Rise of The Undead Legion

Annoying Skeletal

Annoying Skeletal

0"Val, SWITCH!" Warlord roared as he ran forward.     

The Guardian grunted and pulled away from the Boss, half an hour into the fight and the Priests had finally fully exhausted their mana. At this point, they were nothing more than two puppets. The Boss was back to one-third of his total HP, while the rest of the Devastator party was in a sorry condition.     

After some lucky crits on Guk-Drasiel's side, the Devastators were down to only Valentine, a half dying Satan Slayer and Warlord who was the only one who could take more than two of the Boss's hits.     

The fight was not as bad as it looked for the Devastators. Due to the long period of the fight, they had come to see through the Boss's patterns. They had learned how he would act and how they needed to react to his actions. Mostly, they dodged his Skills and kited him whenever they could. This led to a situation where they seemingly danced around the Boss but as soon as a good opportunity presented themselves they rushed in to land a few powerful hits leading to his overall HP falling faster than he could regenerate it.     

Valentin's Legacy Skill proved to be immensely helpful as he tanked the boss better than an army of players. Guiding his hits and peeling for his allies.     

Guk-Drasiel released a wave of thorns that spread around it, showering the party in pointed sharp thorns. Satan Slayer pulled himself away dodging the hits, while the rest managed to tank the damage.     

Dave was thinking about how to join the battle when Singund spoke.     

"Is it just me, or do you smell incense?" His orcish nose was twitching.     

"Incense?" Dave mumbled and immediately turned around. Right behind them, a smiling bald man was standing tall. A staff, no longer cracked, was strapped to his back.     

The monk had one hand in prayer while the other was folded behind him.     

"Amitabha," he spoke. "Children of the dead world, give thine lives and be freed from your coils. For only through pain, salvation can be obtained."     

Dave grinned, "It's you again."     

"It's indeed I, little thief." The monk spoke, his words sounding calm, but the tone revealed a hint of anger.     

Dave looked behind him at the battle and put on a smile. He had just gotten the idea for a plan so crazy it just might work…      

"Oh was this yours? Was that why you came looking for me?" Dave asked feigning ignorance as he pulled up the Node of Power that had been resting in his inventory ever since their last encounter.     

"Tis but one of mine goals. Hand over the Vulkan's Creation and your death shall be swifter than the gust of wind." The monk spoke as he moved toward Dave.     

"You know, I'm not the same as last time."     

"Nor am I. I've prepared to deal with thine annoying friend, but since he is nowhere to be found it will make things easy. I knew there was a string of fate connecting us to. You'd need to come back for the last Node, and I had waited. Now, tis but you and I."     

"Lord, what is this baldy talking about?" Singund asked his hands on his weapon.     

"Don't worry about this. Since he wants a fight I'm gonna give him one," Dave answered smirking.     

"You sound confident," the monk was getting closer at a faster speed.     

"Guys back away," Dave ordered. His Undead spread out leaving a clear path for the monk.     

Dave rubbed his beard a few more times before he made a beckoning gesture to the monk, "Come at me."     

The monk frowned, giving Dave a moment to inspect him once again.     


Name: Cha-Zhen     

Race: Half-Divinity     

Level: 650     

Tier: Mythic     

Base damage: 250,000-350,000     

Danger Level: :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:     

HP: 300,000,000     

PD: 350,000     

MD: 350,000     

Skills: ???     

Lore: Cha-Zhen was once a man, known to his people by a steadfast faith in peace and inner calmness. Cha-Zhen gained Divinity by becoming one with the world itself. He spent ages preaching the people and guiding humanity to the right path. However, to become what he is today meant that he had seen the worse of mankind, and most likely, he was a part of it also.     


Cha-Zen's level was now perceivable to Dave. But his Skills remained hidden. Dave would need to level up more to see through the monk's secrets or find out the hard way.      

However, what still bothered Dave the most was the monk's low HP. He was 100 levels above Guk-Drasiel yet had less HP than that Boss. Even his base damage was not that special, even though he was supposed to be nearing the level of the Gods. Yet, it was soon revealed to Dave, that what the monk might lack in damage, he more than compensated for in speed.     

The ground underneath his leg broke as he burst forward.     

Dave had a fraction of a second to pull his shield up while also jumping into the air.     

Cha-Zen's staff struck wide on the shield. Sending Dave flying like a meteor right into the battle of the Devastators VS Guk-Drasiel.     

Dave tumbled several times after the attack from the monk and rose back to his feet. Right in between the players and the massive hulking Boss.     

The creature, unwelcoming to the new guest struck down with his hand.     

Dave held his shield up again, this time, he used the shield's [Absorption] consuming the power of the attack.     

