God´s Eyes

You understand that?

You understand that?

0More than half an hour had passed when he had used the shuttle in order to reach the house from school, but not a single page was deciphered by him?     

Was that even the same language?      

Jason thought so, but the problem was that too many difficult words prevented him from comprehending anything important.     

Trying to filter the information by reading around the difficult words was also not easy because they were too complex and distracted him way too often, causing him to frown.     

Jason walked inside the house with a disappointed expression as he was greeted by Greg who had been sitting inside the living room, reading something while nobody else could be seen.     

Greg noticed Jason's bad mood and immediately asked him if something was wrong..     

Jason didn't say anything about the splitting mind technique because he wanted to surprise Greg with his heavenly fast cultivation speed.     

However, reading through the splitting mind technique's introductory first page made him realise that there was a huge obstacle hindering him from learning the technique.      

His shallow knowledge!      

Jason had never learned anything about the anatomy of the brain and now he wanted to try and learn how to divide his mind into an active main-area and passive but subconsciously used sub-areas?      

Did he want to kill himself like that?      

The only thing Jason knew was the fact that there were many thin mana channels within his brain maintaining, tempering, and speeding up the thought process all the time.      

It was said that these thin mana channels were the reason why higher ranks would be able to think faster, process things better while their comprehension increased with the elevation of one's level and rank.     

But, Jason didn't know if that was really true.     

When Greg and Jason finished their short conversation, he picked up a few sandwiches from the fridge to eat as he went into his room.      

Normally Jason would read some books about beasts, evolutions, and magical ingredients used to evolve beasts because these themes interested him the most.      

But not today.      

Jason decided to go through the first few pages of the 'Splitting Mind' technique without the intention of understanding everything in one go. He only focussed on noting down the words he didn't know, to start somewhere.     

Dozens of words were noted down and Jason searched them up in order to understand what was written on the first few pages.     

After getting to know the meaning of the difficult words, Jason got a rough idea of the text, though he had to re-read the pages multiple times.      

This continued for hours and Jason was oblivious to his surroundings, his entire focus was on the manual. It had grown dark and the only illumination in his dark room were the two holographic screens in front of him, and his golden eyes shimmered in the darkness.      

One screen showed the Splitting mind technique manual, while the other screen was a combination of a dozen research pages with different main focus points.     

Jason wasn't even aware when the first ray of light had entered his room. He had pulled an all-nighter however his efforts had paid off as he was delighted to roughly understand what some pages really meant.     

The brain was extremely mysterious and Jason was astonished to see that so much complex information about the single organ had been found out, researched, and recorded by dozens of scientists.     

Under ordinary circumstances, he would have never been able to learn something like that and Jason was extremely happy that there were several knowledgeable people explaining everything neatly to him.      

It was only when he felt a sudden pain in his right hand when Jason woke up from his enlightened and focused state.      

Scorpio pinched him with his stinger because the incessant alarm clock bell had annoyed him and Jason had to agree that being woken up from a sweet sleep was truly annoying.     

Looking at the time, he was shocked that it was already 7:20 am as he immediately ordered a shuttle, before he rushed into the bathroom to shower and change into his uniform.     

Rushing out of the house, he ran past Gabriella and Mark who waved at him knowingly.      

They had heard his alarm clock but both had decided to ignore it, thinking Jason was sleeping soundly.     

Both of them had observed Jason working way too hard over the last few weeks, and he had to replenish some energy. They also knew that he was a little stubborn and wouldn't rest even if they asked him to, so they decided to ignore his annoying alarm clock, and let him catch on to some much-needed sleep.     

Never would they have thought that Jason wasn't sleeping but rather pulling an all-nighter.      

Had they known that, Gabriella would have forced Jason to sleep because she was already worried about his health.      

After sitting inside the shuttle, he needed some time to calm down, and practicing the painful Heaven's Hell technique was the best way for Jason to do that.     

By the time the shuttle reached school, Jason had already finished his practice. He noticed that practicing the Heaven's Hell technique was becoming easier with time and accumulated experience while his soul energy increased.      

Normally it should be the other way round but for Jason, it wasn't like that due to his high soul energy replenishing process.     

Running inside the classroom, Jason found that he was the only one there and he wondered when his classmates would finish their assignment because he didn't think it was too much of a hassle to come to the same conclusion as him.     

