God´s Eyes

Starting classes

Starting classes

0His eyes were pretty obvious because of their color and the golden luster around them. It wasn't that much of a challenge to conclude that his eyes weren't normal.     

"Yes" and with the single worded answer which came out of Jason`s mouth, the students began to murmur among themselves. Their teacher silenced them yet again with another finger snap but this time he didn't use mana.     

The students were already scared about him snapping and they immediately fell silent.     

Traits were already extremely rare and probably only roughly 1 in a million had one.     

Traits could be inherited with a certain possibility and the ratio of trait holders increased at a slow rate, but having mana eyes among these trait holders was especially rare.     

"Stage?" The teacher asked calmly.     

"What?" Jason was confused… What did his teacher want to know? Jason wasn't sure what to answer and he gave him a blank look.     

"I asked you what stage your mana eyes are at?" Mr. Greil was extremely impatient and his voice climbed an octave while asking.     

"Eh...I don't know?" Jason replied hesitantly.     

"OHH MY DEAR LORD!!" Mr. Greil wanted to curse profusely, but he had to maintain at least a bit of an image in front of the new students.     

Calming down, he explained it slowly.     

"To put it in extremely simple terms.     

Traits are divided into different stages.     

The higher the stage, the greater the trait's overall effect.     

When you did your special trait test to get your remark, you should have been tested for your eyesight, visible mana particles, other special abilities, and so on.     

Just tell me the stage that the doctor told you."     

Till Greil was growing impatient and he didn't notice his extremely rude behavior which made Jason uncomfortable.     

Jason wasn't aware of what stage his mana eyes were and even if he had known it, he wouldn't have told it to anyone except his closest friends and new family.     

The only certain thing Jason knew about his eyes was that they were special, and he could see something nobody else could.     

"I don't know the stage because I'm from a low-grade city that doesn't have the required high technology and the equipment on which I got tested wasn't able to tell me anything." Jason believed it was useless to lie right now and it wouldn't be that much of a hassle, to tell the truth. He was sure the tests conducted in small cities wouldn't be as efficient and worse than the ones in the higher graded cities.     

Mr. Greil listened to Jason and thought for a moment before he checked Jason's profile.     

'C-grade city? That means at least stage 2...even if his mana core rank is bad, his eyesight, motion vision, and observance during combat should be quite good with the ability to read the mana flow of his opponents…'     

He concluded this information and thought Jason had potential, but one thing that bothered him was Jason's low mana core rank, even if he didn't want to admit it.     

'Is his mana sensitivity bad even if he can see the mana flow? I doubt it… Maybe he is lazy?..No, that can't be true...he received full marks in his theoretical exams...OH! his control over mana could be low… That should be it!`     

The class stayed silent and carefully looked at their teacher in front of them.     

"Now that everyone has introduced themself… we can finally start... To start the lesson we should look at the cultivation process or mana gathering process as a whole, and how one can improve the speed in climbing up the ranks without harming one's body….     

There are multiple important characteristics, which are crucial to move up the ranks swiftly.     

→ Focus     

→ Stamina/Endurance     

→ Ambition     

→ Mana control     

→ Mana sensitivity     

These characteristics can be divided into two sections, namely innate talent, and trainable talent.     

While trainable talents are Stamina/Endurance, mana control, and focus, innate talent is the ambition to strive for more and one's mana sensitivity.     

The jury is still out on whether ambition is an innate talent, but in my opinion, it is, because the more ambitious you are, the better you want to be and it is extremely difficult to change one's own ambition.     

If your ambition is only strong enough to survive on Astrix and build up a family with children, it makes you strive for less power than one who wants to exact revenge on some big families or even have the capability to enter and survive on Canir.     

While it is debatable whether to call ambition trainable or innate talent, mana sensitivity isn't. Every human is born with a certain degree of sensitivity and it is almost impossible to improve.     

There are a few drastic exceptions tried by mankind such as blinding someone to force the body into a state where it has to rely on its other senses for dozens of years.     

Another way to improve one's mana sensitivity would be to utilise high-graded magical treasures with the ability to improve the body's senses, but these treasures are rare to find even on Canir.     

These items are rarely sold if found and mostly used for oneself or given to a family member with bad mana sensitivity to increase the aptitude in mana gathering.     

I don't think any of you would sell such a treasure, right? Wouldn't that be a huge waste?     

Now, coming back to the main topic, trainable talents can be increased by making efforts and this is what we want to do for now.     

