Rise of The Undead Legion

Waiting for the Perfect Opportunity

Waiting for the Perfect Opportunity

0"Pull yourself together!" Warlord roared at the Pyromancer.     

"Sorry Guildmaster, but I've lost control over my character!!" the Pyromancer cried out. He was shooting out all of his Skills without any regard to their cooldowns at his own allies. Creating chaos within their ranks.     

"Calm down, it must be the Boss's Skill," Valentine chuckled. "I'll take care of this!"     

Suddenly, Valentine's own body began bubbling and metamorphosing. His Legacy was the Metamorphosing Man. It provided him with enormous vitality and adaptability at the cost of damage. Still, as a Guardian, his sole purpose was to safeguard his allies and make his enemies focus fire on him so it was a perfect tradeoff.     

Valentine applied his Legacy Skill onto his shield, turning it into an enormous shield that blocked the fireballs and torrents shooting toward his guild members.     

While Valentine and the rest of the players were distracted by the sudden 'betrayal,' Guk-Drasiel had already reformed his body, and it was regenerating his HP at a fast pace.     

"Warlord, take care of the Boss!" Valentine reminded his friend.     

"Slayer, with me," Warlord ordered. He turned and ran to the Boss's flank, dodging his swings with professional ease. Satan Slayer pulled out his spear and shot it forward, propelling himself and the spear like a comet.     

The powerful attack created red surging heat waves which made space itself fluctuate.     

The giant tree man was unable to dodge due to his massive size and received the spear that penetrated right through his knee cap. The tree man groaned and roared out in pain as it fell to the ground.     

Yet, it didn't just lay down waiting to be killed. It smashed its fist into the ground, both to support himself back up until his leg would regenerate, while simultaneously creating massive roots riddled in sharp thorns that burst out from underground, trapping Satan Slayer in a deadly embrace.     

Warlord had just arrived in position, behind Guk-Drasiel. He held his axe with both hands and swung down. A gigantic armored man appeared behind him. The size and immensity of such a creature was too great for the eyes to take in its entirety.     

The avatar held a battle-ax quite similar to Warlord, only his had more runic carvings as well as a godly golden aura surrounding it. The axe fell down, crushing the tree monster and shaving off another enormous portion of its HP.     

"What the fuck?" Dave groaned; "This way too broken man." Dave complained to his Undead.     

He had believed that his Legacy was already powerful, but witnessing the firepower of Warlord's own Legacy changed his mind entirely.     

However, it was only natural. Dave's Legacy was focused upon controlling massive numbers of Undead and reviving them to further his cause. It was a leader's Legacy to control minions to help him achieve victory. Warlord's Legacy, on the other hand, was designed to make its wielder into a literal God of War on the battlefield. His firepower was enough to describe him as a one-man army, and the continuous devastating blows it could release had granted Warlord his title of the strongest in the game.     

That was of course before Mr. Skeletal rose to fame. Ever since he had been killed by Dave in the first Raid, Warlord had hated the Undead player. The fact that Dave had his own show on TV which showed the success after success of the newcomer only served to remind Warlord that the challenger could replace his from the number one spot. Thus he didn't hold his punches. He was willing to risk it all to go back to his former glory.     

"Should we interfere, my lord? The tree creature is suffering a lot. If it falls to their hands, we will have a hard time obtaining the final Node." The Tengu spoke up.     

"Not right now," Dave's eyes remained focused on the Pyromancer. The party was mostly defending from his attacks and focused their fire on the tree monster. Due to this, the parasite didn't have a chance to spread.     

"We need to kill the Pyromancer," Dave concluded.     

"I can do that," Singund slammed his fist into his palm. He was ready to jump into action.     

"No, it's still too early. If we're spotted our plan will go awry."     

As he was contemplating to call back the Shadow Ghoul, the Pyromancer suddenly shouted, "Shit, GO AWAY! It's happening!!!"     

Warlord's eyes widened, "STOP!"     

Dave was distraught, he didn't understand what was going on. The Pyromancer's own body began increasing in mass and started to glow brighter.     

"He's self-destructing!" Valentine shouted and ran away, "EVERYONE BACK OFF!"     

