Rise of Humanity

Negotiation With Lord Dragon

Negotiation With Lord Dragon

0He and I, we are both kindred soul. thought Bai Shuyue.     

"Bai Shuyue, you are one of my confidants… What a shame, neither of us could put our races down." murmured Zhong Yue after he turned back and looked at Bai Shuyue another time before he left without leaving behind any regrets.     

After a period of time, he entered Eastern Sea, then the Dragon City, met up with Ao Fenglou, had a conversation with him and explained his purpose.     

"Junior Martial Brother Zhong, as a well known person that is in a good relationship with us dragons, I see no need for such serious and formal attitude."     

Ao Fenglou who now became the leader of Ao Clan after the old clan master stepped down, laughed and said, "It is way too formal that you came here yourself to make such a request. Lord Dragon will definitely be more than happy to see you."     

Zhong Yue thanked him and replied, "This is a serious matter, I too, have no choice."     

Surprised, Ao Fenglou said, "I see… Now, shall we?"     

He then proceeded to lead the way, led Zhong Yue into the inner city that was heavily guarded. Zhong Yue looked around and saw countless luxury looking buildings with hidden totem carvings that emerged from time to time stood everywhere and a total of nine altars around the inner city.     

On each altars, there were a dragon magnate Qi Practitioner, priests and even divine weapons that guarded the altars.     

They got to a palace, and Ao Fenglou told Zhong Yue to enter the building while he stopped at the entrance.     

After Zhong Yue entered the building, he walked up the stairs, got past different levels and he saw precious items everywhere, each shining brightly and the interior of this building looked even more luxury than the other saint grounds outside there.     

When he got to the top floor, Lord Dragon has already woke up from his slumber and he has already transformed into a handsome man that waited for Zhong Yue's arrival.     

Lord Dragon then signaled Zhong Yue to sit and they both sat on the futon, both facing each other.     

"May I ask what made you come here, my little friend?" asked Lord Dragon politely with a calm tone.     

"I am here to seek for your help, Lord Dragon, to help the human race."     

Zhong Yue replied, "I am about to seal the divine blood of all celestial, demon and insect races in this world! However, Lord Kun and Lord Demon are still lurking out there so I'm here to ask for you aid."     

Right away, the expression of Lord Dragon changed, he lost his cool and shouted, "What!?"     

Zhong Yue however, kept calm, triggered his own psyche, and showed Lord Dragon about the Technology Divine Tree and Skymetrical Scroll that have fully shrouded and sealed the ans. One must say, even the seasoned and knowledgeable Lord Dragon was shocked.     

"Traditions crushed, heritages broken and annihilation. Destruction will descend from time to time, I have to think of the future of the humans; thus, I had to seal the bloodline power of the other races out there."     

Zhong Yue then continued explaining, "I am confident that I could seal the bloodline power of the celestial, demon and insect races out there but Lord Kun and Lord Demon possess formidable power that could easily threaten me when I conduct the ritual. And this is why I need your help, Lord Dragon."     

The expression of Lord Dragon changed constantly as Zhong Yue explained and suddenly, Lord Dragon asked, "If so, what about we dragons…."     

"Your race is among one of the races that will be sealed."     

"If the dragons stayed back in the Ancestral Star, you will all be sealed by me and the bloodline power within the dragons will slowly fade away in about one to three thousand years."     

Overwhelming killing intent rose in a sudden, crushing the peaceful atmosphere in the building, shook the heaven and earth as dragon roars could be heard faintly from the bottom level of the building and the Coiling Dragon Divine Sword vibrated vigorously!     

The Coiling Dragon Sword was on par with the Divine Wing Saber, and if not, stronger; After all, even the Divine Wing Saber was broken by the Coiling Dragon Sword once upon a time.     

The sword was obviously being enshrined in this building and it was just right below them; if Lord Dragon really wanted, Zhong Yue would be decimated in no time without any window to react!     

