apple, for some reason she suddenly kissed Ye Chen before, even though it was only a kiss on the cheek it felt quite embarrassing for Lin Rouxi.

"Ah stupid, how can I face Ye Chen as tomorrow's teacher." The current Lin Rouxi didn't know how she felt for Ye Chen.

because of Lin Rouxi's current position as a teacher, she did not allow herself to fall in love with her own disciple.

This matter became extremely complicated for Lin Rouxi.



Ye Chen drove his car Toward his villa, the speed of this car is almost 100km / hour on a road that is quite busy with passing cars.

"Wiu. . . . . Wiu. . . . . Wiu. . . . . Wiu. . . . . Wiu. . . . . Wiu. . . . . "When Ye Chen was driving, a police siren was heard from behind Ye Chen's car.

Ye Chen immediately looked at his car rearview mirror, at this time Ye Chen could see that a police car was following him.

"The person in the car, pull over to the side of the road right now, you have violated the maximum speed limit set on this road" the police in the car warned Ye Chen over a loudspeaker.

Ye Chen did not expect that at night there were still police patrolling, if Ye Chen was caught then his business would be quite troublesome, Ye Chen hated dealing with the police the most, it was quite troublesome for Ye Chen, who is now a cultivator.

Ye Chen didn't want to stop, he increased the speed of his car, Ye Chen tried to run away from the police car behind him.

The police did not expect Ye Chen's car to run away so easily, the police began to pick up speed, the police car began to catch up with Ye Chen's car.

The chase was unavoidable, the police were still several tens of meters behind Ye Chen's car, if like this continued Ye Chen could not escape from the police chase, if this lasted any longer then there would definitely be police who would come and help pursue her.

Ye Chen didn't want that to happen, Ye Chen started to accelerate his car again, Ye Chen chose a route that was quite busy, Ye Chen passed a lot of cars very easily As if he was a professional racer.

The police saw that the distance between this car and Ye Chen's was getting further away, this road was very busy, if anyone dared to drive at such a speed, then it can be ascertained that there was one possibility, namely an accident, for this reason the police no longer chased the car belonged to Ye Chen.

even though Ye Chen's car escaped, the police managed to get Ye Chen's car number, so the police only needed to notify another police to help find Ye Chen's car plate.

Ye Chen saw that the police car that was following him was no longer there, without Ye Chen being alone he was far from the city center, at this time Ye Chen headed towards the hill on the outskirts of this city.

This hill is very famous in this city because it has a very good night view, not only can you see a very beautiful night city view, here also people can see the view of the stars above the sky very clearly.

Ye Chen drove his car up to the top of the hill, from up here Ye Chen could see a pretty good scene, Ye Chen was not alone, there were some people who were enjoying the same scenery as Ye Chen did.

Among these people, there was a woman that Ye Chen was most attracted to, a woman currently wearing a black dress, the age of this woman was around 25/26 years.

This woman has a beautiful face, with a perfectly tall body, what is interesting about this woman's body is the long legs and plump butt that she has.

The reason Ye Chen was attracted to this woman was because this woman turned out to be a cultivator, let alone a woman's level This was quite high, the level of this woman was the 4th level of Earth Realm.

on earth, very few people reach that stage, let alone this woman is still a 25/26 year old , seeing her level of strength which is quite strong, it is likely that this woman comes from an ancient sect / ancient family.

The woman looked at Ye Chen, Ye Chen could see a slight smile on the face of a beautiful woman.

Beautiful Woman moved from where she was standing, she headed towards Ye Chen, the beautiful woman stopped right in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't know what this beautiful woman wanted, could this woman know that Ye Chen was also a cultivator?.

Ye Chen immediately threw away such thoughts, after all Ye Chen had a higher cultivation base than this woman, so this woman couldn't possibly know that she was a cultivator.

"Your car looks good, is this yours alone? "It turns out that the first thing this beautiful woman asked about was the luxury car behind Ye Chen.

"Yes this is my own car, so what? "Ye Chen is suspicious of this woman, why is the first thing this woman asks is her car, does this beautiful woman intend to steal her car, but how could such a beautiful woman become a thief.

"I see, then can you stretch out one of your hands", the beautiful woman suddenly wanted Ye Chen to stretch out his hand.

Out of curiosity Ye Chen stretched out his hand, he wanted to see what this woman would do to him.

"Clank. . . . " After hearing the Voice just now, Ye Chen saw that his hand were suddenly handcuffed, while the other handcuffs were in the hands of a beautiful woman.

Ye Chen: "-_- '"

"Er, beautiful sister, what does this mean? "Ye Chen doesn't know why this beautiful woman suddenly handcuffed himself.

"You have violated traffic rules and also ran away from the police, that's why you and your car have to come to the office to carry out your responsibilities" a beautiful woman pulled out her police badge from her wallet.

Ye Chen "-_-".

Ye Chen did not expect that this beautiful woman was actually the Police, Ye Chen had just voluntarily surrendered himself to this beautiful police, if Ye Chen knew this beforehand Ye Chen would rather go away from this woman.

"What are you waiting for hurry into the car and come with me to the police station right now" The beautiful police scolded Ye Chen.

"Beautiful police maybe you have the wrong person, I am a good citizen. There's no way I will break the rules." Ye Chen is looking for an excuse to escape from this beautiful police.

"You want to lie to me, your car number has been listed, so I can't be wrong to catch other people." The beautiful police sneered at Ye Chen because he wanted to try to trick him, did this young man think he was a stupid woman who would be easily tricked.

The beautiful police immediately dragged Ye Chen into the car, the Police asked for Ye Chen's car keys, the female police drove the car leaving the hill to the Police station.

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