God´s Eyes

Class 75

Class 75

0Because Jason didn't have a soulbond he could ride, he had to order a shuttle.     

There were two different kinds of lanes inside Jiro-City and Cyro-City.     

One lane was used by mana-operated vehicles like cars, trucks, motorcycles and they had a strict speed limit inside the city, while the other lane was used by soulbonds as a means of transportation, and even flying beasts could be used inside these lanes.     

These beast lanes didn't have a speed limit because beasts had faster reflexes and could avoid bumping into each other easily. The width of the lanes was also much larger than those designated for mechanical vehicles.     

While Greg could ride on Taurus, Malia mounted on her Nightmare-horse and their speed was extremely fast given the leveled roads.     

Most people living in higher grade cities would use their soulbonds as a means of transportation and it was much faster and convenient than riding a shuttle.     

However, Jason didn't have the pleasure to ride a soulbond yet, and he had to be satisfied with a simple shuttle.     

The drive took more than 45 minutes until Jason found himself standing in front of a gigantic fenced yard with a gigantic size spanning hundreds or maybe thousands of soccer fields.     

There was a gigantic modern battleground arena in the middle of the whole plot with a height of more than 40 meters. It included 6 floors which were probably used by the students to fight against each other without getting obstructed.     

Each grade had around 15,000 students and students of each year would have a compound building for themselves.     

Jason couldn't imagine being in the same year with 15,000 students that were taught at the same time and apparently, he was wrong.     

When Jason entered the school grounds he had to verify his identification.     

After that, he got notified about the class he was in.     

[Year-1 Class 75 Rank: 225]     

Jason concluded that the new students were divided into 75 classes with around 200 students in each. He thought that the classes were probably ranked according to their strength, but he could also be wrong with his assumption.     

If his reasoning was correct, it would mean that Jason was probably the weakest while more than 15,000 students were stronger than him.     

Rather than being nervous, Jason felt more motivated after coming to his conclusion.     

The world was vast and Jason was the weakest at the moment!     

Wasn´t it exciting? He was overwhelmed by the amount of pressure he gave himself.     

Jason walked in the direction of the building where his class was located with the help of the GPS while thinking about his future.     

He entered the building and only a few minutes were left before it was time for the first lesson to start.     

Right at 8:00 am, he entered his classroom that looked completely different compared to the middle school classes.     

Initially, Jason thought he would be in an ordinary classroom similar to his previous school, but Jason saw that the classroom was filled with many metallic shimmering tables that had the latest hi-tech holographic screens embedded inside them.     

This was how Jason thought university auditoriums would look like.     

Looking around the large room, Jason saw all kinds of youths, both male, and female while the more astonishing aspects were the wide variations of people.     

They came in all shapes and sizes with all kinds of hair colors, frames, sizes, mana cores ranks, and modified mana could be seen by Jason.     

Apparently, Jason was the last, and when the front door close to the podium opened, everyone scampered to their tables that were numbered.     

Jason looked around and saw an empty seat in the last row in a far corner of the huge classroom with his number written down.     

He sat down and greeted his neighbor who responded to him with a slightly shy 'good morning'.     

A young man with short golden hair walked inside the classroom wearing glasses. He was dressed in stylish clothes and had perfect body proportions.     

He looked like he was in his twenties but that didn't mean he was inexperienced.     

While the girls admired his handsome looks, the boys clearly saw him as a potential competitor, as they grew envious of the spotlight suddenly thrown on him, whispering about his build.     

The young man stood behind the podium and before he even said something a huge wave of mana was released in order to suppress everyone inside the classroom, giving them barely the time to react to the unexpected attack.     

It was a surprise attack and none of the students had expected something like that as an introduction.     

Meanwhile, Jason was thrown into high alert and he had quickly scanned the teacher with his mana eyes. He had somehow managed to shield himself by creating a small mana membrane around himself. However, it had been weak and was immediately destroyed when he noticed violent mana fluctuations around his teacher.     

Except for Jason nobody was able to react fast enough.     

"My name is Till Greil and I'm the headteacher of Class Nr. 75 for this year.     

Right now, had you been attacked by a mana wave with the intention to kill, everyone except Rank 225 would have died.     

Rank 225, you would have been heavily injured but still alive. Congratulations….well... being heavily injured is almost as fatal as being dead so EVERYONE failed!"     

Till Greil was decisive and ready to smash everyone with his words as if they were enhanced with mana.     

Everyone looked at him with teary eyes, because they could still feel the pressure of mana, pushing them onto the table in front of them.     

Some of the students were about to faint but fortunately before that happened, Till Greil released them.     

