Rise of Humanity

Prince Shi Yun

Prince Shi Yun

0The Comet Innate Spirit Body was the Curse Spirit Body. The ancient living beings would worship the comet whenever they curse their enemies, and as time progress, a spirit embodiment of curse was born within the comet.     

As curse was one of the darkest element in the world, the spirit was a Pure Yin spirit.     

It was only the Ancestral Star that called it a comet while in the other places, its common name was the Curse Star!     

The Curse Spirit Body was formed from the curses, they bring death and disaster with them everywhere.     

However, it was rare to meet with a Curse Star Spirit, even lesser than the Sun Innate Spirit, Five Elemental Spirit or any other innate spirit bodies. Thus, there weren't much recordings on exactly what was their cultivation technique, skills, arts, or anything else.     

Even Bai Canghai didn't know much about his spirit. However, he did able to glean a thing or two out from the totem patterns of his Yin God spirit, allowing him to partially unlock his spirit's incredible power.     

As the snake-like Yin God blasted out the black smoke, the Pirson Realm expert's face contorted in pain, his eyes rolled violently and started foaming at the mouth.     

Zhong Yue had a glance, and his heart thumped in horror, while Jun Sixie and Qiu Jin'er were nowhere better than him.     

We didn't know Senior Martial Brother Bai is so vicious, thankfully he didn't bring any bad luck to us during our trip here.     

However, little did they know the only reason they were not affected by Bai Canghai's bad luck was because his Yin God Pure Yin Spirit was formed by the help of Zhong Yue's Pure Yang Qi.     

At the same time cultivating his Yin God Pure Yang Spirit, the Pure Yang Qi left in his body was also nurtured greater into the form of a Yang Dragon, and it now has returned to Zhong Yue as part of his power.     

In stark contrast to the Yin God that was the embodiment of curses, the Yang God resembled the blessings, and it could nulify the bad effects coming from Bai Canghai.     

However, as Bai Canghai grow stronger in the future, it would be a question whether if the Yang God in Zhong Yue could still suppress the bad effects coming from his Yin God Pure Yin Spirit.     

All of a sudden, Zhong Yue's face changed slighty and he said, "Another one is coming."     

The earth quaked and cracked above the ground as if there was a fish swimming underground toward them!     


A Prison Realm Qi Practitioner with the body of fish and torso of a turtle broke out of the ground. He looked at Zhong Yue, and even though they numbered greater than him, he has turned into a demon fish and gnawed down at them!     

The demon fish had sharp teeths, and there were demon array formations all the way from his mouth to the internal organs!     

Clearly, this Prison Realm Qi Practitioner cultivated himself like a weapon, every body parts even the organs were forged like weapons. Whoever he swallows into his mouth would be struck with the countless demon arrays in his body until fully digested.     

"Imminent Deity demon Qi Practitioner, Jin'er, you are up!"     

Zhong Yue and Jun Sixie both flashed backward and left Qiu Jin'er on the ground. The young lady gave a stern yell, she flipped her hand and a sapling appeared in the middle of her palm, growing into a 10,000 feet towering godly tree in just seconds.     

It was at that moment the demon fish gnawed at the tree, he tried to swallow Qiu Jin'er and the tree together but the tree was far too large for his size.     

The demon fish exerted his strength and gnawed the tree crown away from the tree trunk, then diving down toward the ground as he attempts to leave.     

However, Qiu Jin'er suddenly swung the godly tree. As there were still vines that connected the tree crown to the tree trunk, the Prison Realm demon fish was lashed into the sky.     

She hung the demon fish high up in mid-air while he struggled to leave. The Prison Realm demon fish wanted to spurt out the tree crown but the tree crown shot out the Gold Sword Qi, pierced into his throat and hooked him in his mouth.     

Qiu Jin'er dipped her toes on the ground, and a floor of sword arrays along with sword tablets rose above the ground for over hundreds of miles.     

From far, it looked like a huge wood basin.     

Qiu Jin'er swung the tree like a fishing rod and the Prison Realm demon fish fell into the wood basin. Immediately, the sword arrays and all kinds of Sword Qi drowned the Prison Realm Qi Practitioner!     

"Senior martial sister, another one is coming." Zhong Yue's face changed and he said while smiling, "This one is strong, an Imminent Deity magnate who is just half a step away from deityhood!"     

With a change of thought, a zither flew out from Jun Sixie's Yuan Shen secret realms, she answered in a smile, "It's been a long time since I've used the zither. I promised that I will hone it to a level no weaker than the Ten Malefic Weapons, yet I nearly couldn't fulfil my promises. I will not leave you even if you've decided to leave me."     

Zhong Yue startled for a second as he thought, I will not leave you even if you've decided to leave me? Is she talking to the zither or…     

Before the Prison Realm Qi Practitioner even got close, a series of zither sounds crashed into his ears and the earth cracked as though there was a strong gale ravaging across the land.     

The Prison Realm Qi Practitioner immediately dashed to the side and evaded the attacks. However, the zither sounds never ceased, and he has been dashing all across the place in evasion.     

But the Prison Realm Qi Practitioner was not any weaker; he suddenly roared loudly and fought sound with sound. Yet, his plan failed terribly as Jun Sixie's attack was not just a sonic skill but there was also some Sword Qi hidden within the zither sounds.     

