Rise of Humanity

Peculiar Creatures

Peculiar Creatures


The flesh wall kept on palpitating as if something huge were moving in the dark, but what made Zhong Yue truly curious was the fact that the vibrations felt as if something big was rolling on the ground instead of walking.


"What is that?" asked Xin Huo curiously.

Soon, they saw a war chariot approaching them after it turned out from a corner in the flesh tunnel—it was a war chariot made with flesh!

Zhong Yue had no idea how to describe what he saw as this war chariot that was charging right at him was about 300 feet long and made of flesh! Its chassis, windows, and axles were made of bones, and it was carried on legs that spread out from its frame like spider legs.

On the war chariot's windshield was a thick beast hide that looked like it was peeled off from a beast, and the frame had compact ball of flesh hanging over it.

It was the first time Zhong Yue had ever seen such a strange thing; it caused his skin to crawl at the bizarre grotesqueness.

Could there be anything weirder than a living war chariot wholly made with flesh and bone?

"Xin Huo, is this really a corpse demon spawned from the demonic Qi in this abyss?" whispered Zhong Yue while handing over the lamp to the Sui Sovereign behind him.

Xin Huo too felt confused as hadn't encountered such weird living things in his life as well, "It looks so weird… Be careful!"

The meatballs on the flesh war chariot suddenly expanded, and a head dangled down. Its limbs reached out to the sides, and it was its tail that was hung on the war chariot's frame.

The meatball entirely stretched out and transformed into a weird looking creature. It landed on the ground, and sharp blades protruded out from its tail behind its back. The blades looked like the Blood Batoidea Sword, one of the Ten Malefic Weapons that Zhong Yue once saw in the Heart of Swords Palace!

Zhe zhe—

Not only that, but blades also flicked out from this corpse demon's claws. In an instant, this corpse demon had transformed into a war machine!

So this is the real corpse demon, that war chariot was just a vehicle to carry the corpse demons around.

Zhong Yue was relieved as seeing a living flesh war chariot was already weird enough, not to mention fighting against one.


This corpse demon leaped and plunged toward Zhong Yue, creating a huge gust of wind!

So fast!

Zhong Yue countenance turned stern as the speed of this corpse demon was incredibly fast, it actually got close to him in just the blink of an eye!

Whereas whenever it swung its claws, it incited a loud explosion in the air as its speed broke through the sound barrier!

This meant that its speed of attack far exceeded the speed of sound!

"This corpse demon's speed makes its attacks as equally strong as those Qi Practitioners that focus on physique-refining, be careful!" shouted Xin Huo.

At the same time as Xin Huo shouted, this corpse demon was already only a few inches away from Zhong Yue!

Suddenly, dragon scales and Xiang Dragon totem carvings emerged on Zhong Yue's body, and along with a thunderous boom, the entire tunnel was filled with the sword rays' radiance!

With his strength and speed enhanced by the totem carvings, he moved and attacked with the speed of a Xiang Dragon! As he ran, his visualization continued, and he launched a volley of thunderous sword energy that imbued with his insights of the [Boundless Great Sword Qi].

Qi Practitioners that focus only on body refinement?

As they clashed together, Zhong Yue could feel the immense power emanating from his foe's claws. This demon was not only fast, but it also had obscene strength. Every collision made Zhong Yue's tremor to the point that his muscles were almost rendered numb!

However, the corpse demon was flung backward because of the reaction force as well. As it landed on the ground, it quickly recovered from the reaction force and lunged straight toward Zhong Yue with unstoppable force!

In a split second, it caught up with Zhong Yue, and it swung its bladed tails with lightning speed toward Zhong Yue!

"I may not be a Qi Practitioner, but I'm a cultivator that practices both physique refining and Qi cultivation! Now die!"

Zhong Yue shouted, and a sapling broke through the ground below him. The sapling's size then instantly catapulted to colossal and pierced that corpse demon with numerous tree branches!

Whereas for the tail attack, Zhong Yue visualized the Sui Sovereign and punched at the tail squarely with his fists. The serrated tail of that corpse demon created raucous sounds when it cut through the Sui Sovereign's fist as the momentum of its attack lessened.

Finally, the bladed tail came to a halt right as it was about to cut through Zhong Yue's neck. He then retreated and landed safely.

At the same time as he landed on the ground, the corpse demon shattered into dust and fell to the ground. It was the wood elemental sword energy launched by Zhong Yue that destroyed this corpse demon's body!

So, this is the power of a Qi Practitioner. It is indeed powerful!

Zhong Yue was amazed and quite startled by the Wood Sword Qi's power. Due to him not yet being a Qi Practitioner, he could not manifest the energy from the environment and convert them into Sword Qi, unlike Qiu Jin'er who was an innate spirit body with boundless Wood Qi in her body.

Up until now, he merely cultivated the excess Wood Qi from Qiu Jin'er's body into the little tree-form Wood Sword Qi. It was only today that he finally managed to witness its horrific power!

This corpse demon was as equally strong as a Qi Practitioner that only focused on body-refining. However, the Wood Sword Qi still managed to cut through its body like tofu!

