Rise of Humanity

The Gates that Opened

The Gates that Opened


Zhong Yue pinched his fingers together. He could feel the smooth and creamy texture of her skin, he then furtively peeped at Qiu Jin'er's legs while his heart undulated like the ocean at high tide. He quickly collected his thoughts and asked her curiously, "Did Junior Martial Sister Jin'er not practice this [Geng Jin Sword Qi] before?"


Qiu Jin'er lowered her head and poked her legs with her fingers in joyful surprise. She then shook her head and said, "I have learned the [Geng Jin Sword Qi], but it is quite different from yours. The [Geng Jin Sword Qi] can only absorb and manifest the Metal Qi. It is useless against the Wood Qi in my body."

Her words dawned on Zhong Yue, and his doubt was answered. He smiled and said, "So junior martial sister didn't see through and reach the mystical sword totem carvings in the [Geng Jin Sword Qi] sword totem carving. If that's the case, I will teach it to you."

His character was forthright and honest. He didn't have the slightest intention of hiding the totem carvings of the '[Boundless Great Sword Qi],' a technique that Xin Huo christened himself. He smiled and said, "Junior martial sister, I will teach you the true quintessence of the [Geng Jin Sword Qi], you and I will then smite away the Wood Qi in your body so that you can recover quicker. Maybe, not long after, you will be able to walk on your own two feet again."

Qiu Jin'er's heart was filled with joy. She quickly turned to Grandmother Lu and said, "Grandmother Lu, quickly deliver this news to my mother, just say that Senior Martial Brother Zhong is here and he found a way to remedy my body, ask her not to kneel and beg the headmaster anymore!"

However, Grandmother Lu twitched her mouth and stared vigilantly at Zhong Yue, she shook her head and said, "Missy, I am here to look over the palace under madam's order, I will never take a step out of this place. With me here, no one can ever bully you."

Qiu Jin'er smiled and asked, "With Senior Martial Brother Zhong here, who else can bully me?"

"He is exactly the one I am worried about."

Grandmother Lu blurted out, "Missy, your body is not well, what if he decided to release his beastliness on you and bullied you, you will have nowhere to cry by then. That was exactly what happened to madam many years ago. She was bullied by your short-lived father. If only I were there, I would have beaten your father to death. If I leave you here alone, it is hard to say whether or not you will follow madam's footsteps."

Zhong Yue was dumbfounded at her words while Qiu Jin'er's face turned crimson red, she glanced at him and whispered lowly, "Grandmother Lu, Senior Martial Brother Zhong is not this kind of person…"

"Hard to say." Grandmother Lu retorted.

"Then my mother will have to suffer for a little bit more."

Qiu Jin'er was helpless against the persistent Grandmother Lu, she then turned back to Zhong Yue, "Senior Martial Brother Zhong, shall we start now?"

Zhong Yue's psyche flooded out and formed the sword totem carving of '[Boundless Great Sword Qi]' while Qiu Jin'er was aside studying the totem carving.

Although there was only one totem carving, it was very complicated, even with Zhong Yue's incredible psyche, it was still hard for him to wholly present the swords totem carving in the air.

Especially when he needed to present it to Qiu Jin'er, he had to delineate and demonstrate every single minutia in the swords totem. This would require a great deal of psyche and meticulous control.

While learning the swords totem carving was also a test of Qiu Jin'er's intelligence and talent.

Zhong Yue, on the one hand, presented the totem carving, while on the other hand, he was expounding upon its intricacies to her. The technique in the totem carving was obscure and inscrutable, Zhong Yue's comprehension of it can only be attributed to Xin Huo's careful guidance, but even so, he still spent half a month on it before he could truly grasp it.

It was hard for Qiu Jin'er to learn it, especially when the totem carving looked simple on the surface but beneath which, were hidden innumerous elaborate structured totem carvings. There was no room for mistake.

