Last Wish System

Spell Training

Spell Training


Yale stopped his practice when the time for training with Aizu arrived. He didn't need his sister to tell him to stop practicing like before.


As Yale affinity to the time element increased, his own sense of time also improved.

When Yale arrived at the training ground, he discovered that was Aizu was already there with Ange. Yale was punctual, but Aizu came ahead of time, and Ange didn't want to disturb him, so she went to receive her personally.

Aizu was shocked when her idol appeared to receive her.

She was extremely nervous when she saw Ange appearing to receive her; she couldn't even speak well in front of Ange.

Ange found that very cute of Aizu. After all, Ange knew that Aizu was her fan because Yale had told her the previous night.

Yale also spoke about Aizu's problem with the forced marriage, so Ange couldn't avoid feeling sympathy towards her.

"Sis, you should have told me that Aizu had already arrived."

Yale felt bad for not being able to receive Aizu personally.

"I know how crazy you are at training, so I didn't dare to disturb you only because a girl came to see you."

Ange was only teasing Yale. She knew how dense her little brother was, and she noticed that Aizu had some interest in him, so she wanted to help them a bit by forcing Yale to spoke some good words.

"Even if I like training, you should have told me when she arrived. After all, I was the one who invited her to come."

Yale was who proposed to use the house's training grounds, making his guest wait was something that he disliked.

Ange sighed, she gave Yale an excellent opportunity to say some cool words, but he only said what he thought.

Aizu already had some understanding of Yale's personality, and she expected that kind of answer. Furthermore, she was the one who came ahead of time, so she wouldn't blame Yale for making her wait.

"Let's stop chitchat and start with the practice; we don't have a lot of time."

Yale went directly to the main point.

"Alright, I didn't come to speak either."

Seeing how the two kids were fonder of training than romantic affairs, Ange gave up and seated near the training grounds to see their practice. After all, they were still young, it was already good that Yale was speaking with a girl.

"You can start with that fireball spell from yesterday; you already had good control of it, you were only careless. With a bit more of practice, you should master it."

"You let me be the first? You also have that incredible water spell that should be almost mastered."

"Don't worry I just advanced to 2-star mortal yesterday at night, completely mastering a spell is more important to you right now."

Aizu stared at Yale with disbelief and then looked to Ange, who merely nodded.

Aizu knew that Yale was near to advance, but not that near as to breakthrough just after they separated.

"Alright, I will be the first to cast a spell."

Aizu started to create a fireball slowly but with stability.

The size of the fireball was even bigger than when she lost the control previously. Yale understood that he wasn't the only one who neglected sleep to practice.

"What do you think about my new fireball? I improved quite a bit since yesterday."

"You are really a genius in the fire element. You should also advance very quickly."

Indeed, Aizu almost advanced, but she was two months older than Yale and had more time to practice her spells.

Yale was the youngest of their generation; all the others had more time than him to practice before entering the academy.

However, being able to master that spell with only two or three months was still awesome.

"Do you know a fire spell to be able to compare? Or some similar spell?"

That was the usual practice, both parties cast similar spells and compare them while sharing insights. Aizu casting first meant that Yale was the one who should use a similar spell to the one she used, instead of his best spell.

"I never trained any fire spell, but your spell resembles a bit to my water ball. However, I haven't trained it much, so it isn't comparable with your spell."

Yale felt a bit embarrassed about it, but his progress was already shocking enough like it was.

"Then how can you help me mastering the spell if you didn't know anything about fire spells nor have anything else to compare it."

Aizu didn't want to blame Yale since she knew that Yale shouldn't have had time to practice more, but she didn't know how to practice while ignoring that problem.

"Oh, that's easy. You only need to throw fireballs to me, and I will only defend. Real practice is better than only casting a spell."

That was Yale's intention when he decided to practice with someone else. Just comparing spells and giving opinions wasn't very useful because that could only work well if both parties trained similar spells until a similar level, so they could share insights.

"Isn't that too dangerous?"

Aizu feared that Yale would get hurt by the fireballs. Although she knew that Yale could heal himself, that wasn't a reason to hurt him.

