Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities



0On the way to the hospital, Jiang Tingxu slowly recalled the past.     

This could be likened to tearing off scab that had formed over a fresh wound. Bloody and messy.      

Her face instantly lost all color and was frighteningly pale.     

When she experienced that incident, Jiang Tingxu had just turned 13 years old, and it was on her birthday.     

The little girl was only smart in her studies. She had been protected like a little princess by the Mo family since she was young. She had never experienced the darkness of society and had therefore been easily deceived by Gu Shiyu.     

Who knew that there would be a group of human traffickers waiting outside.     

After snatching the person into the car, the group of human traffickers immediately drove away. They even left the city and province without stopping.     

Mo Er was the first to discover that she was missing and had questioned Gu Shiyu. However, the daughter of the Gu family deliberately gave a misleading explanation.     

By the time he finally discovered the problem, Jiang Tingxu had already been successfully abducted to the outside of the province by that group of people.     

Throughout the long journey from Yun City to the outside of the province, Jiang Tingxu had been stuffed in the boot of their car for two whole days and nights. There was something stuffed in her mouth, and no one came to her help no matter how hard she screamed.     

After getting off the car, she was brought to the main hideout by a local contact.     

Jiang Tingxu was not the only child in the hideout. There were men and women, children, and even adults. But the majority was women.     

Everyone knew that in places where there were many women, there were many brutal and unsightly scenes.     

In fact, those dehumanizing human traffickers even targeted children, or even boys.     

She had originally planned to commit suicide, but who knew Mo Boyuan would actually barge in alone.     

The big boy who had just become an adult, fought with his bare hands and scarlet eyes. He fought with his life.     

Both sides suffered serious injuries.     

However, evil could not prevail over good, and they still triumphed.     

No one from that group had come out unscathed.     

She still remembered those words which had been music to her ears:     


"Don't be afraid, girl, I'm here!"     

When she woke up later, she was already in the hospital. The entire Mo family was waiting by the bedside.     

After she was discharged from the hospital a few days later, she found out that Gu Shiyu had been taken away by the Gu family. It was Mother Mo's father who had personally pleaded with the old man for mercy.     

It could be said that those scenes had been intentionally sealed in the deepest corner of Jiang Tingxu's heart, like some sort of subconscious self-defense.     

That was because once those scenes come to mind, she would be in immeasurable pain. That was why she had chosen to seal them up.     

In her previous life, even until her death, these things had never been dug out.     

Who would have thought...     

"Eldest Young Mistress, we've arrived at the hospital."     

The driver's voice interrupted the painful memories in her mind.     

She instantly felt as if she were in a fog:     

"Okay, let's stop here."     

After getting out of the car, she took a few deep breaths before she took a step out with great difficulty.     

Those scenes from back then were indeed too heavy.     

Her face was still pale and had not regained any color.     

It was to the extent that when she walked into the department, she immediately caught everyone's attention.     

"Dr Jiang, are you sick?" Qiao Ran ran over from the triage desk with big strides.     

"I'm fine."     

Qiao Ran's voice had been very high-pitched. Everyone around them heard her clearly, including Pei Rusi and the head nurse who were not far away.     

In an instant, everyone came over.     

"Dr Jiang, are you not feeling well?" The head nurse asked.     

"I'm really fine." It was just that her heart was not at ease.     

Qiao Ran immediately held her hand:     

"Dr Jiang, let me help you to the office first."     

At this moment, Jiang Tingxu indeed felt a little weak, so she did not refuse her offer:     

"Thank you."     

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