While the technique it contained was even more obscure, Zhong Yue taught her everything he knew about the technique while he wiped away the wood element Qi in her body at the same time. Nearly at least half a month later, Qiu Jin'er was finally able to understand and try practicing the Sword Qi that was imbued with the intricacies of swords totem carvings.

The concentration of the Wood Qi in her body was significantly reduced. Over these few days, Zhong Yue had smitten away the Wood Qi that affected her heart and effectively prevented her heart from turning to wood; however, her legs were still incapable of walking.

"This is the innate spirit body?"

Zhong Yue's soul stood in his psyche ocean. He looked at the Sword Qi that formed after he absorbed and manifested the wood element Qi in Qiu Jin'er's body. In the short time of a few dozen days, the Wood Sword Qi was cultivated to a level no weaker than his Xiang Dragon Sword Qi!

One had to know that the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi was cultivated from the beast god essence that came from the inner core of a Xiang Dragon beast god. While the Wood Sword Qi was not any weaker than Xiang Dragon Sword Qi, didn't it imply that Qiu Jin'er was on the same tier as the Beast God Inner Core?

"Brat Yue, if you can copulate with this young girl, you will have many benefits!"

Xin Huo was earnest and solemn, "This young girl is like a walking inner core, a strong tonic that brings great benefits. She can definitely allow you to cultivate a shockingly strong Wood Sword Qi!"

Zhong Yue feigned a cough and took out the sword token, he placed it in Qiu Jin'er's hands and said, "Since Junior Martial Sister Jin'er you have successfully learned the [Geng Jin Sword Qi], all you need to do now is to keep on cultivating. Around half a year or more later, your legs will fully be recovered. I still have matters to attend to, so I will leave now."

Qiu Jin'er was a little unwilling when she heard that Zhong Yue was leaving, she said, "Where is Senior Martial Brother Zhong staying at? When my legs have fully recovered, I will visit you!"

Zhong Yue told her where his cave dwelling was and then he stood up and left, he thought in his heart, Even I have never visited my cave dwelling, but the Ethereal Palace still has a vacancy for me, I have to be there once and show my existence.

As of this moment, right outside of Zhong Yue's cave dwelling, there were many young Qi Practitioners outside under the sun waiting for Zhong Yue to make his appearance.

"Half a month's time and the Zhong Shan Clan disciple is still not here yet, is this little brat scared?"

One of the young men could not help but shout, "If he is not coming out, then are we going to wait here forever?"

Ta Wuyou snorted coldly, "If you can't wait, you may leave, no one will stop you."

The others all sneered, but all of them stayed put.

After all, the sword token held in Zhong Shan Clan's hands was very important to them, it contained the Swords Gate's most exalted technique. No one would ever allow such an opportunity to slip away from their fingers.

In the Ethereal Palace, Zhong Yue glanced around. There were a total of over a hundred sword gates standing high in the palace. Behind each gate was contained a type of spirit. If a spirit resonated with the cultivator, then it would open the gate and allow the cultivator to enter. However, whether or not they can connect with the spirit and take it as their own ultimately depended on their abilities.

"This time, the Ethereal Palace has prepared for you the strongest spirit in the Great Wilderness!"

The Ethereal Palace guardian elder sat in the lotus position. His brows moved as he speaks in a deep voice, "Right in this swords gate, is contained the spirit of Swords Gate—the sword spirit! This gate has been closed for ten years, the spirit it in is immensely strong! Sense it and see whether if you can open this gate!"

Zhong Yue's heart shifted, he bowed and asked, "Elder, has Shui Qingyan come over? Which gate has she entered?"

"The young lady from Shui Tu Clan? She is crowned as the strongest upper house disciple as you are, she was here tens of days earlier than you, she entered the godly gate."

The elder lowered his sights but his long white brows fluttered in the air, he pointed at a swords gate and said, "Behind this sword gate is the spirit of Swords Gate's first headmaster, his spirit is as strong as a god, not any weaker than the sword spirit."

