Lady to Queen



0It was impossible to raise people's taxes any further. The Marvinus Empire had already imposed the highest taxes on the citizens, but if it was raised any further, this might lead to an uprising.     

Even the smallest revolt could have a big effect on the empire. Patrizia's eyes seemed to seek feedback as they looked left and right around the room, and asked again.     

"For my decision as of now, the only choice I have left is to tax the nobility. What are your thoughts on this?"     

The treasury had already reached the bottom with overspending, while there were still other expenses. If so, the ones that had the wealth could just pay a bit more? Currently, the nobles of the Marvinus Empire were not paying any taxes, so Patrizia thought that this level of sacrifice was a given. Of course, these people might think completely different about this matter.     

Naturally, the perspectives of royalty and nobility couldn't help but be different. Perhaps if they earnestly cared for the empire, she could be wrong.     

In other words, this was where their loyalty to the empire, and to the royals would be revealed. This was because humans were originally the most honest when money was on the line.     

"Your Majesty, that seems to be a not so bad method. Instead of one noble taking on all of the burden, sharing it amongst everyone might be best in the long run."     

"I also agree with this, Your Majesty."     

In addition, the nobles were eager to gain favor from her who was newly appointed as Regent. Patrizia smiled faintly and etched in her mind the faces, names, and positions of those who had sympathized with her will. Someday there would be a reason for her to use this. Patrizia calmly spoke on.     

"So then, is everyone in agreement?"     

"Your Majesty."     

At that moment, someone interrupted her, and she instinctively predicted that this was a viewpoint opposing hers.     

When she turned her head towards the voice, she was surprised by the person, who she didn't expect in the least.     

"Duke Efreni."     

"The nobility of the Marvinus Empire has not been paying taxes. Are you planning on breaking this long tradition?"     

He did not seem angry, but he spoke in this manner. It was as if there was something hidden in his words instead of actual opposition, it was hard to explain, but Patrizia felt this feeling approach her strongly. Patrizia felt this distinction and asked him for a detailed explanation.     

"What do you mean, Duke? To say breaking a tradition. You are being unfair in this assumption. Currently, this Empire's financial situation is not good, so it is the notion that the nobles that have the financial freedom can help to share the burden. I have no intention of breaking the tradition. However, if we can't share this level of difficulty, how can we call ourselves subjects to the Empire, Duke?"     

"However, if this kind of situation continues to occur, it might become natural to be collecting taxes from the nobility."     

"Duke, the Empire's financial situation is best known by the nobles in charge of the Ministry of Finance. If something like this happens again, it would be the same as this situation. His Majesty is not someone that does not have the ability to discern these things, so what you mentioned will not happen. What are you so worried about?"     

"That this temporary action might become a permanent practice, that is what I am worrying about. I do not know about those in the higher nobility, but those in the lower nobility could possibly oppose this measure."     

"Of course, the taxes will be collected based on wealth. The nobles with a lot of wealth will pay a lot, and the nobles with less will pay a little. I am aware that the Empire's current tax system collects in a similar manner. Are my words wrong, Viscount?"     

"No, you are not, Your Majesty. Your Majesty's words are correct."     

At the Viscount of Philistine's response, Patrizia gained more strength and carried on.     

"So then Duke, what is your argument? That even if at the cost of becoming unbalanced, the Imperial Family should be the one to be burdened with all of the costs?"     

"That is…"     

"If so then tell me, Duke. I am someone that dislikes criticism that does not offer any alternatives. If you have an ideal alternative option, I will follow that without any words of opposition. However, if you were blindly opposing without even one alternative, I see that as greatly irresponsible. Does the Duke of this Empire not have that kind of sense?"     

"…I apologize, Your Majesty. My thoughts were too short."     

Patrizia briefly stared at the Duke of Efreni apologizing to her and opened her mouth again to speak as if nothing was wrong.     

"In the future Duke, whatever alternatives you have, I hope you will share them. I am always prepared to accept if there is an available alternative. However, for this situation right now, if the nobles do not share the burden together, this could possibly lead to the fall of the Empire. Is that truly what you wish for, Duke?"     

"Of course not, Your Majesty. As someone who is also loyally serving with my all to the Marvinus Empire… I do not want that kind of outcome. I apologize, Your Majesty. My thoughts were really short."     


Patrizia once again stared at the Duke of Efreni. Everyone else had not opposed her words, but while it was open for discussion whether their loyalty was really that deep, if the Empire was faced with danger, their status would also not be guaranteed.     

Politics was in nature not about good intentions, but fiercely struggling to ensure one's own personal interests outright.     

The reason they were not saying a word, and willing to make the sacrifice was also to look towards the future with a greater perspective.     

That was why the fact that the Duke of Efreni had brought up these words, and opposed Patrizia's words without offering an alternative option, was definitely a strange situation.     

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