God´s Eyes

Origin Flame

Origin Flame

0A minute before Jason entered the second door, he was pondering which one to choose.     

The left had definitely more treasures inside that radiated mana colors at once, but Jason´s was somehow drawn to enter the one in the middle.     

This caused Jason to have a slight headache but he just followed his gut feeling, as he didn't want to regret anything afterward.     

His mana eyes were not absolute and there was the chance that something important could be amiss if he solely relied on them.     

The same could be said for Artemis in particular.     

She radiated a distinct color, but this couldn´t be seen through other colors and Jason was only lucky to have found her egg when she was extremely weak.     

Jason didn't think extremely weak colors or mana radiations could be seen through the wall and in the end, he followed his gut feeling, only to get surprised by a heatwave flooding his face, as he opened the door to the middle hallway.     

`Forging room? Maybe this is the hallway used by their blacksmiths?` Jason knew that Goblins had at least one or two high-ranked blacksmiths as some weapons were either custom-made or crudely forged by someone while weapons made by humans were not as ugly as the weapons he previously saw.     

He knew their time was scarce before they would have to leave this place to prevent anyone from finding out that Shane was alive, which Jason still couldn´t understand.     

Nevertheless, he also had to be careful.      

If someone found out what kinds of treasures he found here, Jason was sure many would be jealous of him and they definitely would want to steal his treasures from him, because his strength was still not on par with adults.     

It would be extremely easy to steal anything from him, which was kinda problematic.     

Running through the hallway, Jason felt the heat increasing even more until he reached the last door where he was oddly drawn to.     

Opening the door without hesitation, he entered a large room with a smithy situated in the front.     

But what astonished Jason more, was that the smithy seemed to be completely filled with colors?     

Dozens of different types of ores could be seen inside chests in the corners of the room without radiating any colors     

However, the smithy, anvil, and other necessities to forge which could be seen by him radiated colors that were something new to him.     

`Even forged goods can release a colored hue?`  He thought and this was one of the most shocking things that happened today because it changed almost everything Jason previously thought about his mana eyes´ ability.     

He never saw any reagent that radiated a color neither weapons nor garment except the soul weapons from Seron and Till.     

As such Jason wasn't sure if he saw wrong but the weapons from Seron and Till showed signs of radiating a colored hue, which was however suppressed in Seron´s case.     

Jason didn´t know why it was suppressed or if this was intentional, but after seeing all these colors radiating from the items in front of him, he was sure about one fact.     

`These things are worth a fortune!!!` Jason thought and it was the first time for him to feel his greed igniting within him.     

He wanted to become stronger as soon as possible and wealth was the best way to accomplish this.     

As such he collected all lighter items he could find around him while he lifted the ores, with all his effort in order to store them inside his spatial storage.     

To store something in one's spatial storage, one would only have to touch it.     

However, if it was still in touch with other items one didn´t want to store, like the building he was currently in, it wouldn't work properly     

Otherwise, one could be able to mine all kinds of ore occurrences without much difficulty.     

Storing soil and so on was exactly the same.     

Jason had to pick it up in order to collect it, otherwise, he could also envelop it with his mana.     

Fortunately, he decided to preserve some of his mana, for scenarios like he was currently in.     

Almost five minutes passed when Jason finally collected all ores, even though they didn´t radiate any color.     

This was only because he identified them as rare ores, which caused him to be extremely overjoyed.     

After that, Jason tried to pick up the anvil, only for him to notice that its weight was probably more than a ton which forced him to envelope it with his mana in order to store it away because it was definitely the easiest way.     

Unfortunately, Jason couldn´t envelop the whole forge with his mana and he would have to leave the smithy behind, when he looked around it once again, to see if he missed anything valuable.     

His gut feeling told him that there was something important he missed, while his soul world shook slightly, which astonished him when he approached the smithy.     

Suddenly an overwhelming dizziness spread through his head as his soul world began to shake violently, causing him to stumble.     

`W-What is going on?` Jason was confused and he wasn't able to regain control over his body as the balance inside him was completely interchanged.      

Not being able to stand firmly, he fell to the ground, holding his head in pain.     

