God´s Eyes

Did he just copy me?

Did he just copy me?

0The former 75th Class was extremely disappointed in their opponents because they crushed all classes until the 70th with ease and the previous cheerful atmosphere dampened a little.     

There wasn´t even astonishment anymore, only disappointment as they asked themselves if these class battles were only held to help them improve and fix all of their flaws in the Weaponry Knight technique or seriously held for all classes to be more motivated and competitive.      

Jason fought Seron for more than three hours and improved his mastery extremely fast, despite getting slightly overwhelmed by his opponent with his impressive movement sequences.     

The only thing he was able to do was to defend while retreating and at the same time, Jason searched for openings with his mana eyes that were fixated on Seron's legs in order to comprehend what kind of technique he was using.     

After three hours, Jason had imprinted Seron's mana usage into his brain, but he was neither sure what kind of technique Seron was using nor if he could copy this technique without reading the suitable manual.     

He was still looking relatively fine, even if sweat poured down his back, but Seron looked at Jason as if he was seeing a demon…     

`How can he keep up with me?.....WAIT! Is he also here for Master? No..that can't be the reason..`     

While Seron and Jason´s mastery over the Weaponry Knight technique increased as neither wanted to back off. However, the other students were rather bored after training the Weaponry Knight technique for three hours straight while less than 20 were still determined to find their flaws.     

After crushing class 70, they achieved the rights to challenge class 69, but most students were not as cheerful as before.     

`Will we practice our technique for the whole week once again??` They had already practiced the same technique for a week and now they would have to do the same, over and over again? Noo!!!     

Unfortunately, they missed an important fact.     

Never had a master suddenly fallen from the sky without putting in the slightest effort.     

If they were not strong-willed enough to train a technique for two weeks straight, they could also quit learning how to fight seriously.     

Days passed and other than practicing his Heaven's Hell technique, Jason battled against some weak-willed students who had all heard about the famous 75th Class crushing all classes with ease.     

Jason would rather spar with Seron and copy his movement technique than defeating the lowest-ranked member of all classes.     

The only astonishing fact was that many classmates were achieving the basic mastery of the Weaponry Knight technique after tempering themself and carefully listening to their teacher's advice.     

Other than practicing the Weaponry Knight technique, the 40 students who had received tier-2 and tier-3 techniques from Mr.Greil practiced them in the meantime.     

Seeing these students training their techniques, the surrounding students looked at their classmates with envy, as the sheer might of these techniques demolished training dolls easily.     

Unfortunately, higher tier techniques would take a toll on one's body if performed rigorously, as the required mana and body constitution were extremely high.     

They could at most formulate one attack following the technique description, either with their weapon or mana affinity.     

A certain girl who had picked the advanced mana manipulation manual, which was a tier-3 grade technique, created a tidal wave during one of her battles, gushing her perplexed opponent out of the combat ring.     

After that spell, she had grown extremely exhausted but that didn't matter as she had won her round.     

Meanwhile, Jason and Seron helped each other hone their skills and they became sort of friends.     

Fighting someone for more than three hours on a daily basis gave a lot of information along with their personality after sparring for such a long time.     

Though Jason knew that Seron was hiding something, he seemed like a nice guy and Seron also liked Jason which caused them to become sparring partners.     

Unfortunately, Seron reached the 3rd Adept rank and could now overwhelm Jason more easily. This resulted in him enduring more pressure during their battles which was also somewhat beneficial for Jason.     

No pressure, no diamonds!!!     

It was only on Friday after they were promoted to class 55, that the first big hurdles began to appear.     

The gap of mana core ranks increased by a lot, while their opponents had better soulbonds, indicating a higher amplification.     

Class 54 for example was their first hurdle wherein most students were at the 3rd and some of the 4th Adept ranks were one to two ranks above their own average strength.     

Jason, with his mana eyes' abyssal effect activated, could still easily defeat the weakest of each respective class, but the second and third rounds were always more taxing for him.     

The battles became fiercer and it became more difficult to tell who would win. Till wondered how long they could continue fighting with their offensive strategy after they defeated Class 60, which already astounded him.     

Increasing one's combat prowess to that of classes that were 20 ranks higher, in a single month was definitely not easy, but the ambition and determination his students showed, amazed him and he would definitely remember that.     

Jason was relentless and had some memorable fights as he tirelessly trained to better himself.     

One of them was against a wind affinity user who had enhanced his speed, which was normally Jason's best advantage.     