Thus, the Prison Realm Qi Practitioner was caught unexpected, and wounds were created all over him by the Sword Qi in just seconds; there weren't a single part of his body that was unscathed!     

"So here you are! Huh? A lady?" The Prison Realm Qi Practitioner glanced around and finally found Jun Sixie sitting in mid-air with the zither on her knees. A flash of killing intent brimmed through his eyes, and he lunged toward her while reaching out for the light wheels on his back.     


36 demonic sabers swirled out of his Yuan Shen secret realms and arms grew out from his body, clenching on the demonic sabers as he swung them toward Jun Sixie!     


Jun Sixie stretched a total of 50 zither strings up from the zither and abruptly let them go, causing them to break apart and shot out like a hundred needles.     

The sabers and needles clashed together, and the zither strings suddenly flashed back to the zither. Jun Sixie raised the zither up vertically and strummed heavily on the zither, releasing strong waves of sound impacts at the Prison Realm Qi Practitioner!     

The Prison Realm Qi Practitioner stretched his hands out and the 36 demonic sabers formed a barrier of hexagonal prism around him as he wards off the sound impacts!     

The zither sounds grew louder and faster with every second while the saber barrier grew finer as well, eventually turning into a beehive barrier. Clearly, the Prison Realm Qi Practitioners was casting a marvelous saber art that even Zhong Yue praised in his heart.     

This Qi Practitioner, his sword art is real incredible. Even I am no match for him in terms of defensive saber skill!     

Just as Zhong Yue was thinking about it, Jun Sixie suddenly pushed the zither out and rammed it through the saber barrier.     


The 50 zither strings were detached from one end, and lashed down at the Prison Realm Qi Practitioner, lacerating him into 51 pieces altogether!     

Zhong Yue's face hardened while Xin Huo was hopping around in his psyche ocean shouting at him, "Look, open your eyes as wide as you can and look at that! Didn't I tell you? Those who wield the sabers are the dumbest of all! Look at how this clown was killed by Little Jun so easily?"     

Zhong Yue gave a dry cough and replied, "Xin Huo, my sabers are quite different than his…"     

Xin Huo immediately thought of his form-changing sabers and suddenly calm down, he stood still and nodded, "Those sabers of yours are no sabers!"     

As they converse, Qiu Jin'er and Bai Canghai's battles have ended as well. Qiu Jin'er unleashed her Sword Qi to the fullest and killed her opponent in the sword arrays and tablets.     

Her wood basin sword territory was a mincer to those that were trapped in it.     

Whereas Bai Canghai's battle was rather more peculiar as his opponent wasn't concentrating at all throughout the fight. His eyes were rolling around looking at the other places even when he was escaping, causing him to ended up crashing into a mountain and was later killed by Bai Canghai.     

In turn, Jun Sixie has clearly showed her power in the battle. Although her opponent was stronger, she was able to end the battle in a short and laconic note.     

As for Bai Canghai; although he was the weakest among them all, his erudition in the arts and skills from both of his own and his opponents made him into one of the most annoying character to ever battle with. He could literally parry and counter every incoming attacks, pinpoint on the flaws in his opponents' stance and strike at the weakest points every single time.     

Qiu Jin'er was stronger in cultivation base, but was more conservative when it comes to the battles. She prefers to do things slow yet steady, and make her moves with the least risk associated.     

Zhong Yue pondered in his heart and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of his companions. Then, he laughed and said, "Let's continue, there are still plenty of opponents out there."     

In their next battle, Zhong Yue picked an expert in the arts of sonic attacks against Bai Canghai. This time, however, Bai Canghai's erudition in the skills and arts didn't help much as the sonic attacks could easily penetrate through his defense and blast right in his head, wounding him within.     

Qiu Jin'er was assigned to face with an agile expert. Her opponent had a thousand wings and flashes around like lightning. He would flash over, slashed his thousand wings down like sabers, and left immediately right in the next second. Qiu Jin'er had no chance of catching him at all.     

Whereas for Jun Sixie, Zhong Yue hand-picked a demigod as her opponent.     

The battles ended as a bittersweet victory for the three of them. They had went all out, casted every skill they know and used various tactics and strategies. But even so, they barely defeat their opponents after a long time.     

"Senior martial sister, Brother Bai, Jin'er, all three of you have your own strengths and also weaknesses. It'd be an easy fight if you've met with those of which you can suppress with your strengths. However, you would not be that lucky every time to meet with opponents like that." Zhong Yue smiled and said, "Fights and battles are the best way to learn, to improve. It's not cultivation if you always bully those you can easily defeat."     

Jun Sixie, Qiu Jin'er and Bai Canghai nodded.     

The three of them sat down, and attended their wounds with the help of the divine herbs.     

All of a sudden, Zhong Yue's heartbeat spiked for a split second, he stood up and looked afar. Behind the mountains, there were sounds of tiger roaring and dragon whistling as giant images of various beasts were hurling the mountains aside.     

"What a skill!" Zhong Yue was moved and he praised. These giant beasts were no more than just the effects of a marvelous skill!     

Then, he saw a young man dressed in exquisite clothes walking over from the path cleared by the giant beasts. The newcomer manned himself like a royal with his head slightly tilted up into the sky.     

Zhong Yue hardened his face, he said, "Zhong Shan Clan, Zhong Yue."     

The young man stopped, his voice was so low and deep that it pressured the air around, "Prince Shi Yun!"     

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