The pain coming from his soul world astonished him and Jason wasn´t sure why his soul world was acting so violently, without any prior signs.     

`Did Artemis already complete her evolution?` Was the only solution he could come up with but entering his soul world he noted that Artemis was still in her Evolution, which left a confused Jason behind.     

Leaving his soul world, the pain vanished as abruptly as it appeared.     

However, Jason was now left even more confused, which was apparent in his unsettled expression.     

When he was about to stand up, he noticed something weird inside the hearth of the forge.     

`A black crystal?` he wondered and with his mana eyes activated, it looked like the black crystal was nothing special, but his attention was still drawn to it.     

Inside the black crystal one could barely see a small almost not distinguishable black flame flickering, trying to break out of its shell which was a bewitching sight.     

The fire had the size of his pinky finger´s fingertip and it looked kinda cute in Jason´s opinion.     

The more he looked at the flame, the more interesting it seemed and he decided to take the black crystal with him.     

Holding the black crystal carefully in his hand, Jason noticed, that the crystal gave out a cooling feeling, which wasn´t what he expected.     

Suddenly Jason´s soul world shock once again, but this time his head didn't hurt and he felt the insatiable desire of his soul world to obtain the black crystal in his hand and it seemed as if his soul world would devour it if he didn´t restrict it anymore     

`Is this black crystal something good for my soul world?` Jason questioned himself.     

Without restricting his soul world, Jason shockingly noticed, that a soul thread detached itself from within his soul world, coursing through his body until it reached his hand, which held the black crystal.     

`What do you want from me?` He was about to shout out but he could roughly sense what his soul world wanted from him.     

'Binding the black crystal to myself? Does my soul world consider this crystal as a soulbond right now?'      

Jason was unsure but before he could decide what to do, the soul thread tried to break through his skin in order to enter the black crystal, while the black crystal began to heat up without him noticing it.     

Within a second, Jason´s skin was burned and the soul thread left his hand shooting straight into the black crystal's core, without listening to his orders.     

`HEYYY!! Aren't you MY soul?…. Why are you doing things on your own...' Jason lamented as he began to feel a thin connection establishing itself between him and the black crystal.     

Right after the thin connection was constructed a tiny crack appeared on the black crystal and it didn't take long until the crack spread through the whole crystal like a single cobweb.     

Jason was curious and slightly frightened at the same time because he wasn't sure what was going on, as he gazed down at the crystal.     

The black flame inside the crystal began to vibrate, causing the black crystal to shatter.     

The released pinky fingertip-sized black flame flickering in Jason's hand, without hurting him at all, while the shattered crystal pieces were laying in his hand without any signs of mana fluctuations.     

With his mana eyes, Jason sensed that the flame in his hand was special if he hadn't noticed that before.     

But before he could continue to look at the black flame in his hand, he noticed strong mana fluctuations behind him as Shane entered the space behind him.     

Shane could only see Jason´s back as he announced     

"Jason, let's go! The rescue team is already close and within the first cavern hall. If we don´t want to stand out, we should go now."     

But Jason wasn't moving a single step and it seemed as if he hadn't heard Shane at all.     

Seconds passed without anyone moving and Shane felt that the current situation was slightly awkward.     

As such he called out Jason a few more times, but there was not a single sign from Jason, which was frustrating.     

It had been a long time since he was ignored by someone and his pride couldn´t accept that, and he walked towards Jason to lecture him once they left the Goblin settlement.     


But only now did Shane notice something unusual about Jason, when he saw a black shattered crystal within his hands.     

Looking into Jason´s face, he could see a pained expression while sweat poured down his cheeks.      

Inside his golden eyes, one could see a tiny black flame flickering around vigorously filled with the desire to live.     

Shane noticed Jason's weird behavior as he saw a black flame flickering within his eyes.     

Touching Jason's temples, Shane had a bad premonition, as he scanned through his body that was excessively hot, seemingly burning from the inside.     

Injecting his mana, he could feel the remains of something dangerous yet a blessing in disguise.     

"What the Hell? Is this brat blessed by heavens?... How did he find an Origin Flame?!" Shane shouted out flabbergasted before he used his spatial magic to teleport them away, with the Orc behind them.     

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