God´s Eyes



0"Ahh, that's the name.. Sorry Seron..hehe... I didn't know how else I would have won otherwise." That was a white lie, but he couldn't tell Seron that he was too scared to use his killing intent, which was still not easy to control.      

That was a matter of his pride, even if he didn't have much, to begin with.     

Seron looked suspiciously at Jason and wondered how much of his families´ treasured Floating sky movement technique had he copied.     

Thinking back on the time he had fought Jason, Seron concluded that he had only made use of the most basic level of the floating sky technique without trying his utmost with it.     

Sighing in relief, he couldn't help but shiver, thinking about the possibility of Jason copying more than that.     

If his brother or even worse, his father were to find out, he would be grounded, to say the least.     

As he observed Jason, he knew he had to do something.     

"Jason, I think we have to talk about the last battle and your ability to copy techniques by looking at the mana circulation."      

Till was still standing next to them and nodded his head in all seriousness while looking at both of them.     

If Jason just copied every technique he wanted to, it could be extremely dangerous for his health.     

But that was not even the worst, because if he simply copied techniques from big clans, guilds, families, sects, kingdoms, and multiple other monstrous organizations, it was more likely that Jason would be killed in the future before he could grow.     

No sane person would randomly let a stranger snatch the most treasured techniques of their family which they only gave to their most promising offspring or disciples. Copying such techniques was not easy with the secret inscription inside the manuals.     

These inscriptions had hidden meanings inside them in order to enlighten the reader.     

After listening to Seron, Till concluded that Jason had indeed copied the special movement skill floating sky, even if it was crude and only in the pre-origin state.     

Before they continued their talk, they went to a separate room, while the others replenished their mana for the next Class battle.     

Till lectured Jason for quite some time and Seron tried persuading him to not use the floating sky skill anymore.     

But something seemed suspicious to Jason when TIll and Seron talked to him…     

It seemed like both had known each other for longer than a month because Till explained things about the floating sky technique and its uniqueness in order to show him how dangerous it would be to continue learning it.     

Because the technique was so unique, Jason was eager to learn it more in-depth but from Till's explanation, it seemed like it was really dangerous.     

If this technique had similarities to other skills, Jason would have continued learning it, because he would still be able to say that he had comprehended the additional sequences by himself.     

Till knew almost everything about the floating sky movement technique and Jason was growing more and more suspicious.     

In the end, he accepted the fact that he was not allowed to use the floating sky skill, but Jason grew more curious about their relationship as he asked.     

"Are you two acquaintances?" Jason asked straightforwardly.     

While Till was about to cook up a story to cover the truth, Seron, who was only 14-years-old and still inexperienced, acted naively in front of Jason.     

"Yes, he is my master!" Seron acknowledged before he looked at his master.     

Till was shocked by Seron´s naivety….     

`Did I teach him wrong?` Till wondered and upon seeing Till´s facial expression, Seron noticed that he had committed an error and an "Ohh" escaped his mouth.     

Jason only looked at Seron and then at his teacher.     

He was only slightly astonished by this revelation because he had concluded something similar, though it surprised him nonetheless.     

He was emotional too but when it was important, his rationality dominated his mind.     

Since he had refined his mind and overcome the torture from the devilish valkyrie-shield fruit, his train of thoughts had become much clearer and less emotional which helped him a lot.     

"Why are you two even here on Astrix? Doesn't Canir have a better environment to refine and absorb mana in order to increase one's mana core according to the mana density? Both of you are not hiding from someone and openly showing off your soul weapon and hundreds of martial art skills, whether they are unique, special, or tier-3…  It doesn't make sense that nobody is wondering about both of you, except me…."      

At the mention of soul-weapon both Seron and his master were astonished because they hadn't thought that he would be able to differentiate a normal graded sword from a soul weapon, which was a rather complex task.     

And wouldn't most people think that rather than a soul- weapon, one should have a mana weapon?      

The difference between normal graded weapons and mana weapons was the enhancement in sharpness, toughness, and some particular weapons even had an amplification in elemental attacks.     

If one attacked an evolved beast with a grade-1 sword, this weapon would most likely break or if one was lucky, get repelled.     

A low-grade-1 mana weapon would still be able to pierce through the defense of evolved beasts.     

With a wand, which was also a mana weapon, elemental attacks could be enhanced and a simple fireball, for example, could double in its might, once the wielder applied everything correctly.     

