Villain Cultivator

Level 9 Isolation Training Space – Part 2

Level 9 Isolation Training Space – Part 2

0Chapter 429 – Level 9 Isolation Training Space – Part 2     

"Aiya, this reminds me of that shitty story. How many chapters does that novel have now?"     

Miaomiao faintly recalled an extremely long web novel about a farmer god, who could travel back and forth between his farm dimension and other worlds.     

The last time that he checked, it was over 10,000 chapters! He wondered how many chapters it had now after two years.     

Miaomiao shook his head and discarded the thoughts. He browsed the system shop, which had been ignored for over a year.     

The obsolete items had been replaced with advanced items, such as sky-grade artifacts, cultivation pills for foundation establishment realm cultivators, and elemental pills.     

At the top of the menu, two bright tabs lit up and glittered as it was highlighted. Miaomiao touched the tab to check it.     

The first new tab showed the farm items, such as spiritual seeds, various types of fertilizer with different quality, elemental spring water, greenhouse formation spell, pest repellent, and tools.     

The second one contained mining tools and equipment, such as drills, special pickaxes, mining carts, railroads, etc.     

At the bottom of each tab, special building icons shone in rainbow color. It also attracted Miaomiao's attention.     


Basic Farm Plot     

Size: One Acre     

Price: 100 LE Coins     

You need a plot of farm before you can utilize the farming mode.     


Farm Warehouse     

Size: 20,000 Square Feet     

Price: 5,000 LE Coins     

You need a Farm Warehouse to store or materialize crops into real objects.     


The icons were similar to farming games that Miaomiao barely remembered. However, the issue was something that Miaomiao didn't understand.     

"What is LE coin?"     



"How do I get these coins, then?"     



The exchange rate was too expensive. Miaomiao glanced at his status menu to check his current stock.     


[Basic Information]     

Name: Mao Miaomiao     

Cultivation Rank: Mid 5th Stage (Foundation Establishment Realm)     

[Energy Pool]     

Current Life Essence: 1.4 Quadrillion Liters     

Dantian Capacity: 1.4 Quadrillion Liters     

[Daily Energy Regeneration Rate]     

One Percent of Max Dantian Capacity per Minute     


After all the rewards and radiation bathing under Cernun World Tree, Miaomiao's LE storage expanded once more. The number was so inflated to the point that Miaomiao wondered how many digits Quadrillion was.     

"So, 1,000 coins per day?"     


"I know, Dion. I'll be EXTREMELY careful."     

Miaomiao grumbled as he tested the new mode by exchanging his energy into 1,000 coins right away.     

The surge of power suddenly left him, and Miaomiao's knees became soft. He almost fainted while Xu Chu had been milking him nonstop.     

Miaomiao ignored the nauseous and the dizziness. He navigated his system menu and bought the first plot of farm. Then, his gamer instinct controlled his fingers to the farm shop tab to buy seeds, fertilizer, and water for the farm.     

He skimmed through the seed list to compare the tiers of each plant. Then, he discovered something unusual under the limited offering section.     


Seed of Worker Dryad     

Price: 200 LE Coins     

Yield: One Foundation Establishment Realm Dryad     

Maturity Time: 50 Years ITS     

Preferred Fertilizer: Wood Element Compost     

Preferred Water: Clean Water, Wood Element Spring Water     

Worker Dryads can automatically tend farmlands for you as long as you have enough fertilizer, water, and tools for them. One dryad can only manage one acre of farmland.     

Note: You may use them in dual-cultivation mode to raise their strength.     


Seed of Warrior Dryad     

Price: 1,000 LE Coins     

Yield: One Core Pillar Realm Dryad     

Maturity Time: 500 Years ITS     

Preferred Fertilizer: Wood Element Compost, Mammal Blood     

Preferred Water: Wood Element Spring Water, Mammal Blood     

Warrior Dryads are versatile. They can be used to tend farms like worker dryads, and they can be transferred to the real world and live there if you have a Multi-Dimension Teleportation Formation Platform.     