Whatever Zhong Yue said has triggered Lord Dragon and he said, "How dare you come seek for my help when you even decide to seal we dragons?"     

Lord Dragon's voice synched with the vibration of the Coiling Dragon Sword; it was the sign of the dragon getting angry. He then shouted, "Are you not afraid of getting killed by me!?"     

"I am."     

Replied Zhong Yue calmly, "But I had to come. Lord Dragon, the dragons could all leave the Ancestral Star and head towards the Kun Lun Secret Realm. I can guarantee that the dragons could stay there and avoid being sealed by me. The dimension between the Ancestral Star and Kun Lun Realm is connected, with that, we could avoid the isolation of that Technology Divine Tree, the sealing of the Skymetrical Scroll and all skills and techniques will not be annihilated. The dragons will still be able to cultivate at there. This is point number one."     

With an angry expression, Lord Dragon said with a eerie tone, "And point number two?"     

"Point number two, the humans and dragons can form an alliance while I seal away the Kun Peng Celestial Race and eliminate this potential threat to your race."     

Zhong Yue remained calm and he said, "Point number three, we humans are the Fuxi Celestial Race that had our celestial blood in us sealed away and all of our ancestors were buried in this planet. Even if you want to kill me, I am confident that I will not be killed and even if you don't help me, I can still achieve what I want with a little more time and effort. The rise of all humanity is inevitable and unstoppable!"     

The expression of Lord Dragon changed continuously and after quite a moment, the killing intent in him faded gradually and he said, "Fuxi… Fuxi Celestial Race… Are you sure that we dragons are able to enter the Kun Lun Realm?"     

Without a word, Zhong Yue gave his confirmation with a nod.     

Lord Dragon closed his eyes and started considering Zhong Yue's proposal before he said, "I'd have to seek advice from the Ancestral Dragon. Now, go back and take a rest and I will decide to kill you or form an alliance with you humans after asking the Ancestral Dragon."     

Zhong Yue got up, bowed and he excused himself right away.     

Lord Dragon saw him off, breathed out a long breath and murmured, "Stops all cultivations, altering the principles of a galaxy, and cutting off the Solar System from the rest of the universe… What a grand work! Sealing all the divine blood, slamming them back into ordinary blood, such guts! Fuxi Celestial Race… So he is one from the legendary Fuxi…. Men! Set up the altars and begin a prayer to the Ancestral Dragon!"     

His voice echoed all the way across the entire dragon territory, shocking the dragons out there but they dare not disobey Lord Dragon; they quickly prepared the sacrificial offerings, arranged the prayer and started pleading for the descension of Ancestral Dragon's spirit.     

"The Ancestral Star has been sealed?"     

After a few days of preparation, the prayer commenced under the preside of Lord Dragon. The dimension to the Void World was linked and once this matter was reported to the Ancestral Dragon, the voice of the surprised Ancestral Dragon came from the outer skies, "So another incident arise again. This almost extinct bloodline of the Fuxi Celestial race is trying to eliminate every potential threat in the future. So the little guy from Zhong Shan Clan has grown to such extent? It is not easy to seal all of the celestial bloodline in Ancestral Star… Seems like the Fuxi Celestial Race has found themselves a new inheritor."     

Heistated, Lord Dragon asked again, "Ancestral Dragon, about his proposal to form an alliance with us?"     

"Promise him. The foundation of the Fuxi Celestial Race is still there. If he wants it, then you will team up with him for you are incapable of stopping the rise of the Fuxi Celestial Race!"     

The Ancestral Dragon continued saying, "Besides, the humans are some sort of blood-related to us, of course we'd help them. I now assign you to be fully responsible of this matter, do not summon me again unless you have emergencies for if I am contacted, those in their slumber would probably be awakened."     


The power of the prayer then faded away, along with the power was the voice of the Ancestral Dragon and after a brief moment of silence, Lord Dragon ordered, "Summon the other four clans for a meeting! Spread out our men to gather information and get prepared for the seizure of Lord Kun and Lord Demon!"     

