Villain Cultivator

Dantian Upgrade

Dantian Upgrade

0Chapter 261 – Dantian Upgrade     

After a brief discussion, Pang Lingming, Ma Ping, and Ma Shoucheng decided to follow Zhao Bao to the orc camp as they wanted to assist the monk. As for other experts, they remained in the city to guard the base.     

As for Cao Mao, his appearance reverted to a human.     

Suddenly, as if he needed to urgently take a dump, he rushed to the yin slave mansion without hiding his blue face. He picked a random room to sleep.     

Just now when he had been chatting with the elders, the second essence river suddenly self-upgraded into another essence sea, but his dantian capacity was at its limit. Thus, the subspace in his body became like a balloon, which was about to burst from the excess amount of air.     











It was a weird logic no matter how Cao Mao saw it, but he couldn't refute it since it involved his life and death. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.     

As soon as Cao Mao reopened his eyes and entered the space, he found himself in the middle of an ocean. In shock, Cao Mao swam to the surface to gasp for air.     

When Cao Mao reached the surface, his head hit something hard as if there was a ceiling on top of the ocean. However, no ceiling was visible other than the sky and white clouds. It was as if there was an invisible barrier on top of the ocean surface.     

'What the hell is going on here!?'     

Cao Mao looked around while he was underwater. Fortunately, the water was transparent. Combining with his improved senses, he could see everything as if he was wearing diving goggles.     

Not far from his location, Xu Chu's body was floating on top of the ocean water. She was bobbling up and down as the ceiling barrier bounced her back into the ocean. The sea waves also drifted her body around.     

Cao Mao panicked. He swam closer to Xu Chu, worrying that she might have been drowned to death.     

His worry was for nothing as Xu Chu was still alive. Even when she had been bounced back underwater, she breathed normally as if the ocean water had no effect on her lungs.     

Cao Mao was surprised. Then, he remembered that he had a skill that could be used in this situation. He activated one of his forgotten skills, the Turtle Breathing Technique.     

The Silver Phoenix Sect's disciples usually practiced this technique to extract yin Qi from spirit stones and refined stones, but the technique could also be used as an underwater breathing skill.     

As soon as Cao Mao could breathe underwater, he was relieved. He relaxed and started inspecting the Isolation Training Space.     

When Cao Mao was calm, he could see everything clearly.     

'My dantian is full, and the space is full of water… So, this is the current state of my dantian?'     

Currently, Cao Mao was swimming in a sealed container, which had been filled with water to the brim. There was neither dry land nor space to get on top of the water.     

In another word, the ITS had turned into a water world.     

'Oh, boy. I can't summon my cute slaves to dual-cultivate… Do I have to use her again?'     

Cao Mao turned to the sleeping beauty, Xu Chu. It seemed that he had to do her underwater.     


Thirty minutes later     

The underwater sex was awkward. Not only did it was Cao Mao's first time to have sex underwater, but the chaotic gravity in the ocean also made it hard to move.     

In the end, Cao Mao took a long time to adjust his positions and get into the mood. Fortunately, the slipperiness of Xu Chu's onahole and her suction force were enough to make him cum.     

As Cao Mao didn't know how he could expand his dantian capacity via manual dual-cultivation, he relied on the auto-mode for now.     






'Oh? So, I have to give up condensing Life Essence? How does this dantian expansion works, system?'     


'Hold it! So, will my yin slaves be alright if I extract their vital energy?'     


'Wait, what!?'     

Something wasn't right about this process. Cao Mao started to get paranoid.     



Cao Mao had goosebumps. He felt like he had done something wrong to Xu Chu, but she didn't seem to care.     

'Won't this turn me into one of the cliché villain dual-cultivators?'     


Vital Yin Core was something that Cao Mao had long forgotten about it since it could only increase his Qi generation rate. After he had evolved his bone marrow multiple times, he thought that it had been swallowed or removed by the system.     

Currently, Vital Yin Core was still dormant within Cao Mao's bone marrow, continuously produced Yin Qi and Yin Essence, which was automatically fed unified elemental blood cells and make Cao Mao's appearance more beautiful whenever he reverted back to a human form.     

'I still have that useless shit?'     


Cao Mao hadn't realized it yet. Now, with his current upgraded human form, if he put on a dress and let his hair down, he could easily be mistaken as a woman.     


'But… What about Jiang Lan? Isn't she an ancestor succubus now?'     