I want everyone to maximize one's mana gathering and circling speed to cultivate faster.     

Right now, our class is the worst in mana core rank and exam results but that doesn't mean we are bad.     

Each one of you entered this school, while millions of kids couldn't.     

Even those who are older than any of you gave it a try and some might have used the chance while being a year older than the others but still… everyone that sits here right now, overshadowed millions of students!!!..keep that in mind!!     

We want to strive for more and keep going...Cultivate hard and reach the higher ranks to protect your loved ones and annihilate the foreign races!!"     

Everyone began to clap, even Jason, but he wondered why his teacher was emitting a fog of mana with killing intent inside it. The fog surrounded his teacher and it felt as if he wanted to massacre the foreign races then and there.     

Jason shuddered as goosebumps spread all over his skin, before he continued to clap, which was somehow due to peer pressure.     

`At least, he is ambitious enough to help us grow stronger.`     

The detailed explanations about how to train one's focus, endurance/stamina, and mana control took more than two hours and it seemed like their teacher was still not completely done when the bell to initiate a short break rang.     

Mr.Greil said that they had a ten minutes break to think about the shared knowledge as he left the room for the time being.     

As Jason continued processing and storing the newly received information in his mind, the other students stormed into smaller and bigger groups to gossip about their teacher or some students.     

Jason was one of the most talked about topics, with his almost non-existent mana core rank compared to theirs and his unique mana eyes.     

Some even talked about his good looks, but this was only the minority because the guys were envious and prevented the girls from talking about that.     

He was immediately an outcast, but Jason didn't even notice that while he realized many facts he hadn't known earlier.     

Jason made a mental note to employ his newfound knowledge as soon as he returned home. He had been thinking hard and had failed to notice that their teacher had already returned.     

Unbeknownst to Jason, he was made an outcast and he had even ignored a few students that called him because of ulterior reasons, like turning him into an errand boy for them.      

His ignorance made the other youths angry and they wanted to teach Jason a lesson, but the teacher came inside the classroom.     

"Tch!! What bad timing!" one of the youths in the first row exclaimed.     

He looked like a tough guy with more muscles in his head than brain cells but this youth was still a 5th Adept rank.     

His mana core rank was above the average requirement to enter the affiliated school but his theoretical exam score had been devastatingly low, causing him to end up in this class and that too only with the help of his parents.     

In this class, many students had a decent mana core rank, but somehow they still ended up in the worst class.     

This could only mean that either their exam results were extremely poor or their bad temper brought in minus points from the examiner, which was quite common.     

Or maybe their soul-awakening was not good enough for the better-affiliated schools or even the main school.     

Considering that even a 2.5-star rating was the worst to get accepted under normal circumstances, it wouldn't be difficult to end up in Class 75.     

Brute force was everything some students knew and the only thing they were proficient in.     

Jason was still unaware of everything and only when he sensed the familiar mana fluctuations of his teacher, he lost focus on his thoughts and looked up.     

Now was the first time Jason looked directly into his teacher's mana core and it was shocking…     

`Ohhh my god!! So much mana liquid?!?!`     

His Aunt and Uncle were not even close to the quantity of mana liquid inside his teacher's mana core.     

`Is he a Grandmagus?...or maybe even the rank above???? I believe the old man gave similar vibes, even if his mana fluctuations were suppressed…Even if he is a Grandmagus, why should he degrade his status to teach a class at the 6th affiliated school of the Vanguard school? He could even apply for one of the higher positions inside this school or even the whole Astrix island?? …..Weird…`     

Before Jason could continue with his train of thought, Mr. Greil continued his lesson but now he was talking about the various kinds of herbs, fruits, trees one could find everywhere including their characteristics, rarity, how to pick, and so on.     

This lesson only took an hour and everyone received three book files that were sent to their quantum bracelets.     

'How to find magical herbs, Healing herbs, and magic plants, Journey into the woods'     

"Your homework is to finish reading these books by next week. I will conduct a test on them."     

Everyone was flabbergasted while looking at the large files inside their quantum bracelet and back to their teacher, but he continued talking nonchalantly.     

"We still have more than enough time left. Today is a special day for everyone. You got to know each other, at least, slightly but the most important thing is that everyone should know the combat prowess of each other.     

I'll give everyone four hours time to reach the most perfect combat form and after the time is up, we will conduct spars to renew our intern class ranks." The teacher finished and the class roared in a fighting spirit.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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