God´s Eyes

Superior Mana-mastery

Superior Mana-mastery

0It was Friday morning already and Jason's whole week had been occupied with reading, practicing the Heaven's Hell technique, and sparring with Greg, while most of his time had been devoted to the reading section.     

In only five days, Jason had completely read through all 30+ books, and he utilised the last day before the test to completely memorize the finer details.      

Attending the morning classes was extremely helpful as many questions tormented his mind, but Mr. Greil answered them easily, helping him a lot.      

Other than that, Jason's mana core surprisingly reached almost the required mana to break through the Adept rank barrier which was a few days faster than expected, but it would be quite helpful to break through into the Adept rank before Artemis completed her evolution.      

Breaking through into new mana core levels and ranks would enhance Jason's body overall and his soul would also receive a small enhancement.      

It was said that Novice rank breakthroughs enhanced the soul energy by around 0.1 units, while Adept ranks would give a whole point for one's soul energy.      

With that in mind, Jason entered his soul world to look at the already enlarged pebble-sized soul world core with magnificent shining runes on it.      

He had already reached a soul energy of 13 units which was not far away from the amount Artemis would probably require once she completed her evolution. But Jason was still careful and diligently practiced the Heaven's Hell´s second level three times a day without fail.      

There were a few times where Jason almost failed braiding his five-strand helix due to minuscule mistakes, but luckily it was a close call and he didn't make a blunder.      

After almost a week, he repeated the five-braided helix almost 20 times, and watching braiding videos almost every day caused his mind to comprehend and control everything easily.      

It was still taxing, but not as difficult to practice as before.      

Scorpio was another small issue. It looked like he wouldn't take long until he would breakthrough into the five-star wild beast rank which needed between 8 to 10 soul energy.      

If both Scorpio and Artemis were about to draw more of his soul energy at once, only trouble would await Jason.      

But even if that were to happen, Jason was relatively confident in his strong connections between him and his soulbonds.      

As long as he wouldn't force them to attack others, Jason was confident in controlling them to a certain degree…     

Even if he would force his soul beasts into a suicidal attack, Jason wasn't sure if Artemis or Scorpio would sacrifice themselves.     

However, that wasn't something Jason wanted to figure out at all and he would never order them to do something like that either.     

Today the theoretical knowledge exams and a mana control test would be conducted to assess the level of one's mana mastery.     

It didn't matter for which of the three basic lifestyle occupations one applied as the mana control test was the same for all three of them and could be done in one go.      

In order to receive the chance to take the theoretical knowledge tests, he would have to pass the mana mastery exam first.     

After passing the first test, he would be able to appear for the theoretical exam, and passing the second test would allow Jason to appear for the final exam, which was like a practical demonstration and nobody was proficient in it.     

Jason was confident in himself and because of that, he walked calmly into his classroom with the number 54 labeled on it.     

Seeing the number, Jason smiled lightly before he looked around. Almost all of his classmates were reading something on their holographic screen which he found to be an amusing sight.     

His classmates didn't seem to be the smartest students, but they still wanted to give the lifestyle occupations a try, which he admired somehow.     

Jason saw Seron, who was sitting in front of his table with closed eyes.     

Upon sensing a pair of eyes looking at him, he opened his eyes and greeted Jason.     

He looked extremely calm and so was Jason as he greeted Seron back, before sitting down on his seat.     

Shortly after, Mr. Greil walked in with a head-sized marble in his hand.      

This marble would be used to test one's control over mana and different lights would indicate a superior or subpar control over mana.     

There were three different tones of red which were equal to the Basic control over mana, while a lighter color indicated a better control.     

Orange was equal to an intermediate control over mana while yellow represented an Advanced control over mana.     

These three sections were not the only ones, but it was difficult to see a higher mana control standard.     

With a light yellow(Peak-Advances) control over mana, one would most likely be able to enter the magus rank at a young age.      

The control over mana wasn't the only factor to specify such a statement, but it was definitely an important one. Most youths at the age of 14 with advanced control over mana would enter the magus rank sooner or later, as their potential was still developing.     

It wouldn't be surprising if youths would increase their control over mana through determination and perseverance, and Mr.Greil told them that almost everyone should be able to enter the Magus rank with enough hard work.     

Jason wasn't sure about that but if his teacher said that, there must be some credibility to this statement.     

Once the large mana testing orb was placed in the middle of the podium, the students greeted their teacher respectfully.     

"Today we'll test everyone's control over mana. Almost all of you have applied for one of the three occupations' lectures and it is only obvious that you guys aren't the only ones!     

This opportunity is rare to come by and the school was only able to afford two Rank-3 and one Rank-4 Artisan, which results in the following,     

Every grade is allowed to apply for the lectures and this means that everyone could have more than 30,000 rivals for the lecture spots.     