While mana weapons were already special, soul weapons were the same as mana weapons with the exception of the connection with the wielder and the adjustment in strength.     

As such, the wielder could handle the impact and mana consumption, while the soul-weapon would grow with its contractor.     

Soul weapons could not be used by other people, because these weapons were crafted and forged with the contractor´s soul in them.     

Not even reforging would extinguish the connection between them.      

Mana weapons and soul weapons couldn´t be easily distinguished and it took many experts multiple years of arduous effort to learn certain eyesight techniques in order to be able to distinguish between both.     

As such, Till immediately adjusted his previous statement about Jason's mana eyes in his mind, while Seron was looking at him with wide eyes and an open jaw.     

This time, Till was the one to answer Jason's question. He wouldn´t omit or skip many facts because he wanted to tell Jason about it even if he wouldn't ask.     

He was curious about Jason, which was also the reason he helped him with the splitting mind technique.     

Maybe Jason could participate in his mission if he wanted.     

He was unsure of how to begin so Till just started,     

"How do I begin…? First of all, you are right about everything you said. We are not hiding and to be honest, both of us are Canir´s citizens and not from Astrix which you have already figured out.     

I'm curious to know how you found out about Seron's soul weapon but that's not very important.     

There are multiple reasons we are here but it's mainly for Seron to see how humans live within the Archipelago and the difference of strengths all around humanity's territory.     

Compared to the citizens of Canir, the strength one can see here is almost laughable and humans have not suffered mana beast outbreaks, yet.     

That's mainly because of the weak beasts we have here and Guardian-ranked beasts are considered to be the stronger foes which is a joke on Canir and the other mainlands.     

If a single powerhouse was to enter the forbidden areas here, they could easily annihilate these foes and prevent Guardian-ranked beasts from appearing, but why is nobody doing that?      

I don´t know if you care about that, but I want to enlighten you.     

The answer is simple... Guardian-ranked beasts are guarding magical treasures, which need multiple years in order to grow.     

Once these treasures are ripe these powerhouses come over to pluck them.     

Guardian-ranked beasts could be labeled as workers for these powerhouses, protecting these treasures until the stronger individuals come back to pluck them.     

As you may know, the strongest humans on Astrix are at the Grandmagus rank and only a few thousand at that.     

Most Grandmagus on Astrix or the Archipelagos are old and one could say that they´re retired.      

Youths with enough potential won't stay on the small Islands, which are only used to exploit everyone.     

The gap between the future development of someone within the Archipelagos compared to the citizens on Canir is vast.     

There are only a few things Canir and the Islands have in common.     

First, our origin is the same and we are all from the same race.     

Second, we all have the same enemies, which are the invading intelligent races and the beasts all over the wilderness, and third, every human underwent a soul-awakening and it's still not known how to influence these awakenings in order to improve them.     

The awakening of a soul does not discriminate against a human's origins, while the chances are only slightly higher to awaken better souls if one is from a great background, which might not even be true.... As for our mission..."     

"WAIT!!" Jason interrupted Till and upon meeting Jason's eyes, which looked cold, he noticed that something was wrong.     

"You want to tell me that millions of people have to die and suffer because some powerhouses want to keep their treasures for themselves? Are they even humans? Why don't they just clear a few islands for all humans, foster and fertilize some other islands to play gardener or something like that? Why do the weak have to suffer like that? Where is their humanity and kindness?"     

Jason had subconsciously released his killing intent as he was fuming to think of the greed of the powerful people. Seron shivered in fright to sense his intent and Till was astonished. Luckily those were the only two who noticed it as they had been talking to each other in a separate room..     

'He really hates the rule of the jungle that much?' Till was raised up by loving families and the only time he had really suffered was when he had eaten the devilish valkyrie-shield fruit, the memory fresh in his mind as if it had been yesterday that he had experienced the searing pain.     

Seron was already familiar with a feeble killing intent that was released by his master to show him how killing intent feels like. Till had done that so as to prepare Seron for a fight with bloodthirsty beasts or other human bandits.     

However, the killing intent Jason had released was multiple times stronger and more condensed compared to the most basic killing intent his master had demonstrated to him.     

Cold sweat poured down his back as he scooted away from Jason, while his eyes trembled.     

`Is that really Jason?´     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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