"Skeletal! This is our prey! Get the fuck off!" Warlord roared.     

Dave ignored him and rolled away from the Boss. The monk had appeared in a downward striking position, a fraction of a second after Dave had moved.     

The ground blew up, creating huge amounts of dust and debris.     

"What the fuck is going on?" Satan Slayer shouted. They were barely able to withstand the powerful area Boss, and now the Draugr had just added a new variable to the mix. The monk was a Boss much higher level than Guk-Drasiel.     

"You're breaking the contract!" Warlord accused the other party of foul play.     

"Na'm'not," Dave grinned and continued dodging away, "If I was - Albert would have - already come here!"      

The two Bosses were intent on taking him down. Dave wasn't going to let that happen anytime soon.     

The monk struck once again at him. He was unable to dodge the strike so he used the shield to absorb the monk staff's strike.     

Seeing as the Bosses seemed keen to take out Dave first, the Devastators prepared to take a breather from the tight battle. Dave was being focused and they were under no obligation to help him out. Yet Dave wasn't going to give them any peace. He purposefully led the Bosses toward the Devastators.     

"Hey, why are you bringing them here!" Satan Slayer complained.     

"What do you expect me to do? I don't wanna visit Limbo. You wanted to fight the Area Boss, here, it's all yours," Dave answered grinning as he ran toward the Devastators.     

"Stop running away you thief!" the monk shouted.     

Dave ignored the Bosses and ran toward the party, who groaned. They couldn't shamelessly run away from the Boss, they still needed to kill it to get the Node. Yet one Boss had been more than enough to decimate their party, two Bosses at the same time was just courting death in their current situation.     

"Fuck you skelly!" Warlord cursed. They had been so close to obtaining the Node. If the fight had kept going for just another ten minutes, they could have taken the b\Boss and probably received a way to establish an outpost in the Underworld. Yet now all of their suffering and suffering had been for naught… all due to Skeletal's intervention.     

In his rage, Warlord held his axe up and swung at Dave.     

Dave's smile didn't fade, it even grew inhumanly wider. He didn't even try to dodge the incoming attack. This was exactly what he had hoped for.     

"NO!" Valentine's words came too late for Warlord to stop his action. The axe was already coming down and Dave took it head-on.     


The attack struck Dave in the chest and sent him rolling back.     

The monk arrived at Dave's fallen body and struck down. Only to find Dave holding his shield up and use [Reject] ejecting Guk-Drasiel's attack to clash against the monk. The monk was caught off guard and was blasted away but without taking any damage.     

Guk-Drasiel ignored Dave as he was already fighting the monk and headed for the Devastators.     

Yet Warlord's own avatar began fading.     

"What's going on?" he asked as he was looking at his avatar.     

"You attacked Skelly man. You've breached the contract so you'll be kicked out of the Underworld," Valentine sighed in a defeated tone.     

Once the realisation dawned on Warlord, regret soon overcame him. But before his avatar fully disappeared. He threw a small paper to Valentine.     

"You'll regret this, Skelly! Mark my words!" The words uttered by Warlord were comparable to a third rate movie villain. It only made Dave giggle.     

Warlord's avatar disappeared immediately afterwards.     

"What are we gonna do now?" Satan Slayer asked. He was low on HP and Guk-Drasiel was already upon them.     

"Fuck, we can't win without Warlord's DPS. Not to mention Skelly's new lover."     

"And I can't tank without healers anymore," Valentine admitted defeat.     

"Skelly did us good..." Satan Slayer lamented their sorry state.     

Valentine laughed: "The worst part is he technically didn't even break any rules. I should have expected that."     

"So what are we gonna do about it," Satan Slayer asked as he dodged one of the boss's swings.     

"Well Warlord left a present for him, it would be rude not to hand it over," Valentine smirked and tore the paper that had been handed to him.     

Dave's vision was hindered for a moment due to a sudden notification.     


A Forbidden Chapter has been used on you:     


You have been locked down in the Fourth Raid Zone, Drow Kingdom.     

You cannot leave the area for 72 hours of game time.     

Should you die, it will keep your soul here and prevent you from going to Limbo. You will be logged out and will be unable to log back in before the Forbidden Chapter's duration is up.     

The use of Teleportation Scrolls and Teleportation Gates have been disabled.     


Dave didn't comment on the notification, he only waved it away and turned to the remaining two Devastator members.     

"How does it feel being locked in here with us," Satan Slayer asked maliciously.     

"Me? Locked in here with you? I think you got this wrong." Dave's grin turned to a full rotten smile.     

"It's you who are locked here with me! Boyz! Come out!"     

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