My Vampire System

The thirteen families

The thirteen families

0A whole load of information had just been given to Quinn at once. The way the AI of the system acted was really starting to bug Quinn, keeping things from him and only telling him things when it thought it was necessary.     

The lesson was coming to its end, and as Leo rounded up everyone to give a few pointers... This was Quinn's chance to ask the system the questions he needed.     

"Look, I don't understand anything." Quinn said. "I understand maybe you didn't want to tell me before. The less I know about it the better but right now, Fex is here, and if I make a mistake and slip up he will be easily able to tell."     

"I'm sorry Quinn." The system replied. "I do want to tell you, but sometimes I can't. When the creator programmed me he chose to make it so certain information was revealed only when necessary. There a things I wish to tell you but I cannot."     

"Then what can you tell me now? Earlier Fex mentioned there being family leaders, and then you mentioned that I was one as well, what does he mean by that?"     

"The Vampires are controlled by a council. The council is split up into thirteen different leaders, and above them are a vampire king or queen. These are also what is known as families. When you created Peter, and decided on your family name, you automatically became a member of the council."     

Quinn couldn't believe what he was hearing. Just a second ago he didn't even know a vampire council existed, and now apparently he held a high position of power.     

"But then, why would they be after me?" Quinn asked. "And wouldn't this mean I would be safe even if they found out about Peter?"     

"Quinn, the vampire race like to seem civilized, and on the outside it looks like they are working together, but they are just as cruel and power hungry as humans. When the vampire king or queen decides to go into eternal slumber, then a new king shall be selected from one of the thirteen leaders.     

"While the current king or queen is still present they must do as they are ordered, but once they disappear it will turn into a cruel battleground. You are a leader in name only. A shortcut was created due to the system. A lowly vampire like you is too weak. To become a vampire leader one at least must have the rank of a vampire lord. Although this isn't the only reason why they will be after you, unfortunately I cannot say anymore."     

The vampire leaders were at the rank of a vampire lord, but Quinn had never met a one before so he had no reference for their strength. The only other vampire he had met was Fex.     

"What about Fex, do you know what rank he is at?" Quinn asked.     

"Fex is on the cusp. He is not quite at the next evolutionary stage which would be a vampire noble, but he is stronger than most vampires out there. The ranks are as follows, you have a vampire, vampire Noble, vampire knight, vampire lord and finally the vampire king or queen. There are also the sub classes such as Peter within these ranks, but they can never rise above their leaders or creators."     

Quinn was hoping to hear that Fex was quite a high ranking vampire, perhaps even one just below the vampire lord. Instead he just manged to get confirmation that there were a few more classes even above Fex.     

It was as the system said, for whatever reason that the system couldn't tell him, if they were to learn he was a vampire leader they would try to kill him, and with his strength right now he wouldn't even last a second.     

"These families why are there thirteen of them? Couldn't all the vampires just unite under one banner?"     

"The humans and vampires share more than they would like to admit. Just how humans were selfish and decided to keep their abilities to themselves it is the same for the Vampires. Each Vampire has a basic set of skills, however, the thirteen different families are each divided into the different abilities they have.     

"This does not mean, they are all related by blood however, before learning an ability a vampire must go through a blood ritual with that family, meaning they can never go against them. Only then will they teach that vampire their ability. An example of this is the Sanguinis family that Fex is a part of, who have the ability to control strings. Still, this does not mean a vampire cannot learn an ability outside of the thirteen, but if they chose to do this, they will never be promoted within the ranks of the family they have chosen to follow."     

This information disappointed Quinn a little. He was hoping at some point he would be able to find an ability for Peter to use, but it seemed like each family kept a lock on their abilities, not allowing outsiders to learn them. And what was the chance Quinn would be able to stumble upon another book that vampires were able to learn? Thinking about this caused another question to pop into his head.     

"Wait!" Quinn said. "Does that mean my ability belongs to one of the thirteen? Is that why they're trying to kill me?"     

"You're shadow ability is not part of the thirteen families." The system replied.     

This was the first bit of good news Quinn thought. If his ability wasn't part of the thirteen families even if he used it, the vampires wouldn't know he was a vampire, and they could think he was just another ability user.     

"But, I warn you to not use your ability in front of others, the only thing I can say for now is your ability carries a history for the vampires that they wish to forget, they would only target you more."     

"Doesn't that mean Fex is targeting me then?" said Quinn.     

"I believe he may be too young to know about what happened in the past, they most likely do not teach the young ones about this either. This is all you need to know about this matter, so I can't tell you more at this point. When you are strong enough Quinn, I promise I can tell you then!" The system said, and sounded a little apologetic.     

This whole vampire business seemed like it was more trouble than it was worth at the moment. Just when Quinn thought he could finally stop hiding his strength it seemed like he needed to hide it even more.     

But for now though, he would have to deal with one problem at a time, and the immediate problem in front of him was the situation with Peter and Duke.     


Over at the elemental training hall. Vorden and Peter were keeping their distance as usual, but Vorden had been keeping his eye on Peter the whole lesson. So far nothing new happened and like Quinn's beast weapons class was focussing on the same lesson the whole week, so was theirs. But as the lesson was about to finish, the students had some free time to practise what they had learned, or do something else they wanted. Once again Bones had come over with his three men and confronted Peter, but Vorden decided to see how things would play out before he would step in.     

"Peter!" Bones shouted. "Well, will you look at that? You finally manged to reach level three. It looks like you're going to make it to level four in time after all. What do you say to one more sparring match before tomorrow huh?"     

Bones, was frustrated after taking a beating from Vorden last time. He himself was a level four user, while Peter was still level three, and a new one at that. Bones was confident he could still beat him. Even if he had the potential to be as strong as him with his earth powers, he couldn't have learnt that many skills with the ability in such a short amount of time.     

Peter turned around and took one look at Bones. "You're too weak for me, p*ss off before I kill you."     


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