Shocked, Ao Fenglou immediately bowed and left to get prepared.     

At the same time, Zhong Yue entered West Barren again, got to the Zhu Jian Celestial Race's territory and requested to meet with Zhu Jiumu. After a moment, Zhu Jushan came out and apologized, "Senior Martial Brother Zhong, I'm sorry but Jiumu grand ancestor said he'd rather not see you. Please go back."     

Politely, Zhong Yue replied, "I have urgent matter, please notify him again, Jushan."     

Ju Zhushan immediately entered the celestial temple to make a request on behalf of Zhong Yue and he returned quickly saying, "He is very angry at you and he said he will not see you."     

Zhong Yue thought for a while and he smiled and said, "Jushan, we have been friends for years. I just want to apologize that I kidnapped your wife back then when I sneaked into the West Barren and accidentally had her killed by your grand ancestor. I'm curious if you got married again?"     

Zhu Jushan immediately smiled and replied, "Thank god that you kidnapped her or no one would've known that she is an insect race! I even slept with her for so many years and I knew nothing about it! I was scared to death when her identity was found out! Hehe, I got married with two ladies after that, the first is a lady from my clan and the other is someone you know. Zhu Jiangyue from Zhu Yan Celestial Race, hehehehe…."     

Zhong Yue was surprised and he asked, "So she married you? How did you manage to win her?"     

Zhu Jushan rubbed his hands non stop and he said as he laughed non-stop, "I didn't win, I didn't….."     

Zhong Yue asked again, "So how many child now? As a good friend of yours, I've not seen them even once. May I have the chance to take a look at them?"     

Zhu Jushan immediately said happily, "Of course! I suppose you have some nice gifts for them?"     

"That is for sure." replied Zhong Yue.     

The happy Zhu Jushan immediately returned home, invited his wives to come out and both his wives brought along three little children; four of them were Zhu Jian Celestial Race, one mixed blood and the other from Zhu Yan Celestial Race.     

"So you have six of them." said Zhong Yue to which Zhu Jushan reacted humbly and happily.     

Zhong Yue too, laughed happily and suddenly, he strecthed out his hands, kidnapped the two ladies and the children before he quickly dashed away towards the west.     

Zhu Jushan stumbled for a moment and fury consumed him quickly before he chased after Zhong Yue, "Damn you! You kidnapped my wife last time and now even my children too!? Zhu Jiangyue, I've always suspected that you have feelings for him!"     

Zhu Jiangyue immediately got angry and she shouted back, "Shut up! Since when I have an affair with him!"     

On the other hand, Zhu Jushan quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, it is my fault for blaming you. Zhong Yue! It's fine if you kidnapped my wives but I demand you to let my children go!"     

The two madams got angry at Zhu Jushan's words and they quickly scolded him non-stop.     

Meanwhile, Zhong Yue ran away quickly and he got to the snow mountain in West Mountain in no time before he put the ladies and children down and said gently, "Madams, please don't blame me, I am just trying to save your family."     

He then took out some incenses and started burning them. The smoke of the burnt incenses then turned into a huge gate and right behind the gate was the scenario of the Kun Lun Realm.     

Back behind them, Zhu Jushan who was panting finally chased up with Zhong Yue but Zhong Yue immediately took the ladies and children into the gate.     

Zhu Jushan bit his lips, charged into the gate and Zhong Yue let go off the ladies and the children before he retrieved the incenses back.     

Right away, the gate disappeared and Zhong Yue said again, "Jushan, Senior Martial Sister Zhu and you are my friends, which is why I saved your family. From now on, you will stay here and live here peacefully. "     

He then flew towards the Nacre Lake while Zhu Jushan and his family members looked at each other confusingly as they had no idea what was happening. Zhu Jiangyue then suddenly charged towards Zhong Yue but Zhu Jushan quickly stopped her and said, "It's fine, we can't win him."     

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