God´s Eyes

Persuading to lose more money

Persuading to lose more money

0When Jason could hear something again, he asked where they were, what happened to the fox cubs and the scaled wolf.     

Gabriella reassured Jason that everything was fine with the lesser elemental foxes and that all of them were sold.     

Previously, Jason thought that Mark would only be able to sell half of the fox cubs but apparently, the beast merchant had found quite a lot of customers. Several middle-school graduates were in a dire need of elemental beasts for their first contract, and the fox cubs had arrived at the perfect time, while the scaled wolf was the best of the lot.     

Mark sold all of the fox cubs to this merchant because he had received an additional large tip due to the large number of fox cubs.     

Jason hoped that the fox cubs were fine and had survived the beast tide but even if he could learn about their fate, there wasn't much he could do about it now, so he decided to change the subject.     

"When are we going to depart? Do we have to wait for something or can we proceed with our trip to Cyro-City tomorrow?"     

"We should be able to continue with our trip tomorrow, but we can reach a lot earlier because we can switch our hovering truck to our high-speed flying shuttle! It will only take four hours by the shuttle because we fly almost straight through one and two-star wild zones without flying beasts at a high altitude or any detours.     

Even if there were a few awakened beasts flying through the sky, they would be ripped apart, before they could see us."     

Gabriella said confidently with a tinge of pride laced in her words.     

"But shouldn't you guys do something else first? You guys killed a magical beast and a few other rare beasts... Even if the two-headed amber lion was ripped apart, the core and other important parts are still sellable and worth quite a lot.     

Greg´s storage space has an integrated preservation function and he said that the liver looked fine..     

A few nobles would probably pay a mountain of credits to get the liver of a two-headed amber lion which is said to be one of the best for transplantation.     

Don't forget the beast core… Magical beast cores can be fed to one of your soulbonds and maybe their potential or fire ability can increase."     

Greg took out the magical beast core which was red in color and he could see a small flame vigorously flickering inside.     

Jason activated his mana eyes and he was overwhelmed by the huge amount of compressed mana inside the core…     

`Is that a drop of mana liquid?` Jason thought and he was reminded of the first time he had seen the mana core during the beast break-out.     

For humans, if they wanted to enter the Magus rank, they had to compress their mana as much as possible before converting it into a liquid.     

This compression would first purify one's mana core before it would metamorph one's body.     

While the mana would be compressed, new space for even more mana would be automatically created inside the mana core. It was said that the more mana was compressed into a liquid, the stronger would be the might of one's mana output.     

Jason found the cultivation system to be quite weird.     

Starting from Novice→ Adept→ Expert→ Master-rank one would increase the size of one's mana core while expelling impurities.     

From there on, one would convert the gaseous mana into liquid and reach the next rank called Magus.     

If Jason's recollection was correct, it was said that the more drops of mana liquid one possessed, the higher was one's level and rank→ To reach the rank of a Grandmagus one would only need 30% of his mana core filled with mana liquid and so on….     

Converting the gaseous mana into a liquid form was said to be extremely difficult because the focus and accuracy needed were higher than most could achieve. While the amount of mana was as much as a mountain, which was also the first point for most humans, the first major obstacle→ Reaching the Magus rank.     

Earlier Jason had also wondered why these methods were divided like this and which rank came after Grandmagus, but there was no need for him to think about that now.     

The only thing he had to know was that without resources, his speed would only slow down, and to obtain more resources, Jason had to enter dangerous wild zones or even forbidden zones, battle zones, and so on.     

Greg looked at Malia who signaled with her eyes, and Greg threw the Magical beast core towards Jason who had a hard time catching the core because he was still deep in thoughts.     

"You can take it" Greg said and Malia approved his decision.     

Jason was dumbfounded but grateful nonetheless and he didn't reject the magical beast core.     

He asked Artemis if she would like to come out again, and she readily agreed. A white magical circle appeared in front of Jason and Artemis jumped out of it.     

Jason thought she would immediately lunge at the magical beast core, but the complete opposite happened. She distanced herself from the core with a look of disapproval on her face…     

"Do you not like this core??..." This was weird… didn´t Artemis love mana the most? This magical ranked beast core had much more mana than a small mana stone, but why was she backing off?     

A weird kind of feeling was transmitted to his mind and Jason immediately understood.     

"Ehh…. is it possible to trade magical beast cores with other elements??" Jason asked with an apologetic expression.     

Apparently, the fire elemental magical beast core wasn't suitable for Artemis and she hated this kind of mana… She transmitted a picture of an ice cube along with the associated feeling and he understood what she wanted.     

"That's possible, but a fire magical beast core is one of the most common types and if you want to trade it with a different elemental type, you have to at least add the difference of the required core.     

But, it's more likely that you have to add a large sum because rare cores are worth quite a lot."     

Mark was the first to answer, but the answer was satisfying and one could see Jason frowning a bit…     

"What core do you need? Maybe we can help somehow… we killed a few magical beasts today and maybe the core you need is amongst them," Gabriella answered and hope flickered in Jason´s eyes when he subconsciously nodded with his head.     

Jason felt really shameful to ask for a favor but if he could get an ice elemental beast core, he could help Artemis.     

Maybe, Artemis would even be able to evolve… who knows?` Jason was already thinking far ahead of the future, but he calmed down.     

"By any chance, did you kill an Ice elemental beast during the beast tide?" Jason asked with a small ray of hope.     

They had been close to an ice magical zone and the chances that a magical beast with an Ice affinity had invaded the city were not slim But, beasts with an ice affinity were much rarer to find than one with a fire affinity so Jason wasn't sure.     

"I think there was a fierce glacier bear among the beasts we…."     

Jason jumped in without even letting Mark complete his sentence, "REALLY! Can we maybe trade the cores? I´ll definitely pay the difference or more once I have the credits…. Please!!" He tried his best to make puppy eyes, and Gabriella laughed while Mark sighed.     

"There is no need for you to pay the difference. The ice elemental beast core is a thank you for saving our daughter" Mark replied... If a greedy person gifted something, it meant he loves his daughter dearly. Jason smiled at Mark before he handed over the fire elemental beast core…     

"Even If I saved Malia, I was also rescued in return... I don't like owing favors...please accept the core and tell me the difference between the two cores' price."     

Jason was adamant, but Mark was equally stubborn and in the end, they agreed that Jason wouldn't be required to pay the difference as they exchanged cores.     

Mark was astonished about himself… 'Did I try to persuade Jason to not give me money??!?!'     

The ice elemental core was extremely cold and was the size of a small fist. Artemis jumped at the core and opened her beak as much as possible, trying to squeeze the core to fit in her small mouth before gulping it down. Jason only watched her swallow hurriedly, while everyone's eyes widened in shock     

'She wouldn't explode, right?' A single thought was mirrored across everyone's faces.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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