God´s Eyes



0`Is that really Jason?` was the only thought in Seron's mind, as he dragged himself further away from him.     

Jason´s golden ice-cold eyes bore down on him, and it felt like they were penetrating every pore inside his body until Till snapped with his mana enveloped fingers to distract Jason and Seron.     

"Jason calm down... It's not like we are the perpetrator, right?"      

Though the fact made sense it did little to douse the fire raging through his mind. He looked at Till with a tinge of accusation, as he knew that his teacher was strong enough to kill Guardian-ranked beasts. Till noticed his gaze and answered his unspoken question.     

"What do you think will happen when I kill these Guardian-ranked beasts? I'm not suicidal, you know? Once I kill the protectors of the developing magical treasure, I´ll be hunted for good.     

The Islands are more like the private properties of some big and powerful families and they have divided them amongst each other.     

You said you want to clear a few islands... Which one do you want to clear and what about the magical treasures on the other islands? Who receives what? What about the newly developing lush islands? Do you think that the big families will simply give away a part of their own island after some samaritan offered their island for humans to live on?      

I can see that you hate the weak being used in order to strengthen the strong, but with your strength, you can't do anything against it, even if you want.     

Even I am too weak to fight against these big families, which is the sad truth.     

These families had survived the mana outbreak and some of the ancestors are still alive.     

I´m 56 years old and my mana refinement and absorbing talent can be considered pretty good, but these old gramps and hags have lived for 300 years…     

Even if their aptitude is worse than mine, don´t you think they have some tricks hidden up their sleeves?"     

"To tell you the truth, I don't really like how these big families treat people from the `lower` society, even if it is only a single noble rank.     

They have even divided Canir according to their strength and almost everything is distributed amongst them, which is somewhat gross.     

But, don´t get me wrong… not every big family, clan, sect, and so on is necessarily evil.     

Based on Astrix, you can tell that even if the hierarchy is horizontal and unfair, other Islands have it worse or even better.     

Belgra, for example, is one of the bigger islands with 400 million citizens and they have divided their island into 5 parts.      

While 2 parts are solely used by humans, it allows beasts below the unblemished rank to stay within their borders.     

It is relatively peaceful as pacifistic humans began conversing with more intelligent beasts.     

Maybe they threatened to wipe them out if they were to cause trouble, but it is relatively peaceful nonetheless in these 2 particular parts.     

While the remaining sections are still infested by beasts, it still has a better environment for humans, because only hunters, military, and trainees enter these three sections.     

One section consists of beasts only below the magical rank while the other two are infested by all kinds of beasts.     

The previously stated peaceful parts are used by humans who don't like to fight and try to live in harmony with others.     

They want to work hard to produce all kinds of devices, garments, equipment for hunters, and so on rather than risking their lives to fight with beasts."     

Till looked extremely proud as he shared the information and a premonition emerged in Jason's mind.     

"Belgra belongs to your family, right?" Jason questioned with slight hesitation.     

The seemingly innocent question wiped away all traces of pride from Till's face and Seron looked at Jason fearfully.     

He cleared his throat in embarrassment as he said     

"That's partially true. The Greil and Gier families govern Belgra together, and it was only because we are two large families with more peaceful thoughts than others, that we were able to achieve peace within two parts of Belgra."      

Jason found out a lot of information at once, and he finally understood why Seron was so different compared to all of his other classmates.     

Furthermore, he figured out why Till was so strong.     

Looking at Seron, he asked, "You didn't fight me with your full strength, right?"      

Jason assumed this but he desperately hoped that he would be wrong.     

Seron was still scared about Jason´s previous killing-intent outbreak but upon looking into Jason's eyes, his fear vanished and he only nodded his head after a short moment.     

"Damn!" Jason cursed, and Till roughly understood what the youth in front of him meant.     

"To be honest, your combat prowess is above average, but only if you look at Astrix´s common average and your current mana core rank.     

