Rise of Humanity

A Strange Place

A Strange Place

0The Golden Feathery Peng Swords have drilled into the underground and thrust unceasingly on Mother Da Zhen.     

The earth was quaking concomitant with a series of loud blunt sounds. From far, a few high mountains that were abruptly pushed out from the ground, they were the result of Mother Da Zhen's violent movements in the underground.     

Zhong Yue clenched on the Divine Wing Saber and flew up into the mid-air. His three divine eyes were able to see through the earth as though the soil layers were just layers of glasses.     

Mother Da Zhen was traveling at a great speed in the underground while the Golden Feathery Peng Swords were adding more wounds on her already wounded mortal body.     

Zhong Yue frowned at the a trail of blood she has left behind. These bloods weren't just the ordinary bloods, there consists of insect eggs in them.     

"What is she planning?", he was curious but there weren't time for him to think deeper. Mother Da Zhen was moving at a great speed. He has to stare closely at her so as to not lose her in his sight.     

With so many Golden Feathery Peng Swords harassing Mother Da Zhen, even he wouldn't be able to find her Yuan Shen, he could still slowly grind her to death!     

Killing a god?     

That was something not even Zhong Yue dared to think about yet, it was exactly what he was doing now!     

A True Spirit magnate that kills a god, it was just way too exciting to even just think about it!     

"Strange, why aren't there any Qi Practitioners in this piece of land…", Zhong Yue has flew for over ten thousand miles of distance. He was controlling the Golden Feathery Peng Swords through the Divine Wing Saber he was holding in his hands.     

Along the way, he didn't even come across with any Qi Practitioners at all. All there was were the native creatures like the the huge bird that can't fly but only run and the two-legged huge rats that hops and jumps.     

Not to speak of Qi Practitioners, he didn't even see a single human, monster, celestial nor demon!     

This piece of land wasn't too huge a continent. Yet there weren't any intelligent livings that lived here, it was truly bizarre.     

He seized a chance and quickly had a glanced on the surroundings. There were only forests and deserts here, all without signs of any livings other than the native animals.     

"The Qi Practitioners are so strong and powerful, and the races have fought like the end of the world for every piece of land they could get their hands on. But why weren't there any Qi Practitioners around in here?", Zhong Yue was puzzled.     

The lands in the Ancestral Star were limited, making them incredibly precious. The races wouldn't give up any single piece of land within their territory. Not only that, they would even annihilate a whole race just to conquer and expand their territories. That being said, for this continent to remain unconquered or even unexplored was incredibly strange at all.     

Not to speak of the others, the dragon race could have easily conquered this isolated continent in the middle of the ocean.     

"Is there anything wrong with this continent?"     

Meanwhile, Mother Da Zhen was still moving underground. The insect eggs have absorbed the godly blood shrouding around them and incubated the insect disciples out from the underground.     

Thousands of insects swarmed on the ground surface and killed the many native creatures on this piece of land.     

Mother Da Zhen's plan was real simple. She would first give birth to these low-level insects and make them devour the livings on this continent to gather more energy. While after that, she would turn around and devour these insects, using the energies gathered the insects to remedy her wounds.     

She doesn't have to remedy too much of her injuries, just a little bit and she would be able to kill Zhong Yue already!     

However, she has also soon realized the strangeness within the continent. Her face turned gloomy as she thought, The livings on this continent, why do they have so little spiritual energy in them!? They are nothing more than having none!     

The spiritual energy was something that presents in every livings. Among which, the human race has the highest average spiritual energy in them.     

This was because the human race was in truth the sealed Fuxi Celestial Race, one of the greatest sovereign races. Even though they were sealed, the innate power in them has still granted them with a high spiritual energy, highest in the races of Ancestral Star.     

This was also why the many races liked to eat the humans so much. The humans were weak and yet, contained such a high spiritual energy in them, this has inevitably made them to appear as walking medicinal pellets in the eyes of the other races.     

It was also why the humans were often captured and concocted into the medicinal pellets or forged into the soul weapons. Some of the monsters or demons even favored to have the good looking human slaves so they could absorb the spiritual energy in the humans through sexual intercourses.     

Although the other races also have the spiritual energy, they were much lesser than the humans.     

Even the monster race that embraced a slightly higher status in the Ancestral Star also have the spiritual energy. It was only because of that the monster beasts could cultivate and turn into the monster Qi Practitioners.     

While in stark contrast, the livings in this continent has such a low level of spiritual energy, that they were so faint they were nearly imperceivable. It was unlike anything Mother Da Zhen and Zhong Yue has seen before!     

The Ancestral Star is a place where the talents are often born in. The livings in here have strong spiritual energy. But this continent, it's so strange, it doesn't have any spiritual energy. Mother Da Zhen thought, Probably because the livings that are born in here will not have the spiritual energy in them, that's why the races have not conquered this place. But, why would there be no spiritual energy here?     

Then, she placed down the altars and cast the [Heaven and Earth Sacrificial Art]. Immediately, the energy of the heaven and earth have gushed into her mortal body. It seemed like there was indeed the spiritual energy in this continent, but why did the livings have nothing with them?     

This continent, it must have some secrets in it!     

Rays flashed across Mother Da Zhen's eyes, she thought, What a pity that Zhong Shan Clan brat is chasing after my tail. Else, I'd be able to search around and dig out the secrets in here. With the current situation now, it seems like devouring the livings for energy will be impossible now. Zhong Shan Clan member, you have pushed me through my limit, don't blame me for what's to come!     

