Rise of Humanity

The Forebears of Swords Gate

The Forebears of Swords Gate


"The Croc Dragon is dead, so is the Zhong Shan Clan's member."


In the empty hall, 'Shui Qingyan' laughed and asked curiously, "However, no matter how discreet you were, their absences will quickly be discovered. If someone enters the cliff bottom and investigates this matter, their remains will surely be found. It will not be hard to deduce the identity of the murderer from the wound on the croc dragon."

"Tian Myriad, you still don't understand the things that are sealed under the Swords Gate, nor of the seal of the gods."

The man hidden in the dark laughed and said, "That is the seal of all gods, whoever falls in will never be able to escape, and no one would dare to go down to have a look. Besides, if someone actually went down, they would not be able to find the Zhong Yue's and the croc dragon's remains because…"

He smirked and said, "Because they would have been already completely devoured by the flesh worms. Therefore, no one would ever be able to find out that I was the one behind the scenes!"

The man hid in the dark then slowly disappeared before saying carefreely, "Don't dwell on this matter, Tian Myriad Mother. All you need to know is that through working with me, you will not lose anything, but instead, you will be able to get your revenge on humanity after all these years. Not only that, but your demon race will also be even stronger than before. As for me, all I want is just the thing that is sealed under the Swords Gate mountain…"

'Shui Qingyan' humphed and walked toward the outside while saying, "Trickster!"

Meanwhile, under the cliff bottom, Zhong Yue frowned and thought, "With the seal of gods, I'm afraid that I would not be able to get out of here, what should I do now… Hmmm, Xin Huo, did the Devil Soul Yin Effluvium erupt outside of the Swords Gate?"

Xin Huo looked around curiously and excitedly while he murmured something quietly and he replied, "That's right, the Devil Soul Yin Effluvium erupted outside the mountain of Swords Gate, just a hundred miles away from Swords Gate. What are you trying to say?"

Zhong Yue inhaled deeply and said, "The seal of gods in the cliff bottom is extremely strong, but the seal around the place where the Devil Soul Yin Effluvium erupted should be very weak as compared to the seal here. That might be our way out of here. If we want to get out alive, we would have to pass through there. But I have no idea about the dangers lurking in this forbidden place…"

Xin Huo jumped and said excitingly, "I've been wanting to explore the forbidden area of the devil souls! Let's go, let's go! We have got to head inside and see what is in there!"

Zhong Yue nodded as he looked at the top of the cliff before walking into the depths of the forbidden land.

The Great Wilderness belongs to the humans, those from the other races should not simply be allowed to meddle with our land, not to mention us colluding with the other races to bring harm to our people!

Zhong Yue's footsteps were very heavy as he walked atop the flesh. He then thought, My strength is currently insufficient, but this won't last long! The Swords Gate's headmaster might be old, but I am definitely not old yet!

Flesh could be seen everywhere in this valley. Some of them had incredibly huge blood veins that interconnected with each other, and these blood veins branched off into smaller blood veins. They looked exactly like a heart pumping blood all over the body as the blood veins would keep on moving from time to time.

Not only that, but these blood veins also extended all over to the walls of the cliff. For an instant, Zhong Yue felt like he had entered into the body of a giant as he looked around.

As he traveled deeper and deeper, he could see enormous amounts of godly carvings everywhere. These carvings were left behind by the gods, and they did not disappear even after such a long time.

Moreover, the seals of the gods were still very effective even after so long. These carvings appeared in a very abstract pattern, and Zhong Yue felt an immense sense of danger from them even after just a cursory glance.The seals here presented incredibly vast and complicated carvings that had layer upon layer of hidden meanings. It was hard to fathom the sheer number of gods that was needed for the sealing ritual to succeed!

Zhong Yue was sure that the purpose of such a vast number of seals being left was more than just to seal the Devil Soul Yin Effluvium.

"They are hiding something, a deep secret…" said Zhong Yue and Xin Huo as they looked at each other.

"Brat Yue, take out the bronze lamp."

Xin Huo's tone suddenly became serious as he said, "The demonic Qi is even stronger here, I'm afraid that it will give birth to something nefarious…"

"Something evil?"

Zhong Yue became slightly nervous, and he took out the lamp. Xin Huo flew toward the lamp, and as he landed on the lamp pith, it became even brighter. Xin Huo then murmured, "If those things that were spawned by the demonic Qi were just soul forms, I would be able to fend them off as they could not penetrate my radiant protection. However, if those things have a corporeal form, then they would be classified as living beings. I will be helpless against such things. It will be up to you by then."

The lamp was Xin Huo's sanctuary, which meant that it was more than just an old weathered lamp. However, Xin Huo did not mention anything about its significance at all.

Zhong Yue looked around, and all he saw was just an incredibly large and barren path made of flesh. He felt confused and asked, "Xin Huo, what are these bad things that you were talking about?"

"The gods and devils are powerful; even if they are just low-class gods, they are still not easily messed around with; their bodies possessed immense vitality. Since they were all killed here instead of dying naturally, their remnant vitalities couldn't have simply dissipated. It must've gone somewhere."

Xin Huo stood on the lamp pith and looked around while saying, "With the sheer volume of gods and devils buried here and the force of vitality that can be drawn from this ... just imagine the abomination it can beget. The combination of their enduring vitality, demonic Qi, and hatred can only lead to something especially insidious being born. Besides that, with this much flesh, this area must be crawling with corpse demons… Brat Yue, visualize the Sui Sovereign now. The Sui Sovereign is a holy divinity, something that can repel the evil around you!"