Note: You may use them in dual-cultivation mode to raise their strength.     


Seed of Elite Warrior Dryad (LOCKED)     

Price: 5,000 LE Coins     

Yield: One Nascent Soul Realm Dryad     

Maturity Time: 5,000 Years ITS     

Preferred Fertilizer: Chloro Element Fertilizer     

Preferred Water: Cultivator Blood Essence, Human Semen     

Leaders of Warrior Dryads, Elite Dryads can be assigned as commanders of Warrior Dryads or Worker Dryads. You may delegate your command and allow these commanders to automatically work or use their judgment. They can also be sent to the real world if you have a Multi-Dimension Teleportation Formation Platform.     

Note: You may use them in dual-cultivation mode to raise their strength.     


Aside from ordinary spiritual herbs, which cost only less than 100 coins, the unique seeds produced worker and warrior dryads instead of normal plants. Moreover, the limited sale would end within a month in the real world.     

In short, Miaomiao could only exchange 30,000 coins to buy these goodies.     

Unfortunately, the top-tier item was locked for some reason.     

The worker dryad icon showed a preview of their final form. They would come out as little girls in their pre-teen with delicate smooth skin and cute faces.     

The warrior ones were average dryads that Miaomiao used to have an orgy with. They were freshly grown women, who seemed to be 18 or 19. From Miaomiao's perspective, they were ripe for the picking.     

As for the last item, the image showed a gorgeous MILF dryad with a bountiful bosom. Just by looking at the picture, Miaomiao's erected penis got even harder, which made Xu Chu moaned louder in joy.     

Miaomiao felt pity as he couldn't buy the elite warrior seed to create extra Hopea or MILF dryads.     

"One day in real life is equal to two years in ITS. So, a basic dryad seed needs 25 days IRL to grow, but another one needs 250 days? That's a freaking long time."     



"I know. Jeez."     

Miaomiao shook his head as he compared other normal crops and premium seeds in the shop.     


Hours later, Miaomiao made his decision. He decided to buy three seeds of worker dryads, farming tools, and required fertilizer. As for water, Miaomiao planned to use Unified Element Spring Water as he could get them for free from Siren City.     

The farming operation was simple as Miaomiao could manage it with his system menu as if it was a farming game.     

He first picked the location of the farmland and a hexagon map showed up. Green and red areas told Miaomiao if he could place it there.     

Miaomiao frowned as 95% area in the space was occupied by trees, bushes, weeds, stones, and random mineral resources. He had to create several clones of himself to clear a portion of forest and land to place the farmland.     

After cleaning the field like real farmers, Miaomiao successfully placed the farm on the screen.      

An acre of plowed farm appeared in a distance and replaced the grassland that Miaomiao's clones had just cleared.     

Next, Miaomiao's clones buried the seeds of worker dryads to the plowed soil. They didn't forget to add fertilizer and water them with elixir.     






"Now, that feels like a game. I guess I have a game to play to kill time now."     



"No. Sex is sex. Sex is never a time-killing activity!"     


Dion sounded disgusted, but Miaomiao ignored her. He changed the subject.     

"By the way, what's Multi-Dimension Teleportation Formation Platform? I don't see it in the building list.     


Miaomiao glanced at the locked features, which were marked as [???]. His eyes focused on a certain line.     

"Since the teleportation is linked between ITS and the real world, I assume I need all space-and-time murals, am I right?"     


"So you don't know? Are you dumb, Dion? I can easily deduct this from miles away."     



Dion stopped giving Miaomiao feedback as she had fun teasing her master. On the other hand, Miaomiao was enraged, and he took it on Xu Chu during sex.     

Still, it pleased the succubus ancestor instead. She liked it when Miaomiao was rough and aggressive.     

