God´s Eyes

Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer

0With strong equipment and external help, humans were able to kill beasts at higher stages than their own, and thinking about the goblin's equipment Jason had encountered, he was confused.     

If goblins were able to produce protection pendants which could deflect projectiles and enhance simple stone weapons, what were they waiting for?     

Did they plan to gather more strength until they could overwhelm Cyro city with their sheer number or was their plan grander?     

There had to be, at least, one extremely smart and knowledgeable goblin, considering that their society gifted the lower-ranked goblins weapons and pendants with inscribed protection runes.     

´Are they scheming something? What are they waiting for?` Jason thought and he couldn't answer the questions no matter how long he thought about it.     

The only thing that made Jason relatively satisfied was his mana core that was about to be completely consolidated.     

After fighting another few battles against smaller groups of tens of goblins, he felt his core completely solidify because the passive mana gathering technique would take some time to finish the process.     

When it was lunchtime, Jason decided to go back inside the dome to practice his Heaven's Hell technique.     

Furthermore, he sent his teacher pictures of the protection pendants and the runes inscribed on the amplified stone weapons.     

He wanted to be sure of his assumptions and he could think of nobody else to share his doubts with as his teacher was the most knowledgeable person he knew. He also remembered Till inscribing a magic circle, back at school when he had attempted to learn the mind splitting technique, which indicated his teacher's identity as a runemaster.     

If not even Mr.Greil knew about these inscriptions, something had to be wrong and for Jason, being safe was more important than needlessly sacrificing his life.     

After he finished his practice, he checked his bracelet but there was still no message from his teacher. As such,  Jason decided to go back hunting some Goblins.     

Walking out of the protection of the dome, Jason saw a few heavily injured hunting teams consisting of youths that were only slightly older than him, staggering towards the dome's protection.     

They looked terrified as if they had escaped Grim-reaper by a hair's breadth and Jason wondered what had scared them so much.     

He thought these youths were extremely dumb as they immediately stopped advancing once they entered the dome.     

The dome was only a transparent wall that let everything through. If these groups of youths were indeed pursued by beasts or Goblins, it would still take a few seconds until the dome's AI could annihilate the threat.     

Projectiles wouldn't be seen as threats to the city and elemental attacks or arrows and other long-range attacks could easily find their targets, even if beasts stopped in front of the dome.     

Jason's mana eyes were always activated outside the dome and looking at the injured youths, he suddenly sensed that something was wrong with them.     

'Poison? Is this also the work of goblins?' Jason asked himself, but his eyes only told him that the poison wasn't lethal enough to kill someone at the Adept rank and could at most paralyze them.     

He had a certain innate resistance to poison due to Scorpio.     

As such, the effect wouldn't be that much of a threat to him, however, it was still worrisome.     

He continued his hunt, and after some time, Jason just decided to not use his bow and immediately sneak up to the goblins. He sensed that it was much faster for him to kill them that way due to the existence of goblin-mage apprentices that sacrificed their own brethren.     

The more goblins Jason killed, the easier it was for him to predict their movements.     

After killing the sixth large group of goblins, something began to change innately.     

It was already close to evening and he noticed many Goblins using blowpipes with dart tips that were laced with poison. It was not exactly an advantage for them, as they fought Jason whose eyes saved him from most of the attacks.     

Rather it made his onslaught much easier and he lost count of how many goblins he had slaughtered throughout the whole day.     

His golden eyes were flickering even more vigorously and the goblins that looked into his eyes were scared to the bones, causing them to step back as they shivered in fright.     

He hadn´t sustained many injuries and only a few small cuts and poisonous darts had hit him.     

The poison was not entirely useless but the whole massacre was already over when he noticed the effect.     

Jason was about to pick up the goblin corpses when he senses mana fluctuations from behind him.     

Exerting the weightless steps to their fullest in addition to covering his body in a mana membrane, Jason jumped to the side, rolling over a dead goblin corpse, whose bones crunched under his feet.     

Only a moment later, he heard an explosion as three fireballs exploded where he had been standing previously.     

Turning to the direction where the three fireballs came from, Jason's eyes widened in shock.     

Another six fireballs came flying towards him, and he could only leap backward while activating the protection rune on the pendant.     

A large rune manifested in front of Jason, and fortunately, only one head-sized fireball flew right into his direction, while the other five exploded in front of him, blowing him 2 meters away.     

Rolling on the ground, Jason forced himself to stand up without wasting any time when he noticed that the protection pendant's mana was already used up. He realised he wouldn't be able to activate it anymore with his current remaining mana.     

He had only a quarter of his mana left and looking at his enemies, Jason could only curse...     

There were 10 goblin mage apprentices standing in front of three adult human-sized goblins that were packed with muscles and razor-sharp fangs which protruded from their jaws.     

Hobgoblins! Jason frowned and upon scanning their incomplete mana core, Jason could immediately tell that they were evolved ranked beasts!     

As if that was not enough, there were more than a hundred Goblin soldiers behind these Hobgoblins, and the sight sent a shiver down his spine.     

