The Beautiful Wife of the Whirlwind Marriage

The Wedding Really Cost A Bomb

The Wedding Really Cost A Bomb

0At the Gu residence.     

No one from the Gu family went. Since Gu Jingze had already left the Gu family, they didn't want to get involved.     

The main reason was still that they were very concerned about their reputation. During this period of time, the Gu family had kept telling the outside world that Gu Jingze was the one who had betrayed the Gu family, and thus they wouldn't maintain good terms with a traitor.     

Moreover, they were arrogant and thought that the Gu family was the strongest. After Gu Jingze left the Gu family, he was thought of as nothing.     

After the Gu family announced Gu Jingze's betrayal, they had no idea how many people would still attend his wedding.     

However, the Gu family soon got the news that many people were attending the wedding.     

"It's said that that the ten richest men are all attending. Other than that, everyone from the Lu family had gone as well. Gu Jingyu, Gu Jingming, Black Eagle, and Li Mingyu are also going. Quite a number of rich businessmen from M Nation, as well as a few from A Nation, have also gone. There were some brought by Li Mingyu and some by Han Chengen."     

After the subordinate gave the report, the people from the Gu family were very upset..     

"What are those people who are attending the wedding thinking? Do they still think of Gu Jingze as the head of the Gu family?"     

Some other people said, "Think about it. Even Lu Qinyu made a trip personally. Black Eagle has gone as well. These people are Lin Che's family, and they'll definitely show their support. In view of the few of them whom they couldn't meet easily, other people would attend the wedding as well."     

"Moreover, with how Li Mingyu is, there are just as many people who hate him as those who like him. It's understandable that he'd be able to bring some people along with him."     

"Han Chengen is also quite close to Lin Che. Sigh."     

The more the Gu family thought about these, the more they felt that these people would definitely go. Moreover, these were very powerful people. They had forgotten that people standing on Gu Jingze's side were more or less such extremely capable and astonishing people.     

With them taking the lead, other people would show their support as well.     

And these people were those that the Gu family would never be able to stop.     


The wedding hadn't started yet, and Lin Che was inside, being dolled up by a few people. The makeup that went with the beautiful dress was very exquisite as well.     

Lin Che had already gotten used to such makeup. After all, back when she was at the filming sites, she would also be repeatedly subject to putting on makeup.     

However, she still felt a little nervous today.     

She kept on looking outside, asking Yu Minmin who was beside her, "Are there many people?"     

"It's alright. It's not that there are many people, but that people who are especially influential have come. If someone fired a missile and bomb everyone here, it'd feel as if half the wealthy people in the world would be gone.     

"…" When Lin Che heard this, she felt even more nervous.     

Yu Minmin broke out laughing. "You foolish girl, what are you being so nervous about? It's not your first time going up on stage."     

Lin Che glared at her. "It's no longer your wedding where you're the one who was nervous."     

"Aiyah…" Back then, Yu Minmin also had a wedding of the century that was a grand celebration. She had been filmed by so many cameras, so how could she possibly not feel nervous?     

Yu Minmin said, "Just treat them as logs."     

"They'd still be valuable logs." Lin Che said, "I won't embarrass myself, right? If I embarrass myself in front of all these big characters, oh my god, that would really be…"     

"That's enough. Why are you thinking so much into things? Why would you embarrass yourself? There's Gu Jingze around."     

However, until now, Lin Che was still unaware of the run-through for the wedding. Gu Jingze had made it a little mysterious, not revealing anything to her. Right now, she could only dress up. She was a little lost, not knowing how the wedding would proceed later on. That was why she felt especially scared that she'd make some kind of mistake.     

The Gu family quickly got news again. The wedding hadn't started, but the lavish degree of the event had been spread in the circle.     

Gu Jingze had booked the entire island, spending 30 million USD to rent the manors on the island for the guests to stay.     

The wedding that night could also be said to have the tightest security.     

All the guests had to pass through four rounds of inspections. All the weapons were left outside.     

The wedding was a massive event. For just the security alone, over 300 people with heavy weapons had been mobilized to keep watch outside. The place inside was also equipped with complete bullet-proof glass, replacing all the windows in this manor on the island. A huge amount of money had been spent on all these.     

With so many important characters, with any of them having a net worth of over ten billion. If anything happened to them, it wouldn't be a small issue. Therefore, security measures were definitely the most important thing to take care of.     

Over 10,000 roses had been shipped here, and red wine that was produced at the Missiby Vineyard in the year 1975 had also been served to the guests.     

Black Eagle had mobilized his men to "snatch" them to spice up the event. Otherwise, wine from the manor made in that year would basically not be sold to the public.     

The guests would all be full of praises when they drank this wine. It was something that couldn't be bought with money.     

The gifts received by the guests wouldn't be cheap either. All of them were diamond accessories from a big brand, specially designed and carved with the initials of Lin Che and Gu Jingming's names.     

Just these gifts alone had cost several ten million.     

The Gu family was shocked. The wedding cost over 100 million.     

Gu Jingze was really very generous with his spendings on Lin Che. This wedding that was made into such a big affair, could really be said to be the number one in the world.     

They also found it strange. Although they didn't really care much about this wedding, they hadn't thought that it had become well-known in the circle immediately. Many people got to know of it and were all saying that Gu Jingze was really generous and capable.     

"Ordinary people wouldn't have the capability to prepare such a great wedding. As expected of Gu Jingze."     

"That's right. These wines can't be bought with money."     

"Didn't you see that there's no one on the island with nothing to do? All the tourists have been sent out. Within three days, this island wouldn't accept any tourists. Gu Jingze had booked the entire island. How much would that have to cost?"     

"That's right, that's right. No one dares to offend Gu Jingze and thus, agreed."     

"All these aren't important. What's important is do you guys know how much the bride's dress is worth?"     

"How much?"     

"I heard that it was specially designed overseas. It's a dress that's filled with pure diamonds all over, and costs over 100 million.     

"Oh my god, I'll have to take a good look at it later. How much money does Gu Jingze have? He is really a completely unfathomable devil."     

"Why would he be the most mysterious and unfathomable rich man otherwise? Can't you see that there are so many people here that you won't usually get to meet? All of them are on such close terms with Gu Jingze. Tsk tsk, it seems that even if Gu Jingze has left the Gu family, he wouldn't lack anything. The Gu family, on the other hand, has really suffered a great loss. Look at his capability. It isn't something that can be restrained by the Gu family."     

Lin Che didn't know that the event outside was such a grand one.     

"The bride can come out now." Someone called and Lin Che immediately stood up nervously.     

"Madam, please come with me. Mr. Gu has said that you don't have to be nervous. He's right outside, waiting for you."     

Lin Che stood there, taking in a deep breath.     

At this moment, she saw Lu Qinyu standing outside.     

"Little Che, can I bring you out?"     

He was wearing a suit. Although he was old, he was definitely considered a handsome old gentleman.     

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