God´s Eyes



0Artemis' belly bulged and she looked at Jason with satisfaction before a magic circle appeared below her and she appeared in his soul word.     

"WAITT! She won't die right??? Why did she gulp down the magical ranked beast core now???!!? How should a three-star wild beast be able to digest such ferocious mana….Let's go to a professional, maybe she can receive some help before it's too late." Malia jumped up and Gabriella followed suit.     

Greg also jumped up, following them and even Mark stood up while Jason was still sitting at the table.     

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JASON??? Do you want your soulbond to die??" Malia shouted with anger in her voice and the others also looked concerned.     

"That's not needed," Jason calmly replied, before looking into his soul world where a white cocoon engulfed Artemis.     

He felt that she was doing perfectly fine and he could see small snowflakes surrounding the white cocoon.     

Each step he took closer to her felt a few degrees colder and Jason distanced himself once again.     

Jason decided to leave his soul world and he smiled, still sitting at the table with four pairs of eyes looking at him with various emotions.     

"Not needed??" Greg asked him incredulously as he was the first one to come back to his senses.     

"Yeah..she can take it...I think she is evolving," Jason answered with a smile.     

There were a few facts leading Jason to his conclusion.     

1st- Artemis was wrapped in white shining light.     

→ Every evolving beast did that.     

2nd- She had gulped down a magical beast mana core which provided a thousand times the mana that she would need to survive and strengthen herself.     

→A certain amount of mana is needed to force an evolution in the beast's genes without destroying her.     

→Jason thought that Artemis could digest as much mana as she wanted.     

3rd- Artemis' cocoon was releasing a terrifying force while cold winds and snowflakes surrounded it.     

→some evolutions caused the creation of an elemental affinity seed.     

"HUH?" Everyone was flabbergasted.     

  Jason's soulbond could evolve just like that?     

His wild beast could withstand such devastating and vigorous mana? Without inflicting pain on either the soulbond or the contractor??     

"What the hell is your soulbond's mutation?" Malia was the first to ask the obvious question which nobody could answer, not even Jason, and he only shrugged with a helpless gesture.     

"I honestly don't know, but apparently she can digest as much mana as she wants to.     

And to add to it, I can't figure out her potential at all, even my gut feeling is telling me that something is going on.     

This wasn't the case with each beast I caught, and also not the case when I asked Greg to pick his soulbond."     

It was better to be safe than dead or betrayed, so Jason only said what he was supposed to.     

Jason wasn't aware that the Flers had a rough idea about his eyes capabilities. Gabriella and Mark had already talked to each other about Jason's mana eyes and what exactly they were.     

There were many unique things about Jason and now Artemis was added to the collection.     

(Special) Mana eyes, Unique soul(weak soul energy), and (Unique) Mutated snowflake owl.     

Jason was a mysterious character to them but he was gentle, friendly, loyal as he had saved Malia despite being gravely seriously injured, and a friend of Greg and now apparently even Malia.     

They believed Jason wouldn't betray them, and the two of them decided to wait for Jason to open up about his past or his eye's special effects and share the details.     

After that, the Flers sat down at the table once again, to discuss their schedule for the next day.     

When they dispersed, Jason went into his room to practice the Heaven's Hell technique before he observed Artemis for some time.     

Afterward, Jason watched multiple videos about the dual mastery modification of the Azure feisty Ape technique, before he switched to the beastarium with a drop-down menu to look at certain areas with its residing beasts.     

Jason selected Cyro city as the main spot while the different wild zones were projected.     

He could select one and every beast inside the particular wild zone would be presented to him in detail except a few rare and dangerous ones without much information.     

The most important thing for Jason was that there was no one-star wild zone which meant the weakest beast Jason could use to practice would be an awakened ranked beast.     

This caused Jason to frown deeply and he questioned himself if he would be able to defeat an awakened beast without Artemis as his support. Killing awakened beasts without Artemis' help seemed impossible at the moment as combining his strength with his weapons and combat prowess was not enough.     

Today, Jason understood yet again that his strength had to increase at a much faster rate...     

Because he had already slept a lot, Jason decided to absorb mana throughout the night, and his determination to break into the next level as soon as possible was ignited.     

He needed to follow a bunch of simple steps to inject mana into his mana core.     

Sensing the mana in the surroundings and absorbing it, before circling the foreign mana throughout the main mana channels within the body.     

Once the mana had been circulated through a large circle, the mana could be annexed and injected into the body.     

The better one´s mana control, sensitivity, surrounding mana density, determination and focus were, the faster one could become stronger.     

The whole night passed and Jason only stopped circulating his mana to practice the Heaven's Hell technique.     

As per Jason's understanding, Artemis would evolve into a low-awakened beast at the worst and the weakest awakened beast soul energy of a minimum of 11 Units.     

One-star beasts needed 1 unit, Two-star→ 2 units, Three-star→ 4 units, Four-star beasts--> 6 units, → Five-star beasts→ 10 units on average, while it varied for each race but a soul power of 11 would be the worst of the worst for an awakened beast to possess.     

Right now, Jason´s soul energy was at around 5.4 while he got around 1.4 shared by Artemis.     

This meant his own soul energy was approximately 4 points after breaking through 4 levels of his mana core rank and painstakingly practicing Heaven's Hell techniques' first level thrice a day for weeks.     

Based on the assumption that Artemis would evolve into a low-awakened ranked beast with a soul energy of 11 units and his shared amount of ⅓, Jason had to increase his own soul energy by at least 3.5 points.     

This was the best outcome, not including the fact that Jason didn´t know when Artemis would finish her evolution.     

And his gut feeling told him that Artemis' soul energy wouldn't be 11 and rather higher…     

Being in a contract with a soulbond with higher soul energy than oneself could end disastrously because they weren't forced to obey the orders of their contractors.     

If a beast were to disregard the contractor's will, everything could be endangered.     

A few years ago, there had been a report in the news, about a beast obtaining exceptionally high soul energy after evolving.     

Unfortunately, this beast killed its contractor and one could only say that raising high potential beasts from the day of their birth or early days was better than raising a beast with high potential. An already matured beast would be tough to handle as its instincts were clearly established and thus harder to control.     

Controlling beasts with lower soul energy was still possible, even though it could be difficult sometimes under the will of their wild instincts, but one was powerless against beasts with higher soul energy.     

Nevertheless, Jason was confident that Artemis wouldn't hurt him, but playing everything safe was still better.     

Determined to increase his overall capabilities, Jason freshened up in the morning, before he practiced the Heaven's Hell technique and went downstairs to have breakfast.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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