If they hadn't been pressed on the table, they would have probably collapsed.     

"Stand UP! Greetings!" Till's voice boomed through the classroom.     

While everyone was dumbfounded, they supported their bodies with their arms by pushing themselves from the table with all their might in order to stand up.     

After 5 minutes, nearly everyone had managed to stand up, while Jason's back was drenched in sweat.     

If he hadn't defended himself from the mana wave, Jason didn´t know if he would have been able to stand on his feet right now and looking at the innocently smiling teacher, he shivered in fright.     

Then everyone greeted their teacher respectfully and they fell quiet with a straight back.     

"The first thing I want to say is that you guys are hilarious...more than 50 of you used the back doors to enter this school and you think you will be able to survive with this puny strength of yours? Well, dream on...and for the others... Aren't you all embarrassed to enter the weakest class in the sixth affiliated school?....I´ll only say this one time...I won't be nice to any of you and I expect each one of you to give 200% of your energy to rise in rank and defeat the other classes in one month when the class battles start!"     

The students couldn't have been more baffled on their first day of school..what is it next month?     

"Oh.. well... I forgot to tell you guys something.. As you might know, the resources that the schools have been limited… To put it simply, the higher our class is ranked, the better the provided resources are with the exception of the solo rankings, which are not important at the moment.     

Our class gets the lowest resources and we are probably worse off than some B-grade school with the provided equipment… aren't you guys ashamed? If everyone works hard and strives for more strength we might be able to get more resources soon!!     

Next month is the first quarterly class battle. If we can defeat Class no. 74, we will exchange our class with them and thus also the resources.     

Our class would be named 74, and theirs 75 if we defeat them...     

After that, we can continue until we are defeated.     

Each class has a single chance to challenge classes but it can also be challenged by every other class."     

These class battles can consist of soulbonds battles, knowledge tests, solo fights, group fights, class sieges, wild zone battles, and so on, so we have to work hard in the future.     

But the first-class battle will only consist of solo battles without one's soulbond, as such we will focus on that.     

If anyone doesn't want to achieve more with our class, I´ll throw you into class 74 or somewhere else, because I don´t need cowards...But beware...If I throw someone in class 74, who knows if you will be able to get any resources next month…"     

Jason was astonished because his teacher was really competitive, even if their class was the worst one...Maybe he wanted to reignite the passion to excel in the worst class or maybe something else, but Jason didn't care about it at all, as his teacher's fighting spirit was definitely something good.     

He was impressed by his teacher's motivational speech and he had to restrain himself from jumping up to applaud him.     

Jason also wanted to get stronger by all means and thus he was happy to have a nice and encouraging teacher.     

"I don´t care about your rankings nor if you are rich or from the slums… the only thing that matters to me is hard work, and the fighting spirit we need to defeat the higher classes...I don't accept lazy people!     

Well....that was it, but before we start the lessons, let's begin with an introduction..Nr.1 please begin."     

Everyone introduced themself with their name, mana core rank, affinity rank, and age while a whole hour passed until it was Jason's turn.     

Listening to the others, Jason found out that his class was almost equally split with half of the students having physical soul beasts while the other half having elemental abilities.     

But everyone had one thing in common. Their mana core ranks were at least at the 1st Adept-rank, even for the shy boy who sat next to him.     

It was a little weird that everyone was at such a low rank and he remembered the time when he had read the school information, that most students were at higher ranks and only a few thousand were below the required mana core rank.     

`Was it because their other abilities were especially strong or did they enter through the back door like him?`     

"Hello, my name is Jason Stella and I'm 14 years old, I don't have any ability and I´m a 5th Novice rank close to the 6th."     

When Jason had woken up in the morning, he noticed that it was already mid-August and his birthday had already passed unknowingly... He had never celebrated it since his mother's untimely death and thus, Jason didn't care about his birthday.     

Everyone listened to Jason and it was extremely difficult for them to hold in their laughter when they heard that Jason was only at the 5th-Novice rank…     

When the first student couldn't hold it anymore, a whole wave started and everyone was laughing except his teacher.     

Jason didn't care about it and looked calmly at his teacher who returned his gaze.     

Their teacher snapped his fingers and enhanced them with mana, and the result was instantaneous. Everyone turned immediately silent and they felt as if their heart was getting heavier by the minute.     

"Don't laugh at your classmate," their teacher spoke calmly but the only thought in their mind was     


"Do you have mana eyes?" Till Greil straightforwardly asked without caring about etiquettes, as it was rude to ask about someone else's traits. Jason hesitated for a second before he gave the obvious answer everyone could conclude with little information.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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