Zhong Yue was controlling the Golden Feathery Peng Swords and struck at her unceasingly, causing her to be wounded even more and her speed was eventually dragged down by the injuries.     

She has lost too much blood and injured too gravely. In addition to the Golden Feathery Peng Swords coming at her, her conditions were worsening with every second.     

Her mortal body won't last any longer! Zhong Yue was having a close eye on her, he noticed the decline in her speed and heaved a breath of relief, After killing this mother insect, I can return to Swords Gate already… Hmm?     

His heart skipped a beat, the Golden Feathery Peng Swords have thrust through Mother Da Zhen's mortal body and flashed out form the other end. However, they doesn't seemed like they have really thrust through a solid object, it felt more like an empty shell!     

Not good! This is just her shell! She escaped without her shell!     

Zhong Yue descended from the sky and turned into the Gou She Celestial Race. Then, he entered the underground and reached to the side of Mother Da Zhen's shell in just a few moments.     

Zhong Yue flipped her huge shell away and found a huge hole on its belly. Clearly, that was where the mother insect escaped from. While there was also a huge hole on the ground right where the shell was at before, that was where she went.     

Without hesitation, Zhong Yue rushed into the hole with the Golden Feathery Peng Swords in front of him to prevent Mother Da Zhen from launching a surprise attack at him.     

She has just removed her old shell, her new shell will be weak. Most probably she won't be able to withstand the Golden Feathery Peng Swords at all. This is a good chance to kill her!     

He moved at a great speed. The hole led him into a tunnel that goes straight down to the bottom and he could feel the temperature around started to rise. It was evident enough that he was deep enough to be close to the lava layer in the underground.     

Soon after, he exited the tunnel and reached to a huge space in the underground. There were fire and flames all around, the lavas paved the floor and the temperate around was incredibly high.     

Zhong Yue clenched on the Divine Wing Saber and cast the Golden Feathery Peng Swords out around him. All of a sudden, his heart tensed up and he instantly recalled the Golden Feathery Peng Swords back to form a barrier around him.     


A strong force impacted on him and shuddered his body. He muffled a groan and the Golden Feathery Peng Swords were struck out of formation. He quickly looked around and found himself surrounded by statues that have rose within the lavas.     

These statues numbered in a hundred and were sculpted like the mother insects. They each have their own variance and appearances.     

These mother insect statues were siphoning the energy from the lavas and formed the totem patterns around in the space. Needless to say, this was definitely Mother Da Zhen's work!     

Mother Da Zhen has reached here first and sculpted these statues, placed an array formation while Zhong Yue rushes right into her trap!     

"Hehehe, Zhong Shan Clan brat, you really did fall into my trap!"     

Mother Da Zhen turned into the form of the beautiful woman again. Except that this time, she wasn't that beautiful anymore, scars have crawled all over her light complexioned skins. She stood outside of the array formation and chortled in saying, "I have prepared this Mother Queen Soul Destruction Array here just for you. How do you feel now?"     

The mother insect statues slowly melted down and turned into the many bizarre looking mother insects made from lavas. Their tentacles and claws have waved in the air and struck at Zhong Yue, trying to breakthrough his defenses.     

The array formation was a god-level array formation. But Mother Da Zhen was limited in time and energy as well as the materials at this point in time.     

Otherwise, a fully prepared and setted up version of this array formation would be able to just kill Zhong Yue in one strike!     

All of a sudden, the hundred over mother insects covered in lavas roared at Zhong Yue. The soundwaves have turned into the totem patterns and converted into many insects inside his mortal body and Yuan Shen!     

Zhong Yue's face changed drastically, he quickly visualized the [Shao Hao Bell]. The ringing of bell has then fought against the incoming soundwaves while he also visualized the [Dragon Shears] to kill the insects inside his mortal body and Yuan Shen.     

"Go!", Zhong Yue yelled and over hundred banners flew out from his Yuan Shen secret realms. These hundred and eight banners have enlarged and surrounded the mother insect statues in the middle.     

Figures of the demon gods emerged from the banners and they roared back on the mother insect statues. Immediately, the mother insect statues have crumbled and disappeared into the lavas.     

"Da Zhen, maybe you should come and try my array formation as well!", Zhong Yue yelled and the banners flew out further, expanding the array formation's coverage area for over a few dozens times!     

Mother Da Zhen's face changed drastically, she quickly turned and ran. But just seconds before she exits the array formation coverage area, the hundred and eight demon gods have roared at her in unison.     

A wave of dizziness has struck on Mother Da Zhen and she spurted out a mouth of blood. It was at that moment, the Divine Wing Saber slashed down and cleaved her into half at the middle.     

Mother Da Zhen was cleaved into halves but her mortal body was still running forward. The hundred and eight demon gods quickly raised their hands and punched her two halves into minced meat. While also breaking away the stone wall behind her.     

Behind the stone wall was empty and the two clumps of minced meats have fell into it.     

Zhong Yue squinted his eyes and looked into the empty space. Suddenly, the two clump of mince meats squirmed and formed into Mother Da Zhen again. This time, she has bolted out into the empty space at a great speed, Zhong Yue chased after her but has soon lost her from his vision.     

Zhong Yue's heart skipped a beat, it wasn't Mother Da Zhen that has escaped, it was his vision that was reduced!     

Five thousand eight hundred and twenty feet, how can my vision be this low?     

Zhong Yue raised his hand and the banners flew back into his Yuan Shen secret realms on their own. He looked forward and shuddered in shock, "This… this is…"     

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