But that was not necessarily the case, because Jason was smart and diligent despite being weaker than his classmates, and he didn't hold back from using dirty tricks to finish his task.      

Maybe his classmates thought using poison would be unfair, forbidden or maybe they really wanted to fight against beasts two stages higher than their own rank alone, without even the slightest help of their soulbonds or others.      

Logically speaking, it would already be difficult to defeat a beast at the same stage without the amplified strength from one´s soulbond because the strength of beasts and humans was not comparable.      

Only after being strengthened by the shared amount provided by their soulbond, would humans be able to fight beasts at the same stage head-on, so fighting beasts two stages higher than their own was almost suicidal.      

If someone´s first soulbond was a magical ranked beast that shared enough strength in order to help them fight a late evolved beast while only being at the novice rank, why would this person attend a school on Astrix?      

There could also be someone with an essentially strong physical soul that enhanced the physique multiple times or extremely rare high amplifying elemental souls that amplified affinities to a large degree, but who do these people think they are?     

Some kind of protagonist?      

More likely a new candidate for a stupid reincarnation...     

Instead of jumping in front of a truck, serve yourself as dinner to some starving beasts if you were so eager to die....     

Jason was waiting for his teacher while scrolling through the class' chat group where some students complained about the unfair assignment, causing Jason to shake his head.     

'Do they think rewards will fall from the sky without them doing anything?'     

These students could learn precious techniques as a reward and that would require effort! Jason was immediately disregarding the previous thought he had about his classmates...They were dumb and useless, to say the least.     

He initially wanted to write into the group chat that they could use poison in order to solve their issue with evolved ranked beasts if they were questioning each other on how to deal with higher staged beasts and what one could do.     

However, the few classmates who wrote something in the chat group were only lamenting about the current situation, and Jason immediately understood that the students who tried their best were not wasting their time with such a useless chat group.      

It was exactly 8 am when Mr. Greil entered the classroom and sat down in front of Jason.     

Jason was supposed to start his questions about the splitting mind technique and there were still many things he couldn't understand even after doing some research online.      

"Mr.Greil, can you explain the subconscious connection between the sub-areas of the brain in context to the significance of the mana channels flowing through the brain, their uses, benefits, and possible problems that could occur during the transformation of the brain while practicing the first level of the splitting mind technique?"      

Till listened to Jason before his mouth twitched a little.     

He had thought that Jason would ask a simple question in the beginning and ask him to explain certain words, but the 14-year-old asked questions like that after reading the manual for a few hours?      

"Did you already understand the previous parts of the introduction!?!" He subconsciously blurted out.      

However, Jason just nodded his head at the astonished-looking teacher as he didn't think of it as an extraordinary feat.     

Since his early childhood, Jason had a determined and ambitious personality. Otherwise, how would a four-year-old child have been able to endure gathering mana particles inside his eye for almost ten years straight?     

After regaining his eyesight, his determination became even stronger and firmer.     

Learning and understanding the [Splitting Mind] technique was extremely important for Jason, causing his mind to work at 200% speed during the whole night in order to comprehend anything at all.     

Luckily the mana in his mana pool was regenerating his energy and he could replenish the used-up mana while waiting for his teacher.     

Till was still suspicious about the student in front of him because Jason was asking a complex question that required a certain amount of understanding.     

As such, he began to ask Jason questions about the Introduction of the splitting mind manual.     

However, to his surprise, Jason answered the questions succinctly and passed his teacher's yet another small test with flying colors, leaving Till with a bewildered expression.     

`Ughhhh` Till was extremely jealous about Jason´s comprehension ability because he hadn't been able to do something like that when he had been 14.     

At 14, Till had been relatively mature but Jason was completely different than the other students of his age. He had a weird aura around him, seemingly as if he had already matured, looking at the world differently than his peers.     

After he had calmed down to some degree, he decided to answer Jason's questions with a mountain of details.     

The teacher answered for hours, but Jason's questions didn't seem to find an end.     

Rather than ending, they seemed to grow more complex and it looked like Jason was receiving enlightenment by his teacher's explanations. His teacher's answers seemed to only make more questions come to his mind, even if they weren't necessarily related to the splitting mind technique.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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