"Argh, fuck it!"     

Cao Mao stopped caring and thinking about complicated stuff as it seemed that he started to get annoyed by the time limit. As he had tossed away all his logic, he looked for a way to cheat.      

There was one thing that the system didn't tell Cao Mao, but the latter was aware of the potential alternative option to solve this crisis.     

'System, can I upgrade my space now? I have two primary element crystals now, right?'     




'Yes! Do it!'     





It seemed that Cao Mao couldn't cheat. Although he was disappointed, he changed his approach to finding another option to solve this mess.     

'Can you teach me how I can expand my dantian with the manual mode? What's the difference between condensing Life Essence and using them to expand my dantian? Also, can I consume my Life Essence to expand my dantian directly? Is there an upgrade option that I can use my Life Essence, so it won't be full forever?'     



It was a simple answer, but it was brutal. This cruel system broke his heart.     

'What about other questions? You didn't answer any of them.'     





In short, either the system sponsor or the system itself had screwed him over again.     

Cao Mao groaned. He stopped thinking and turned toward Xu Chu. Then, he continued ravishing her sexy body underwater, venting his frustration.     

As soon as he started pumping his hips, Xu Chu snapped open her eyes. Her legs locked Cao Mao's hips, and the tunnel's suction force got more intense.     

"Nice timing, human. I'm thirsty. I need more of your life essence."     

Cao Mao's face twitched. He had a jump scare for a moment, "Oh, you're okay to move around now?"     

"I've been drinking YOUR life essence water in your ocean for a while. I might not be able to use my abilities, but I have enough strength to milk you."     

Cao Mao no longer had to move. Xu Chu took over the lead and began milking him.     

Both man and woman sunk into the deepest part of the ocean as the weight and the momentum of Xu Chu pressed their bodies to the seafloor.      


20 hours later in the real world, 1,000 hours had passed in the space.     

Thanked to Xu Chu's enthusiasm, Cao Mao made it through. The physical body's life expectancy had been increased enough for him to stay alive.     





At long last, the upgrade had been finished. The seafloor trembled as if there was an earthquake. The ocean waves became chaotic, and the undercurrent became wild.     

Yet, Cao Mao couldn't move from the spot as the girl on top of him refused to let him go.     

"Senior Xu, I need you to let go of me for a moment. I need to check something…"     

Xu Chu didn't reply. She stared at him with an expressionless face, but her hips waved up, down, left, and right in a chaotic rhythm. Her grinding technique, the tunnel surface, her quick hips, and her womb's suction force outmatched every girl that Cao Mao had mated.     

Every minute, Xu Chu moved her hips a thousand times. The lightning speed movement, the heightened sensitivity, and the tight hole combination were too intense that Cao Mao's juice was forcefully milked every minute.     

Cao Mao was on the verge of losing his mind. He needed the succubus to stop now.     

"P-Please stop. I-I'm going to-UGH!!"     

He came again.     

"Shut it and keep feeding me your juice."     

Xu Chu's tiny tentacle in her womb entered Cao Mao's pee hole again. His back jerked up from the weird sensation as if he was the one being violated. She increased his physical sensitivity again.     



Cao Mao's mind was blank while the system sent him many new notification messages.     


[Basic Information]     

Name: Mao Miaomiao (Cao Mao)     

Cultivation Rank: Late 4th Stage (Essence Gathering Realm)     

[Energy Pool]     

Current Life Essence: 10 Billion Liters     

Dantian Capacity: 20 Billion Liters     

[Daily Energy Regeneration Rate]     

Life Essence: 20M + 10M Liters     

[Element Crystal Level]     

Wood (Primary): 7/10     

Dragon Fire (Primary): 4/10     

Lightning (Secondary): 3/3 (MAX)     


Isolation Training Space (Lv. 7/10)     

Conversion Ratio (Real World Hour/Isolation Space Hour): 1:100     

Dual Cultivation Mode     

Protagonist Rematch Mode     

Private Plane Maker Mode     

Upgrade Conditions     

Possess at least one hundred billion liters of Life Essence.     

Possess at least seven primary element crystals.     

Completed at least 2 protagonist campaigns.     

Constructed a Pylon Tower in the Isolation Training Space     

Next Upgrade Perks     

Conversion Ratio (Real World Hour/Isolation Space Hour): 1:250     

Realm Expansion (Depending on the mastered element.)     


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