Zhong Yue shivered, and he continued walking while holding the lamp, but with a much slower pace.

With the protection of Xin Huo, the demonic Qi and seals of the gods were blocked outside of his radiant barrier while Zhong Yue was continually maintaining the state of visualization, forming the Sui Sovereign behind his back.

This Sui Sovereign was twelve feet tall, with the head of a dragon, body of a human and tail of a dragon. He looked extraordinarily marvelous and dignified as he repelled the malignant forces around him.


A Sword Qi flew out and landed on the ground before turning into a tiny, exquisite Xiang Dragon that was running wild on the ground. Another Wood Sword Qi flew out and became a sapling as it landed on the ground.

Zhong Yue armed himself to the teeth, and he continued walking as he thought, It would have been better if I have a soul weapon such as the Ten Malefic Weapons…

The Ten Malefic Weapons were a double-edged sword; they were all incredibly strong, but they were also very hard to control at the same time.

As they slowly walked deeper into the forbidden place, the flesh on their path gradually decreased, and Xin Huo said with a serious tone, "The amount of flesh here has decreased, which can only mean that I was right, the flesh has been used to give birth to an abomination. Huh? There's a corpse here, what kind of people would have their flesh siphoned away upon walking all the way here? No… this man died of exhaustion before having his flesh siphoned away! Strange, strange!"

Zhong Yue also noticed the corpse kneeling in front of the wall of flesh with a broken sword held in its hands. The corpse also appeared to be a human.

Other than that, even though the sword was broken, its length still reached a shocking five feet long!

Judging from the corpse, the man should be a very burly man and all sorts of totem carvings covered his bones. Zhong Yue was stunned after he looked at them as this man had branded the totem carvings on his bones to increase his bodily strength!

The totem carvings on his bones included dragons, phoenixes, and other magical creatures. It must have been one of the most valuable heritages from Swords Gate!

The ground beneath the skeleton seemed to have some message carved into it.

"I am the Swords Gate's fourteenth headmaster, Yu Tianya from the Yu Clan. After knowing that I had not much time left, I took my sword and entered this forbidden place. I cut down a total of 18000 demons before depleting my remaining life force."

Zhong Yue read the words carved on the rocks, and he said in shock, "This is the 14th headmaster of Swords Gate! Why did he come here in the first place?"

Xin Huo shook his flaming head and replied, "He must have known that this forbidden place was a breeding ground for these corpse demons and that if too many of them were born, it would become too much for the seals of the gods to contain. And I'm sure you can imagine the consequences of those seals being broken. I assume he came here so that his life that was coming to an end would able to serve humanity one last time. He wanted to cull the demons here to ensure another period of peace for Great Wilderness. His sacrifice did not come in vain as the demons he killed must have been incredibly strong, or he wouldn't have died of exhaustion otherwise. Pick up the broken sword and let's go. That Swords Gate's headmaster's sword must be extraordinary…"

Zhong Yue bowed and paid his respects to the corpse before he reached his hands toward the sword hilt. Out of his expectations, just as he touched the sword hilt, the sword immediately disintegrated to dust.

"The sword lives as the man lives, and the sword dies as the man dies. The sword must have already been destroyed once its owner had perished."

Xin Huo shook his head and said, "A respectable man. Let's go."

Zhong Yue looked at the corpse again with respect and continued walking.

Not long later, he encountered with another corpse on his path again, and it was also a human corpse.

"8th headmaster of Swords Gate, Lei Xu Clan's Lei Qianqiu. Knowing that I will soon die, I've chosen to enter this place and use my remaining time to secure another 500 years of peace for my people. I depart this world with peace and serenity in my heart."

Zhong Yue was stunned again as he read an account of another headmaster who had met their end fighting in this abyss.

He continued walking, and he came across the third corpse.

"I am the 19th headmaster of Swords Gate, Tao Qingxuan from the Tao Lin Clan. I followed me the path of my predecessors to ensure another period of peace for my people. I am honored to have met the headmasters that came before me as I die fighting here…"

"5th headmaster of Swords Gate, Feng Xingtian from Da Feng Clan, knowing I have little time left, I entered this abyss and used my remaining life to secure five hundred peaceful years for my people in the Great Wilderness. I hope that the new headmasters will follow in my footsteps and honor their responsibility as the guardians of the Great Wilderness."

Zhong Yue then continued his journey and saw the corpses of one Swords Gate headmaster after another. These decrepit headmasters walked into the demonic forbidden place and fought to their deaths in their withered bodies to secure a fleeting peace for their people.

These corpses and the departing words left behind by them deeply affected Zhong Yue. A whirlwind of emotions ranging from sadness, awe, and pride, struck him overcame him like a storm.

These were the headmasters of the Swords Gates, the unsung heroes of the Great Wilderness, the people who sacrificed their lives for the future of humanity!

"Brat Yue, be careful, there's something ahead!"

Xin Huo suddenly said, "Focus, something big is coming!"

Zhong Yue quickly recovered, and he flicked his finger. As he flicked his finger, the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi flew out. At the same time, the ground vigorously shook as if signaling the awakening of something terrible!

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