Dave finally realized what was going on. One of the Fire Masters Class Skills was called Self-Destruction. It could cause massive damage to all enemies in a wide area at the cost of the user's own life. A tactic often used in wars to eliminate as many enemies as one could.     

The Skill had only one positive side-effect. Once it was used, as long as the caster managed to kill at least one of his enemies, they would not lose their level or be sent to Limbo. The downside to this was, that it wasn't an instant cast spell but a channelled one, though it was uninterruptible. Still, if one paid close attention and ran away at the right moment, the caster would fail to kill his foe. In that case, it was just an instant death and everything would proceed just like a normal player death.     

The party moved as far away from the self-destructing Pyromancer. The slowest of the party happened to be the two Priests that were in the backline along with the Pyromancer.     

"Shit, Lord of the Divine Light, grant us your blessing!" one of the Priests shouted. Creating a sphere that covered him and the other Priest from the explosion.     

The fire blew up, creating massive heat waves which shot through the pillar formations and scorched the greenery that was surrounding the area.     

The heatwave thankfully stopped a few feet in front of Dave's location. For the time being, he remained invisible to the Devastators who had bigger problems to worry about.     

As for the rest of the party, they were unharmed. All thanks to Valentine. The Guardian had enlarged his arms to match those of the godly being that Warlord had summoned. He then had used the arms to safeguard the party from the explosive damage.     

"Is everyone alright?" Valentine asked.     

"Yeah, we're good," came the group's response.     

"Fuck," one of the Priests shouted.     

Turning, Warlord noticed two enormous leeches digging into both of the Priest's necks.     

With the death of the Pyromancer, the parasite had doubled in number and had jumped into the body of the two closest people.      

This meant the party was left without healers. What made matters worse, one of the Priests began waving his staff. He summoned divine golden light and aimed it at the Boss.     

Guk-Drasiel's almost cadaverous stature began changing. The light increased the rate of his own abnormal regeneration, and it began reconstructing itself at a much faster pace.     

"Fuck, he got both the Priests!" The Assassin showed up from nowhere cursing. His dagger was at the ready.     

"Guildmaster, should I take them out?" He asked.     

"Idiot, did you even check its abilities? If the host dies it will only cause the parasites to spread further."     

"We can't win with the Boss having two healers!" Satan Slayer grumbled.     

"Nor can we win if we end up facing four of our allies," Valentine replied. "Let's burst it down."     

"I'm all out of powerful Skills, this fight will be taking a long time," Warlord sighed.     

Satan Slayer dodged one of the Boss's attacks and shouted. "Stop arguing, and fucking do something useful I can't hold him down on my own anymore!"     

The Boss let out a cry and shook his head. The corpse flower atop it began releasing glowing purplish spheres. The small spheres spread wide and began covering a large swath of the area.     

"Don't inhale these," Valentine spoke up and moved away from the spores.     

The party followed his lead, regrouping and trying to come up with a new plan. All while the Priests continuously healed the Boss.     

"There is nothing we can do right now, I say we wait until they're out of mana then we re-engage." Satan Slayer suggested.     

"Right, I'll take over the front. Without healing, I'll be having a lot of trouble handling this thing. You guys will have to swap with me regularly," Valentine clarified their plans.     

"Right, go. We'll back you up," Warlord gave the order.     

Valentine nodded and turned to the Boss, he began increasing the size of his body to match that of the Boss.     

"Fantastic. It's better than expected," Dave grinned.     

"But Lord, those holy men are dangerous to us," the Tengu said.     

The holy element was the strongest counter to the undeath nature.     

"Yes, I know, but things are turning in our favour. The more they struggle, the better it is for us. They'll have to exhaust their Skills, their stamina and their power to try and take down the Boss." Dave replied.     

The High Orc snorted, "Those soft skins are too weak, they'll never win like this."     

"No Singund, these are the best of the best. I don't doubt that they will find a way to win. I trust their capabilities."     

"I wonder why you are complementing your enemies?" the Tengu asked.     

"One should respect his foe, otherwise they could do something unexpected which might bite you in the ass. I know how strong these guys are. They could still win… but they won't. I won't let them," Dave's grin widened large enough for all of his teeth to show up.     

His hand was casually stroking his beard…     

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