Zhong Yue gazed at that godly gate, his eyes flushed with killing intent. All of a sudden, the gate opened, and a young lady walked out from it. A winter-white muffler made of mink fur wrapped around her neck, matching her jade-like complexion.

The mink fur muffler was not only for decoration; she wore it mainly to cover the noticeable scars on her neck. During the battle between Zhong Yue and herself, her neck was almost cut off by the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi. Although the wound was healed, a hideous scar was left behind as a permanent reminder of her humiliation!

As the duo fixated their sights on each other, the elder felt a surge of uneasiness in the air. He could feel the veritable killing intent that hung over the Ethereal Palace.

"Senior Martial Brother Zhong."'Shui Qingyan' smiled and greeted him.

"Junior Martial Sister Shui." Zhong Yue returned the formality.

'Shui Qingyan' then chuckled and strode away, Zhong Yue shifted his eyes away but felt discomfort in his heart, The elders have summoned me to a trial, and yet Tian Myriad Mother is all safe and sound. Even the Swords Gate is rife with corruption! If Swords Gate is this unjust, the sword spirit will also be unjust. It is fine even if I don't manifest a spirit from it!

He sat down in the common lotus position, but not even the slightest effort was given to sense the spirits. Moments later, he stood up and said, "Elder, I can't sense the spirit in this sword gate, it seems like I am not suitable for it…"

The eyes of the elder finally opened, he gazed deeply at Zhong Yue and said, "How will the sword gate open when you have not sensed the spirit in it? I can teach you if you don't know how to sense it. Visualize the Swords Gate in your psyche ocean and reach out with your psyche. You can then sense the spirit behind it. If the spirit approves of you, they will open the gate and wait for you. Even if the swords spirit rejects you, there will surely be some other spirits that will accept you. Young man, never gives up so easily."

Zhong Yue blinked his eyes and thought in his heart, I will leave the Swords Gate to manifest the spirits of the moon and sun, but I suppose it would be hard to manifest them. Why don't I seize this chance and get a feel for how to manifest a spirit?

He sat down calmly, gathered his psyche and visualized the Sui Sovereign. The elder on the side gently nodded his head, he thought to himself, This young man is still teachable. Although he acts a little bit too reckless, he is willing to correct his mistakes. I wonder if he could open the gate of sword spirit…

Just when the thoughts crossed his mind, he could hear sounds of a door creaking; one of the swords gates has slowly opened.

He nodded again in approval, Not bad, to be able to attain the recognition of a swords gate so quickly denotes that he possesses a strong psyche. Sadly, it is not the gate of the sword spirit…

All of a sudden, creaking noises incessantly resounded the whole Ethereal Palace, one after another, over hundreds of gates were slowly opening up!

The sword spirit gate, the godly spirit gate, all of the gates… opened!

This meant that every spirit behind the gates approved of this young man!

This was the first time such a situation has ever happened in the Swords Gate's history!

Even an innate spirit body couldn't have done this, allowing all the gates to open for him, how could he have done it?

The elder was shocked, moments later he recollected his thought, he cast his gaze over to where Zhong Yue was, but Zhong Yue was nowhere to be found. His heart thumped, Which gate did he enter?

Right outside of Ethereal Palace, Zhong Yue walked down of the Swords Gate Mountain and whispered, "Reaching out to the spirits, doesn't seem to be hard at all… Xin Huo, shall we depart now?"

Xin Huo was excited, he said, "The sooner, the better. What sword spirit, godly spirit? How can they even possibly compare to the heritage of the great Xin Huo? Let's go and search for the teleportation portal I left behind. I will first send you to the moon and get you to the moon spirit!"

In front of Zhong Yue's cave dwelling, Ta Wuyou and the others were still waiting, the young Qi Practitioners all assured each other and reinforced, "The Zhong Shan Clan disciple will definitely be back!"

"This brat must be in the Ethereal Palace, as long as we wait here, we can definitely catch hold of him!"

"Persist! Our hard work will soon bear fruit!"

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