"Don't worry. I have confidence in my abilities."

Yale wasn't bluffing, he really felt like that.

"Then, don't blame me if you get burnt."

Aizu threw the first fireball to Yale, who avoided it without any difficulty.

"That ball of fire was powerful but too slow. There isn't any opponent who would wait until the attack hits without trying to avoid it. Instead, you should make some small fireballs and shoot them all, that would make it more difficult to avoid despite the lower power. Better to inflict less damage than no damage at all because the attack failed."

Aizu had a lot of talent regarding the fire element, but she never had a real battle before, so she lacked a good battle sense. Of course, a lot of students of their age had a similar problem.

However, spells weren't created to show how mighty or beautiful they were, they needed to be useful.

That was what Aizu's spell lacked, it was only a spell for showing, but without someone else blocking the enemy movements, it didn't have a real use in a battle.

Yale thought that if Aizu managed to solve that problem, she would be able to advance to a 2-star mortal without difficulties.

Aizu didn't expect that Yale would be able to analyze the problem in her spell and create a solution at first sight.

Yale was used to battle with Swordmad and gained a lot of experience in the Beast Trial. Thus, he was able to devise how to use the skills in a real battle better than other kids.

Aizu started to create the fireball again, the quantity of fire was the same, but it was divided into a lot of smaller fireballs.

She seemed to have difficulties splitting them, but she managed to do it with some effort.

When the fireballs shot towards Yale, he tried merely to dodge, but that time there were too many.

Although the power was reduced, the speed and quantity increase, so some were unavoidable even with Yale's agility.

At that moment, Yale used the Frost Claw in both hands, but in liquid form.

Yale used both Frost Claws to block the unavoidable fireballs while dodging the rest.

When all the fireballs were extinguished, Yale was completely unharmed.

Aizu looked with admiration at Yale.

There were two main reasons for that, the first was that Yale's advice was extremely useful, and provoked a huge increase in the usefulness of the spell. She even felt that her mastery also raised a lot.

The second reason was that even under that kind of attack, Yale managed to avoid injuries.

"Don't look at me like that, continue until you exhaust your energy or advance to the 2-star."

Aizu was shocked to hear that. If she did as Yale had said, Yale wouldn't have a lot of time left for him to practice.

However, that was Yale's intention.

Yale didn't want to use his spells on Aizu since she didn't have his regenerative abilities nor his battle sense.

He could obtain good experience just by receiving the attacks, but Yale thought that saying that to Aizu would hurt her pride.

"It's just that I like hard-working people, and if we are both at the same level, it will be easier to practice afterward."

Yale didn't like to lie, so he merely said another truth. He really liked hard-working people and practicing with someone at the same level was better than with a lower level one.

However, his words made Aizu's face to turn red and even left Ange speechless.

Ange knew that her little brother didn't have any second meaning hidden in his words and that what he said was just the truth. However, she didn't expect that he would tell that with such good timing.

Aizu also understood that Yale was only saying facts and wasn't implying anything else, but she couldn't avoid blushing after hearing his words.

The spell training continued, Aizu was almost exhausted, but Yale was becoming more and more capable of evading her attacks.

Yale had never sparred with someone who specialized in long-range spells, and even if some beasts had similar skills, it wasn't the same.

Furthermore, he wasn't used to his sudden increase of strength after advancing to 2-star mortal and getting a boost in his stats.

That sparring was enough to help Yale to become more used to his own power.

Yale wasn't the only one who benefitted from that training. Aizu managed to breakthrough before becoming exhausted.

She was the second one in their promotion to become a 2-star mortal erudite.

"Congratulations, Aizu."

Yale congratulated Aizu for her breakthrough. That was custom when someone saw a breakthrough.

"Thank you, Yale. If it weren't for this style of training, I doubt I had been able to advance that fast."

"It is because you are talented and worked hard. Without hard work and talent, no matter the method, you wouldn't advance this quick."

Aizu blushed again because of Yale's praise.

Ange saw it and started to think that even though Yale was still dense as a rock, he had some innate talent to get girls unconsciously.

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