Last Wish System

Eagle's Blood

Eagle's Blood


Even though Kermu didn't say anything to the others, he continued thinking about the topic.


He discovered that there were many reasons for what someone would want to help Yale by approaching him to Serka and thus to the Zhan Clan's faction who supported his mother.

The time-based skill Yale had used before wasn't worse than his own space-based technique, any of the ancestors from the Zhan Clan would be interested in him.

Other clans would also want to help him even if it was only to do a favor to the Zhan Clan. After all, the Zhan Clan had the best healers of the empire, so doing favors to them was always a good thing, and the other clans wouldn't let such opportunity pass if they were the first ones in discovering that Yale belonged to the Zhan Clan.

Time Healing could save anyone's life as long as that person wasn't dead, and the Zhan Clan had a monopoly of Time Healing.

Any Zhan Clan's descendant who managed to use Time Healing would belong only to the Zhan Clan, no matter where that person other parent belonged to.

That was also similar to the other clan's bloodline skills. None of them wanted their own secret skills to be spread.

Thus, all of them agreed to hand over the kids who awakened the skill belonging to another clan to the clan that skill belonged to. There were a lot of marriages between the clans, so that wasn't strange and happened a lot.

However, a kid who inherited two skills from different bloodlines had never appeared in the empire, or at least no one knew anything about such a lucky person. If something like that was known, it would be a huge uproar in the clans, at the same time as a conflict for who will take care of the child.

The secrecy about the bloodline skills was one of the reasons some members of the Zhan Clan were enraged with Yale's mother because since she was a genius, her descendants would have a lot of possibilities of awakening Time Healing.

Fortunately for Yale, there were only a few people in the clan who knew where Yale's mother went, and those were all people who supported her, so they had no chance to act against her and her descendants.

The chances of the incarnation being from one of the clans were very high, and that would be logical, but he didn't want to discard the possibility that the incarnation was from someone who owed a favor to Yale's mother or an expert that had taken a liking to Yale without having any relation to him.

That incarnation could also be a random expert that wanted to build a good relationship with the noble clans.

Kermu could think about a lot of possibilities, and he had no way to know what was the correct one, but he had already discarded any thoughts of a coincidence or a fated meeting, that meeting between cousins was obviously planned by someone else.

While Kermu was thinking about that, Yale went to Wyba's side and sat down.

He wanted to check the system as he noticed that there were some notifications while he was unconscious.

[The user is surrounded by blood from a beast. The system forced the user's body to absorb it to improve the "5-star Frost Wolf Bloodline: Complete" to "6-star Frost Winged Wolf Bloodline: Complete".]

[Due to the blood's absorption, the user's "Wind Elemental Affinity: Mid-low grade" upgraded to "Wind Elemental Affinity: High grade".]

[Blood absorption increases the Vitality to 26.]

[Blood absorption increases the Strength to 28.]

[Blood absorption increases the Agility to 30.]

[Blood absorption increases the Dexterity to 27.]

[A Legacy had been found hidden within the bloodline. The user learned the Magic Skill "Wind Wings".]

Yale didn't expect that the blood of the big eagle would have such effects on him, increasing one star the bloodline quality was already a lot, but even the species had varied, he didn't know about any monster called Frost Winged Wolf, so he believed that it was a rare one.

His wind affinity also increased, which made sense because the eagle's main element was wind. However, having upgraded it from mid-low grade to the high grade was really a great increase.

Furthermore, his stats increased a lot, his agility even directly maxed due to the blood effects.

However, the most shocking was the legacy that was hidden inside the blood, the guess that the forest area's legacy was inside the beast's bloodline wasn't wrong after all.

[Wind Wings Level 1: Creates magic wings that give the capacity to fly. Wind Element. It requires 5 Origin Points for every minute. Mastery at level 10.]

The spell wasn't bad. With that consumption rate, Yale wouldn't be able to fly a lot, but it was enough to fly briefly in battle.

After checking the system, Yale went to talk with his companions.

"We were right! The true legacies of this area are hidden within the bodies of the powerful monsters. There is a legacy inside the eagle's blood."

Just as Yale said, the bloodlines were the true legacy of the area, even though the Special Realm restricted those monsters, their species were extremely powerful, finding any of those at such low level in the outside world would be impossible.

That was the reason Yale improved that much after fusing it with his own bloodline.

"Are you serious?"

After Kermu heard Yale's words, he extracted some bottles with the eagle's blood from his spatial artifact.

When they saw how Yale used that blood to heal Wyba, they thought that conserving it would be useful in the future, so Kermu stored it in bottles inside his spatial artifact.

"Yes, this is the legacy spell."

As Yale said that sentence, he used the spell, and two translucent wings appeared in his back.

He flew a bit before going back to the floor, he wasn't used to flying, so his moves were weird, but he was flying, and usually, that would be impossible in Yale's level.

As the others saw it, they started to use their energy on the blood to find and learn the legacy.

They started to learn it as they did on the wall. Since they didn't absorb it and fused with their bodies like Yale, they didn't obtain the legacy directly.

Because Yale had used that blood extremely skillfully before, the nobles found normal that he picked some clues about the blood before anyone else.

Kermu needed only two hours before grasping the spell, learning from blood was more difficult than learning from the wall, so he could be considered very fast. Kermu had a perfect affinity to wind, so the Wind Wings Magic Skill was a spell that suited him a lot.

Nurvey and Serka needed a day to learn it.

Hyrk was the slowest again. He needed two days to learn the spell. He was having bad luck as the two legacies they found weren't well suited to him.

However, the group remained in the eagle's nest area for five more days practicing the Wind Wings until Wyba finally woke up.

She still looked the same as before, but she had advanced to the 3-star Mortal Rank, and Yale guessed that her species should also have changed like his own bloodline did.

Wyba had reached the same rank as her mother while being only a cub, which indicated that her future possibilities were far higher than it should have been without leaving the Beast Trial with Yale.

Wyba remained in Yale's arms despite Nurvey wanting to hug her. She understood that Wyba wanted to be with Yale after recovering from her injuries. Moreover, she felt guilty for failing to protect her before.

"Now that Wyba has woke up, we should decide what to do now. The first option is to look for another 6-star monster to try to find hidden bloodline legacies. The other one is to leave the area and go to another zone. Personally, I vote for the second option, battling with a 6-star monster is too dangerous, we shouldn't be greedy."

Although beating such an opponent wasn't impossible, there were too many variables. The previous battle was a difficult one, and Kermu didn't feel confident that everyone would survive to another fight of that type.

"I am with Kermu, better if we change the zone, battling 6-star monsters is too dangerous, and we don't know if all the 6-star monsters have legacies in their blood. The risk is too high for uncertain benefits."

After Wyba almost died, so Yale didn't want to take unnecessary risks. Their group had a lot of chances of survival against common traps, even the ones with illusions, so they could still find more legacies in the other areas without needing to be in such a high risk.

Nurvey didn't talk, but she nodded at Yale's words.

"As a healer, I am also against continuing battling in this area. I don't feel confident in being able to save everyone's lives, and we have already obtained one legacy here."

Hyrk was the only one who didn't know what to say because, until that moment, he didn't find any legacy that suited him. Probably some beast in the forest could have one, but he didn't want to put everyone in danger because of his greediness.

"I really want to find a suitable legacy for me, but I think we should leave this zone. Being here won't ensure that I find it anyway."

Hyrk finally chose the group's security instead of his personal aspirations. He also understood that a 6-star monster wasn't a joke given the power and numbers of the group.

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