The Wood Sword Qi I absorbed from Junior Martial Sister Jin'er is just a tiny portion of her body. How incredible would it be if she managed to convert the entire excess Wood Qi in her body?

Zhong Yue dozed off uncontrollably. Although the Wood Sword Qi had easily cut through the body of this corpse demon that matched the strength of a physique-refining Qi Practitioner, it did not mean that a physique refiner was inferior to a traditional Qi cultivator. For example, if these two types of Qi Practitioners fought together, it would be hard to determine who would win. Due to the incredible speed of physique-refining Qi Practitioners, they could actually kill the Qi cultivating Qi Practitioners before they would be able to react. However, the same situation could be applied to the physique-refining Qi Practitioners where they could be killed by the Qi cultivating Qi Practitioners who had preemptively prepared their moves.

Only Zhong Yue or those who walked both paths could easily cut down the corpse demons.

The corpse demon is indeed powerful, but not to the point of being undefeatable. This corpse demon must be a newborn while the headmasters had probably already killed the strong ones.

Zhong Yue exhaled a long breath, and his eyes twitched when he looked toward the front. What appeared in his vicinity were fifteen corpse demons that were unloaded by the flesh war chariot. They were all unloaded by the flesh war chariot when Zhong Yue killed the corpse demon.

"This is bad…"

Zhong Yue inhaled deeply and suddenly, the corpse demons all moved at once, charging straight toward him. At that moment, the corpse demons could be seen running all over the wide flesh tunnel, and their miraculous speed produced afterimages!

"No retreat!"

Zhong Yue shouted and unleashed all the strength in his body, while he dashed forward at a speed that was no slower than the corpse demons. Although the corpse demons had immense strength, it could not completely suppress him as he not only possessed a strong mortal body, but he also refined his psyche and cultivated Qi.

He may be bereft of the sharp claws of the corpse demons, but his psyche level was as strong as Qi Practitioners!

"Xiang Dragon Sword Qi, go!"

In the tunnel, a Sword Qi descended from the flesh walls behind the corpse demons and turned into a three feet long Xiang Dragon. Together with Zhong Yue, they charged at the corpse demons in between them!

Zhong Yue's speed accelerated while the Sui Sovereign formed by his psyche followed tightly behind him. The Sui Sovereign picked up the little sapling, and it grew rapidly. Soon, it became a tree-sword that the Sui Sovereign wielded like a solemn emperor!

As they were about to crash with the charging corpse demons, the young man pushed his hands. A roaring thunder sounded out in the tunnel as countless thunder Sword Qi slashed toward the corpse demons!

In that instant, the tunnel was flooded with its scintillating radiance.

The eventual clash between the human and demons was concomitant with resonant roars... Blood splattered everywhere in the tunnel, and the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi beheaded demons with every swing. On the other hand, every swing of the Sui Sovereign's sword brought with it severed limbs and decapitated heads!

The attacks of the corpse demons continue to grow fiercer. Their bladed tails and claws broke through the sound barrier every time they moved, and their speed was so fast that they seemed like a blur to the naked eye!

Zhong Yue's body began to accumulated injuries before long. In the nick of time, he evaded the sharp claws of the demons and the bladed tails that caught him by surprise. As he raised his hands, the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi ascended into the air and turned into a flexible Sword Qi that circled his body. Zhong Yue moved swiftly in the tunnel, and he did not stop running as his fight with the demons raged on.

This was all because of the dangerous situation around him. If he stopped and fought with the demons recklessly, he would quickly be surrounded by them; it was better to keep running to keep them behind him!

The Xiang Dragon Sword Qi collided with the sharp claws and the demons' bladed tails. The Sui Sovereign behind him attacked, and the tree sword held in his hands suddenly dynamically expanded and shrunk as he fought fiercely.

At that time, Zhong Yue could be seen running with lightning speed in the tunnel, and he even climbed onto the top of it and fought with the charging demons!

His speed was so fast that he could even scale along the walls without falling!

At this moment, Zhong Yue was moving very fast on the ground and the walls, while he gave everything he had to avoid the corpse demons' onslaught from behind him. They still maintained their incredible speed despite having to scale up walls with him.

Even so, there were still corpse demons getting sliced to pieces by the Wood Sword Qi while the others would have their heads pierced before falling to the ground.

Moments later, Zhong Yue staggered to his feet on the ground. He panted heavily for air, and wounds crawled over his body. His muscles swelled in soreness, and he was almost brought down to his knees from the exhaustion.


A corpse demon leaped down from the wall causing the surrounding fleshy ground to tremble, it released a furious roar and lunged at Zhong Yue. Just right when it thrust forward, it suddenly fell to the ground, and a Sword Qi flitted out from its forehead. The Sword Qi alighted and turned into an exquisite looking Xiang Dragon, trotting to Zhong Yue's side.

Not far away from him, a pair of eyes unveiled behind the thick beast hide in the windows, the flesh war chariot extended its legs and strode away, the car wheels rolled rapidly as it made its escape deeper into the forbidden land.

"Kill it!" In the weathered lamp, Xin Huo shouted excitedly.

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