You've already noticed during today's battle that you were completely overwhelmed, and only your exceptional observance and your ability to copy the floating sky technique allowed you to surprise your opponent.     

Considering your peers in Cyro city, your strength is barely average which only includes the students who attend high school.     

I have excluded heirs with home tutoring and so on because you'll probably be unable to even hit them once. They would be slightly older than you and would have already reached the expert stage with the help of certain magical plants and reagents."     

When he heard Till lecturing him about the average strength of Astrix alone, Jason frowned.     

He knew that his soulbonds were weak and his mana core rank was also below average in Cyro-city, but his combat prowess? He found himself to be pretty good considering the small number of techniques he knew...     

Suddenly, a thought emerged in his mind!     

"Mr. Greil! If I learn more martial art techniques similar to the floating sky movement technique, I can increase my combat prowess by a huge margin, right?"     

"Well, only increasing the variety of your martial art techniques won't be enough, because your innate strength is too weak as you are just at the peak of the Novice rank at the age of 14...     

Considering the fact that I have seen your aptitude for mana absorption multiple times, I can't figure out why your mana core rank is still so low."     

Jason was a little dejected after realising that he was still weak, even if his strength had increased by a lot. He suddenly recalled that his teacher hadn't told him the purpose of coming to the 6th affiliated Vanguard school on Astrix island.     

"Mr.Greil you wanted to tell me, why you and Seron came here, to Astrix or rather Cyro-city!"      

Till had to think for a moment, to craft a response without accidentally revealing any secrets as Seron had.     

His eyes flitted to Seron, who gave him a look, saying something like 'I don´t mind', as he started.     

"We have multiple reasons to come to Astrix and they have something to do with Cryo-city and Seron. I'm not sure how much I should tell you, but we will capture Seron's second soulbond here, as soon as the time comes.      

The beast we are searching for is rare and only gives birth to offspring every few years, but it is important to get this beast due to certain circumstances.      

Previously, you said that the mana density would be much higher on Canir, but that's only partially true.     

It´s rare to find such a stainless mana vein elsewhere and outside the dome, the mana density is roughly the same as that on Canir.     

If you look at Seron, you might think it's a lie, because of his low mana core rank, but he has his own reasons.     

Furthermore, I also wanted to teach a class once in my life and experiment. I wanted to check how fast I can improve the combat prowess of the worst class in the worst affiliated school...I was just curious hehe."      

Based on Till's explanation, Jason concluded that their main task was to wait for Seron´s second soulbond to be born and they would leave once they got their hands on the beast.     

However, the last line made Jason wonder if his teacher was really 56 years old or just a child.     

Till decided to become a teacher, just because he felt like it and additionally he gave out extremely rare techniques only because he was curious? Weird!!     

Jason could roughly comprehend why Seron´s mana core was so weak compared to the average strength of Canir's citizens…     

After Jason glanced at Seron´s mana core, he also took a good look at his constitution, which surprised him, as Seron´s mana channels seemed different than they should be.     

The transmuted mana in Seron, was straightening and smoothing the twisted and crumbled mana channels.     

As such, Jason thought that Seron had formed a contract with a unique soulbond that was capable of healing damaged mana channels.     

That also meant Seron would only be able to use mana after he contracted his first soulbond.     

Seron remained silent after Till didn't provide any explanation for his mana core rank, but Jason could see the frustration in his eyes.     

He could understand this frustration as his family was probably not happy about Seron´s mana channels which seemed to be almost crippled.     

He wasn't sure if Seron had siblings, but even his peers must act like bullies after noticing that they were stronger than him.     

But how would Jason know something like that as he wasn't sure how competitive big clans were amongst each other.     

Seron hadn't told him anything and Jason didn't mind that either.     

He was only an acquaintance or at most a sparring partner to Seron but not someone he had known for years.     

Trust had to be earned through a long friendship and stand the test of time in order to foster the bond.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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