Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Contorted from grievance

Contorted from grievance

0Ye Wanwan got off the car. Before she entered the exam hall, she sent a text to Ye Mufan: [Ge ge [1], shall we meet after my exams are over?]     

When she texted her brother about what happened to Shen Mengqi at school before, her brother didn't reply at all, nor did he answer her calls.     

The text message today was no different, like a rock sinking into the big sea.     

Ye Wanwan waited a while before finally deciding to switch her phone off and empty all the rubbish thoughts in her head. She took a deep breath and walked into the exam hall.     

Forget it, I have freedom now. When exams are over, I can go see him anytime.     

In the next two days, Ye Wanwan focused all her attention and energy on the exams.     

On the afternoon of the second day, when the math exam was over, it marked the end of her time in high school.     

Ye Wanwan walked out of the exam hall, looked at the azure sky above and felt as if she had entered into a new life.     

All the students cheered and charged towards their parents who had come to pick them up, like little birds just released from a cage.     

Ye Wanwan looked at the crowd and her gaze suddenly stopped at a familiar figure…     


However, when she went to take a closer look, she realised the figure was gone.     

It was probably just her illusion from missing him too much…     


At this moment, Jiang Yanran's voice came from behind her with Chu Feng by her side.     

The two of them coincidentally had exams in the same school at the exam hall upstairs,     

"Wanwan-jie, how did you do? Bet you did well!" Chu Feng asked excitedly.     

"It was alright, what about you guys?" Ye Wanwan asked.     

Chu Feng shook his head, slightly embarrassed, "I left the last math question blank. It was too twisted; I've never seen a question like that before! Everyone was debating whether it was even covered in our syllabus!"     

Ye Wanwan coughed lightly, "Was it really that difficult?"     

Actually, it was covered in the syllabus; the question was merely a few chapters merged together to form a big question.     

Compared to the challenging-as-hell questions Si Yehan gave her, this was nothing.     

At first, she just wanted to get an average grade. As long as her math didn't pull down the other grades, it shouldn't be a problem for her to enter Imperial Media with her liberal arts grade.     

But her tutor was too dedicated to his job-- he went through every single question with her, from simple to average to challenging ones.     

Noticing that Jiang Yanran didn't look too good, Ye Wanwan asked with concern, "What's wrong, Yanran? Did the exam not go well for you?"     

Jiang Yanran stared at the screen on her phone and shook her head, looking listless, "N… No…"     

The moment she replied, tears started flowing.     

Ye Wanwan was taken aback, "Why're you crying? What happened?"     

Jiang Yanran jumped into her arms and sobbed, "How could this be? I don't believe it! How could my husband do something like that?! My husband's definitely not a pervert!"     

Ye Wanwan was totally confused, "Huh? Your husband? Chu Feng? What did he do?"     

Chu Feng felt so aggrieved that his face was nearly melted and contorted by the sun, "Wanwan-jie, Yanran wasn't referring to me--she's talking about her idol, Han Xianyu!"     

Oh… So that's what happened…     

Ye Wanwan was surprised when she heard these three words "Han Xianyu"-- something happened to Han Xianyu already? So fast?     

In her memory, this was supposed to happen within these few days so she'd been paying extra attention to the news. Who knew that super fan, Jiang Yanran, would hear about the news before her.     

Ye Wanwan turned on her phone and headed to some popular websites. She saw that a few hours ago, while they were writing their exams, posted on every website was a piece of explosive news: Asia's Most Popular Prince is actually a PAE.DO.PHILE!     

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