Furthermore, Miaomiao's Life Essence and his semen's quality were better than before. Xu Chu believed that she wouldn't be able to find someone with this clean and vigorous energy as Miaomiao in the three realms since it was filled with LIFE.     

Even without soul stones, Xu Chu was drunk after her womb digested a liter of semen.     


= Miaomiao's Room =     

The door was slightly and slowly opened while a pair of pupils peeked into the room.     

A certain rabbit girl sneaked into the room as quietly as possible. She gently closed the door without letting out a sound.     

With wet panties, Zhao Yun crept upon Miaomiao, who had been sleeping soundly on a bed. Though his manhood stood erected.     

Zhao Yun gulped as she stared at the pitched tent as crawled closer to him. Like a predator, she was determined that she would catch the "prey" today!     

As Zhao Yun managed to get on the bed, the sounds of footsteps got closer to the front door of Miaomiao's room.     

By reflex, Zhao Yun activated her super speed and hid in the nearby closet.     

The door was opened.     

Wei Yuan looked around in Miaomiao's room with a deep frown. She mumbled to herself.     

"I clearly sensed someone earlier…"     

Zhao Yun covered her mouth and used her racial ability to hide her presence and suppress her Qi. Her aura vanished as if she became one with the clothes inside the closet.     

Wei Yuan tilted her head as she scanned the room with her Qi sense.     

The strands of Qi sense touched Zhao Yun's arms and legs, but it didn't notice her. They passed through her body as if they were ghosts.     

Wei Yuan couldn't find anyone in the room. She heaved a sigh of relief, "Was it my imagination? I guess I'm being too paranoid."     

Despite saying that, she walked closer to Miaomiao. Then, she glanced at his erected pole.     

"Even in your sleep, you're dreaming about sex? Oh, right. He's probably doing it with Xu Chu again."     

Wei Yuan clicked her tongue as she took off his pants. Then, she stripped her clothes and began riding him.     


Zhao Yun stared at Wei Yuan, astonished and shocked by her bold action. She kept watching her until Wei Yuan was satisfied and left on her own.     

After Wei Yuan left the room, Zhao Yun kept staying in the closet for another hour without disabling her Qi suppression ability.     

After the sunset and no one came to Miaomiao's room, Zhao Yun slowly got out of the closet. She gazed at Miaomiao's naked lower parts.     

Wei Yuan had cleaned the mess she had made, but she didn't put Miaomiao's pants back on. His thing was still stood tall, leaking transparent juice from the tip.     

Zhao Yun's round pupils reflected the image of the glorious cockatoo. She drooled.     

Losing her patience, she mimicked Wei Yuan, taking off her clothes. Then, she nervously touched the thing.     

'Here goes nothing. I'm sorry, Senior Mao. I can't restrain myself.'     


Outside the door, Wei Yuan, Kang Yan, and many yin slaves had been planting their ears on the wall, listening to the muffled voice of Zhao Yun.     

Upon confirming that Zhao Yun really did it, the gang quietly high-fived.     

Jiang Lan heaved a sigh of relief while Wei Yuan held back her laughter.     

"She is really bold for someone at her age," Wei Yuan giggled.     

"Talking about boldness, you take the cake, Sister Yuan. You and Miaomiao did it and broadcast everything to the public."     

"That time, I didn't know that my adventure was being live. Heck, I wouldn't have done it if I had known. Anyway, the annoying part is done."     

"Not yet," Mao Dandan, who was among the gang, raised her hand. She smiled and glanced at the other room on the other side of the mansion wing.     


The other girls understood the gesture. They gazed and smirked at a certain room, which belonged to a dignified beast queen.     

"When should we bait her?"     

Wei Yuan brought out a piece of a 1st-grade soul stone, "I have an idea. Though I can't give it to anybody here yet because of nasty world law, it has many usages."     








While Miaomiao had been lying on the ground and letting Xu Chu do her things, Dion suddenly informed him about the quest that he forgot.     

"What kind of quest is that?"     

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