Journey To Become A True God

1 vs 100 people

1 vs 100 people


Ye Chen went to the parking lot, he immediately put his sports car into the fairy gate storage room. 


After finding out that the fairy gate had a storage space bigger than the storage ring he had, Ye Chen now started storing all of his belongings in the fairy gate storage room.

Ye Chen returned to his villa by flying, he felt that this method was much faster than driving a sports car.

A few moments later Ye Chen returned to his villa, after arriving at his villa, Ye Chen immediately entered the fairy gate.

After entering the fairy gate Ye Chen tried to find Zhao Yanyan's, whereabouts , he was quite homesick for Zhao Yanyan, when Ye Chen was looking for Zhao Yanyan, it turned out that Zhao Yanyan was not inside the Fairy Gate, it seemed Zhao Yanyan didn't enter the Fairy Gate.

Ye Chen was a little disappointed when he didn't find Zhao Yanyan in this place.

"Master, who are you looking for?" Chu Yuechan suddenly stood beside Ye Chen's body.

"Yuechan, didn't Yanyan come here?" Ye Chen asked if Zhao Yanyan had come here before.

Chu Yuechan: "Yanyan's younger sister came here after school, I have trained him here for a long time, maybe now she is very tired and is resting in her place".

"Actually, what training did you give Yanyan until she was exhausted." Ye Chen was afraid that Chu Yuechan would torture Zhao Yanyan with quite a heavy training.

Chu Yuechan: "Yes, of course physical and mental training, that is what little sister Yanyan needs to become stronger immediately, although little sister Yanyan has a fairly high cultivation base, her physical strength is still quite weak, therefore I trained her very tightly. ".

Ye Chen knew that climbing the path to becoming a cultivator was not easy, before becoming like this Ye Chen also experienced the same thing that Zhao Yanyan was experiencing at this time.

Ye Chen remembered that the first training Gu Xuan gave him was 200x push-ups, 200x sit-ups, 200x squat jumps, 200x weight lifting 200x and running 20 km.

but thanks to that practice, Ye Chen is now a great cultivator.

since Zhao Yanyan wasn't there, Ye Chen decided to go cultivate in the practice room.

Ye Chen said goodbye to Chu Yuechan and went to the practice room.

Time began to pass very quickly when Ye Chen was cultivating.

When Ye Chen finished cultivating and walked out of the fairy gate, it was already morning.

Ye Chen immediately took a shower and went to school, Ye Chen didn't use the car because he didn't want to be the center of attention in his school.

When Ye Chen passed the road he used to walk, Ye Chen felt strange because normally this road would have many people passing by, but today not a single person would pass on this road.

When Ye Chen used his Spirit Sense to detect around here, Ye Chen found about 100 people carrying sharp weapons hiding in several corners of this place.

Ye Chen felt that he was now being trapped by someone.

Ye Chen pretended not to know and continued walking forward.

When Ye Chen arrived at a strategic place, the people who were previously hiding started to come out one by one with the sharp weapons they were carrying, there were about 100 people who had sharp weapons in their hands.

These people stood a few meters in front of Ye Chen, those people opened a path in the middle of the crowd, it seemed that the person who came out from behind the line was their big boss.

The big boss of the people was wearing a fur coat and was smoking a cigar in his mouth.

Ye Chen really doesn't know this person, Ye Chen never remembers having a problem with these people.

"What do you want from me?" Ye Chen asked the boss of these people.

"Brother Wolf, it is he who has dared to say that he can get our Gangster off the face of this earth," a young man came out of the crowd , this young man said to the man wearing a fur coat.

Ye Chen was very familiar with this young man, these people were the bad guys sent by Sen Tu yesterday, Ye Chen did not expect that this person would still dare to find trouble with him, even after Ye Chen warned them yesterday.

"What are you waiting for, hurry go kill that person, I want you to bring his head to me." The boss gangster ordered everyone to kill Ye Chen.

One hundred people advanced towards Ye Chen, all these Gangsters really wanted to try to kill Ye Chen.

How could a normal person like this be a match against Ye Chen.

Ye Chen just needs to use his bare hands to beat these people.

"BAM ... BAM ... BAM ... BAM ... BAM ... BAM ... BAM ... BAM ..." The gangster men who attacked Ye Chen, At Flying One by one by Ye Chen.

one person barehanded was capable of fighting 100 people wielding weapons, this was a battle that an ordinary person could not imagine.

the result really made people couldn't believe that 1 person could actually stress 100 people to that extent.

The red wolf  boss who saw this could hardly believe it, he saw Ye Chen like a general rampaging on the battlefield, none of his subordinates could prevent Ye Chen from rampaging.

The 100 people were immediately reduced to 50, and 50 reduced to 25, until 100 people were actually lying on the ground with their mouths bleeding.

The red wolf boss really couldn't believe what his eyes had just seen, the red wolf gangster boss started to think of Ye Chen as a monster that nothing could stop him.

Ye Chen started walking towards the  boss Red Wolf.

"Don't come near or I'll shoot you." The boss Red Wolf took out a gun from his coat pocket, he started pointing the gun that was in his hand at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen ignored the threat from the boss of the red wolf, he kept walking closer towards the  boss Red Wolf.

Seeing Ye Chen getting closer to him, the  boss gangster had no choice but to pull the trigger of the gun that was in his hand.

"Bang" this man fired his gun at Ye Chen, the bullet immediately shot and hit Ye Chen's head.

The bullet was unable to penetrate Ye Chen's head, the bullet that just hit Ye Chen has now turned into a flat coin.

The bullet just now felt like someone had thrown itself with a small pebble, it didn't feel at all to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen accelerated his steps towards the boss red wolf.

The boss of the gangster  named Ai Lang, Ai Lang was shocked when he saw that Ye Chen was not injured even after being hit by a bullet.

Ai Lang's body began to shudder, Ai Lang felt that he had just offended someone he could not offend, Ai Lang immediately bowed and asked Ye Chen's forgiveness.

"ancestors, please forgive me for offending you" Ai Lang bowed and apologized to Ye Chen, now Ai Lang believes that someone like Ye Chen can indeed make the entire Red Wolf disappear from the face of this earth.

Ai Lang started cursing his men who offended a strong person like Ye Chen.

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