His opponent was a 3-Adept rank with an amplification for agility and a wind affinity which further provided him with an additional boost in speed.     

Jason couldn't even throw his knives as they were immediately deflected by wind bullets.     

His Weaponry Knight mastery was already close to the familiar mastery thanks to Seron, but it was not really helpful in the kind of situation Jason was as his speed was just too low to reach his opponent.     

After defending for some time, Jason decided to try copying Seron´s technique, even if it was dangerous.     

That didn't matter to Jason, because he hated losing more than anything else.     

As such, he copied Seron´s movement technique, which he had imprinted into his mind after fighting Seron for four days.     

Jason´s opponent suddenly noticed that he was becoming slower...NO? Jason's speed had increased and not just a little.     

Using half of his remaining mana, which would constantly be replenished, Jason exerted Seron's movement technique.     

His speed increased by almost 20% and the further enhanced his lower body with mana in order to prevent sustaining any injuries. Jason decided to use every last mana particle within him in order to follow the mana circulation of his copied movement technique.     

Jason´s speed further increased by 20% and he could barely fight head-on with his opponent because he was overwhelmed by the sudden increase of speed.     

It was still noticeable that Jason was relatively slower, but his superior close combat technique overwhelmed the perplexed, and stupefied wind ability user. He then bent down only to jump to the front in order to injure his opponent's leg.     

When Jason's opponent looked down, a projectile hit his chin, forcefully pushing his head back.     

A throwing knife hit him at the most unexpected moment, shocking him.     

Seron had already finished his fight and decided to observe Jason's fierce fight as he noticed his sudden increase in speed.     

Somehow the technique Jason exerted seemed way too familiar to him as Jason poured his entire mana pool into the skill.     

"WHAT?!" Seron uttered in shock before he quieted down immediately in order to not attract too much attention.     

Normally Seron preferred to stay low-key and quiet so his scream still attracted some attention.  surrounding students looked at him before they saw that Jason had unexpectedly won his fight.     

Even Till was astonished by Jason´s sudden boost in speed as he couldn´t remember to have seen him learning or exerting a tiered movement skill.     

Jason was one of the last ones to finish his battle and Till keenly observed his entire battle.     

Over the entire duration of the spar, it had been obvious that Jason was on the losing side, despite giving his best, but the sudden usage of a tiered movement skill shocked not only his opponent who was taken by surprise but Till himself.     

It was more shocking than surprising for Till to see Jason use the technique that he was more than a little familiar with, as Till's eyes widened.     

The only thing Till could sense was Seron screaming in surprise and that Jason wasn't able to use the whole potential of this technique,     

Looking at Seron, many different kinds of emotions and thoughts appeared in his mind but focusing on the present circumstances it was obvious that Seron was extremely shocked while looking at Jason.     

Seron was unable to think clearly and the thought that Jason could have copied his technique caused him to shudder violently.     

`Did he just copy me?`He was dazed to think of the low possibility when a sudden memory reappeared in his mind     

`Didn't Master say that Jason has mana eyes? Has he copied the flow of mana over the last few days? Is that even possible?`      

Thousands of thoughts ran through his mind but there was a simple method for Seron to figure out whether Jason had copied him or not.     

`Just ask him!!` He told himself as he saw Jason was slowly walking out of the combat arena with a pale face.     

"Jason! Are you okay?" Seron asked worriedly... he himself had trained his movement skill for months together until he had reached his recent speed, not even Jason was aware of.     

Jason was just forcefully using the movement technique without any real understanding, which was quite dangerous.     

Till noticed Jason´s condition and appeared in front of both students while taking out a low-grade energy replenishing reagent from his spatial storage.     

He emptied the content into Jason's mouth, who immediately felt better.     

Jason could stand up again, but he still felt exhausted as his body groaned as if he had been starving for weeks.     

"Your body used up your stored nutrition to regenerate the life force it converted from the lack of mana. Don't use techniques you don't know, idiot!" Mr.Greil explained.     

After that, Jason scarfed down some food he had in his storage space while Seron thoroughly scanned his body.     

Jason was embarrassed as he asked what was going on and Seron almost exploded,     

"Did you copy the floating sky movement technique?"  Seron asked curiously and he had accidentally revealed the name of his movement technique, which he wasn't supposed to do.     

"Ahh, that's the name.. Sorry Seron..hehe... I didn't know how else I would have won otherwise."     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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