Jason thought that once such a horrifying scenario would appear in front of him, he would be scared shitless but right now, he was terrifyingly calm.     

He sighed and told himself, "In the end, the only good goblins are the dead ones!" He felt as if he had stepped in the shoes of the protagonist of a fairy tale he had heard a long time ago. Keeping his eyes trained on the sea of opponents, he pulled out his mana pistol.     

Jason's eyes turned cold and killing intent gushed out of him when he switched his mana pistols magazine calmly to anti-magic bullets.      

Without caring about the eerie and bloodthirsty cries in front of him, his eyes began to flicker violently, not giving the fear bubbling inside him even the slightest chance to overwhelm his thoughts.     

As he pulled the trigger, a loud *BANG* resounded through the two-star wild zone and a protection rune manifested in front of a goblin mage apprentice.     

However, the rune was immediately destroyed as the goblin cried out in pain before its eyes turned dim.     

The anti-magic bullets were nothing special, but extremely expensive and only capable of destroying grade-1 runes. But, it was more than enough to shatter the crude protection runes, in front of the goblin mage apprentices.     

A tiny hole had appeared right between its eyebrows, where the bullet had hit.     

Before the whole herd of goblins could even react, a volley of bangs could be heard, before nine identical runes manifested in front of the respective necklace wearer.     

The runes shattered without showing any signs of deflecting the bullets and all goblin mage apprentices collapsed lifelessly.     

As Jason changed his magazine into one with armor-piercing bullets, the goblins and hobgoblins were shocked and enraged at the same time.     

While hobgoblins had a higher position in their society, goblin mage apprentices were not something one could easily kill without attracting the wrath of their race.     

As such, they began to charge at the lone enemy while disregarding the threat his mysterious weapon possessed.     

Hobgoblins were more intelligent than normal goblins but not at par with mage apprentices.     

This was also the reason why Jason killed the mage apprentices first.     

If they would have warned their brethren about the lethal threat from his mana pistol, how could Jason have enjoyed the scenario that occurred right in front of him?     

Three hobgoblins and over a hundred Goblins were charging at him, while Jason only smiled as if he had lost sanity. With his feet firmly planted in the ground, he emptied his magazine, before holstering his mana pistol again.     

After Jason holstered his pistol, the three hobgoblins noticed a searing pain spreading out from their head, before blood poured down in rivulets, soaking their chest, and as it trickled to the ground.     

Unbeknownst to them, an armor-piercing bullet had pierced through their skull, exiting it without much resistance.     

They grew weaker and tried to wipe away the blood covering their eyes, but it was too difficult for them to even lift their arms.     

Each step felt heavier and more difficult than a step before and they only noticed the goblin soldier overtaking them before they collapsed to the ground.     

Only a few moments later, their life force dissipated and only dead corpses littered the ground.     

Sighing in relief, Jason took a moment to breathe because the most lethal threats had been wiped out. Only a seemingly large number of cannon fodder was now left alive, which made excitement course through his veins.     

`Finally, I can use this!!` Jason smiled slyly as he took out a cylindrical-shaped crystal that was the size of a baby-fist.     

Injecting half of his remaining mana into the crystal, he threw it horizontally in the air before he crouched and closed his eyes and additionally covered them with his clothes.     

And, this was still not enough as he could still see a bright light illuminating the already darkened sky.     

He heard an endless echo of cries and the light began to diminish slightly, causing him to jump up before he pulled out his daggers instinctively.     

Without wasting a single second, he rushed towards the horde of goblin soldiers, as a smile blossomed on his face.     

His smile widened as he saw that all goblins were covering their blood-leaking eyes, crying out in pain and anguish.     

The cylindrical-shaped crystal he threw into the air after injecting his mana was a primal-luminous crystal that was mainly used to illuminate streets with a marginal amount of mana.     

Injecting too much mana into this crystal would cause the inner structure to go into an overdrive and cause a forceful reaction.     

This reaction would cause a terrifying bright light to appear, which could cause even Expert ranks to be dazzled for a few minutes though it wouldn't blind them completely.     

Looking straight into this light would cause awakened beasts and adept ranked humans to be dazzled for hours with a high chance of becoming blind, and Jason used this overdrive effect to blind the horde of goblins in front of him.     

He had never thought that all goblins would look into the primal-luminous crystal and he felt fortunate, even though he had been confident in defeating a few sole uninjured goblin soldiers.     

As such, he started his onslaught of goblins before he picked up the primal-luminous crystal that began to crackle lightly.     

Picking up all corpses and the equipment, Jason asked himself if goblins would recount him in their nightmares if a single one of them managed to escape his attacks.     

This thought brightened his mood and he left for the dome when everything was done.     

Entering the dome, Jason was suddenly bombarded with notifications.     

Outside the dome, one couldn't receive messages without a certain device that Jason didn't have. He saw over a dozen messages from his teacher with most of them saying      

[Come back, immediately!]     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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