To ensure fairness, the higher grades need to have a higher degree of mana mastery while their knowledge has to be deeper.     

While grade-1 students need only to have a peak-Intermediate mana mastery, grade-2 and 3 need to have an advanced mana mastery.     

The difference in knowledge is also not that much because most students have never seen the books required to learn either of the lifestyle occupations.     

Some students may ask why the required mana mastery is so high, and the answer is pretty simple.     

If someone exceeds the lecturer's expectations, they might receive an invitation to Cyro-city´s Artisan-tower, where they get a chance to learn more about the basic lifestyle-occupations.     

Without a certain degree of mana mastery, one would never reach higher ranks in these occupations and it is useless to nurture someone without future potential because it's extremely expensive.     

I think I've talked enough!! Let's start the testing according to the Class ranking! You all know your number, just queue up."      

Mr. Greil finished talking and everyone tried to digest the information before the top student within their class approached the podium to have his mana mastery tested.     

He was confident in himself, as he had already reached the 6-Adept rank while being 14.     

Not only was he the highest in the mana core rank, but his strength was also superior to everyone else which his proud face clearly demonstrated.     

But after entering the inside of the mana testing orb with his senses, his facial expression was filled with shock and one could only look at the orange illuminated mana orb in front of him.     

"Mid-Intermediate: failed to enter the second round" Mr.Greil flatly announced and the youth wanted to oppose his teacher's decision when he sensed his teacher's piercing gaze.     

"You don't want to make room for your classmates?" He asked with a cold, and emotionless voice.     

It was obvious to Till, that this youth had used up a vast amount of mana stones solely to increase his mana core rank, without considering that it was equally important to absorb nature's mana, due to its own characteristic.     

The mana within mana-stones was rough and it wouldn't help to absorb too much of it at a time, because one´s mana sensitivity and control were equally important.     

In the end, consistently absorbing nature's mana might be less efficient but better for a long-term plan. One's mana control and sensitivity would increase consistently, while a short-absorbing session with mana stones only gave temporary benefits.     

The youth's hair stood up and he immediately left the mana orb and walked back to his seat with his head hung low, shuddering violently.     

This was only a demonstration to show everyone who wanted to oppose their teacher in order to figure out what had happened and some hadn't noticed what their teacher did.     

However, Jason knew what had happened, as he frowned to see their teacher release the killing intent for such a trivial matter!!     

He found this cruel, but he decided to ignore it, while waiting for his turn, without much interest in his classmates' performance.     

There weren't many in his class with an acceptable control over mana and most of them had only reached the Intermediate-Adept rank while being 14 because of their parent's resources and nothing else.     

Jason was also astonished by the fact that some students had only peak-basic mana mastery which was extremely bad.     

This caused him to question the selection process to be accepted into the school.     

It was only when it was Seron´s turn, that Jason glanced at the podium with curiosity gleaming in his eyes, as he wanted to know how good Seron's mana mastery was.     

A dark yellow light illuminated the mana orb's surroundings and Jason nodded his head, not forgetting that Seron could only feel the mana in his surroundings for a few months.     

Considering that fact, it was definitely a shocking feat for Seron to reach such a high mastery over mana within the given amount of time.     

In Jason's opinion, Seron was the most promising student of class 54, which was not really something to brag about, as their class was not filled with prodigies.     

More than ten minutes passed until it was Jason's try. He approached the mana orb and stood in front of it, placing his hand on it without hesitation.     

It would be a lie if Till said he wasn't interested in figuring out Jason´s momentary mana mastery as Jason activated his mana eyes, and sensed everything clearly.     

Combining the effect of him seeing everything and feeling it at the same time, he found dozens of entangled strings and began to unfold them.     

Seconds passed and there was still no color emitting from the mana orb.     

The more time passed, the less patient everyone became.     

The students began to shout that Jason should just leave the mana orb and that it was useless for him because his mastery was too bad.     

Some ridiculed him while others tried to cheer him up, but Jason couldn't hear them at all.     

Till was also kinda confused as it wouldn't normally take so long to test one's mana mastery.     

More than a minute passed without anything happening and almost everyone's mood dampened as most of them couldn't enter the second round of the lecture selection while Jason increased their frustration even more by stalling.     

Suddenly, a golden shimmering light illuminated the mana orb that was more than a few dozen times stronger and denser than the dark yellow light at Seron's turn, which was the best mastery previously seen.     

Till was blinded by the sudden outburst of light and was almost forced to close his eyes, as he looked at the mana orb.     

His eyes widened and he immediately knew that Jason had unfolded every entangled string within the orb in less than two minutes!!     

It took him quite some time to clear his thoughts and in the meantime the golden light dissipated slowly, leaving Jason and his teacher next to him.     

Clearing his throat, Mr.Greil announced: "Superior mana mastery: Passed."      


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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