Rise of Humanity

A Cleave That Splits All

A Cleave That Splits All


Zhong Yue stepped forward and carefully inspected the beast god fang. It was a pity that Zhong Yue could not understand the totem carvings at all as the beast god engraved them on its bones. Naturally, the totem carvings would be at the god's level.


But part of the totem carvings was destroyed when the seal crushed the beast's skull. As a result, the totem carvings on the fang were incomplete, the power it contained was thereby impaired; it was incomparable to the complete, flawless fang it formerly was.

"Even so, this would not be any weaker than the Ten Malefic Weapons."

Xin Huo measured it with his eyes and said, "Just a little bit hard for you to control and wield it."

"Hard to control and wield it?" Zhong Yue was baffled.

Xin Huo answered, "This is a god's fang, the strongest and toughest fang from a pseudo-beast god, it was difficult for your psyche to penetrate and place your totem carvings on it. That's why it is hard for you to control, as for wielding it, try it for yourself."

The moment Zhong Yue placed his soul on the fang, a surge of a brutal and ruthless aura gushed right at his face. It was easier for his soul to enter it than other soul weapons, which meant it would be easier for him to wield it!

This would be credited to the beast. It must have refined its fangs before its death. They must have been refined to the point of being purged of impurities, which was why Zhong Yue's soul was able to enter it so easily!

This would be the most essential criterion of an exceptional soul weapon. The better the soul weapon, the easier it would be for one's soul to enter and wield it as an extension of one's own body to control it with exceptional fluidity.

Only the inferior soul weapons would fail to deliver on this experience. This was mainly due to the impurities accumulated in the soul weapon. When the soul met with these impurities, it would be akin to walking on a twisted, crooked, and narrow trail filled with huge stones and stumbling detritus.

One was a broad and open avenue while the other was the polar opposite. It was obvious which option would be more conducive to combat efficiency.

Furthermore, the toughness and sharpness of an inferior soul weapon were incomparable to that of a good one. Their ability to shield the owner's soul from harm was not too great either. Hence, there would be time limits on how long the owner could wield the soul weapon before the owner's soul had to return to the body. Also, there were obvious risks to fighting with an inferior soul weapon that would be more prone to damage and destruction.

As for the 17 feet long god's fang before his eyes ... it was probably that not even the Ten Malefic Weapons could leave a scratch on it. One could presume how strong the protective capability of the god's fang was, Zhong Yue could engage in a protracted battle without having to worry the safety of his soul!

Not only that, Zhong Yue could feel the benefits of having his soul inhabit the god's fang as if his soul were submerged in a wellspring. He felt his soul getting nourished and nurtured with every moment he spent inside it!

He could sense that the enhancement on his soul was not the usual enhancement that one could get from daily cultivation, it was something much more, something way beyond merely that…

"Embodied within the god's fang is a surge of divine aura. Although it is only a slight wave, it is, nonetheless, very beneficial to you!"

Xin Huo said, "Can you feel it? The divinity housed within it."

Zhong Yue's heart shifted, indeed, he could sense a surge of heavenly aura in the god's fang, it was something the Dragon Scale Sword and Dragon Blood Sword Scabbard never had, it should be the divinity that Xin Huo was talking about!

"The divinity in this god's fang is too weak. It could be condensed into a droplet of water if it were strong enough. Consume it, and your soul would experience an earthshaking advancement."

Xin Huo said in a pity, "Unfortunately it's just a pseudo beast god, it is amazing enough to have even this slight surge of divinity lurking in it. The benefits it can bring is still insignificant to the current you as of now, but you will slowly realize the latent benefits it will bring to your cultivation in the future. Be it your soul, natural endowments, perception, your cultivation speed, or your sensitivity to the spirit ... it could greatly enhance you in every aspect. It is far superior to any other medicinal pellet!"

Zhong Yue was overjoyed, "How much benefit will it bring me?"

Xin Huo answered, "It's just a fang of a pseudo beast god, how much divinity do you think it can contain? The enhancement it brings applies to your ability in all domains. Not to mention the others, the benefits it can bring to your natural endowments alone is massive! For ordinary humans, including the Qi Practitioners, all of them have inherent limitations from the time of their births. At a point of time in life, their cultivation would eventually be constrained to the limits that they were born with. On the other hand, the divinity in this god's fang can enhance your natural endowments and help you in breaking through your intrinsic limitations at times in the future."

In Swords Gate, other than Zhong Yue, who else had such an opportunity and luxury to nourish their souls with the divinity aura?

We the Swords Gate sit on an active volcano and at the same time. A golden mountain filled with treasures; if the Devil Soul Forbidden Land below Swords Gate can be fully exploited, how abundant would the wealth and benefits it could bring to Swords Gate be?

Zhong Yue then thought of the countless giant beasts in the forbidden land, a single fang from the beast was already this marvelous. What if Swords Gate could fully make use of the giant beasts, devil souls, and giant coffins? Would Swords Gate be able to sweep away the monster race and the other races in just a single blow?

What a pity, this place is too dangerous, even all of the previous headmasters had to die in this godforsaken land.

Zhong Yue's psyche gushed out, and he tried to pick the fang out from the mountain rocks, but to no avail. The fang was completely immovable.


Zhong Yue was surprised, and he once again erupted his psyche like bursts of lightning, his psyche was refined by the lightning. It had long since coalesced into lightning snakes that slithered in his inner mind. Although he had yet to transform his inner mind into a pool of lightning, the toughness and strength of his psyche were no any weaker than ordinary Qi Practitioners, and if not, it was undoubtedly better!

The only thing he lacked in comparison to the Qi Practitioners, was his cultivation base.

His psyche gushed out and enhanced his soul, Zhong Yue muffled a groan, but the fang was still fixed on the same spot, recalcitrant to moving even a single inch!

"Quit wasting your time and energy; this is the god's fang. Although it's from a pseudo beast god, it is still far too strong for your psyche to handle it."

Xin Huo said, "It's not about the physical weight but rather because of its essence—it is a god's bone. You can't control it because the inherent divinity of the fang will naturally suppress your mortal psyche, only when your psyche is strong enough can you wield it freely."

"Is it really not heavy at all?"

Zhong Yue was still in disbelief, his dragon claws reached out and grabbed ahold of the fang, he galvanized all of his strength and heaved it out; the next moment, the face of the Xiang Dragon darkened, he bellowed out at Xin Huo, "Xin Huo, you call this not heavy? This thing, this fang is at least a ten thousand kilograms heavy, this not considered as heavy?"

Even with him taking the form of a Xiang Dragon, possessing the inhuman strength of a dragon, he could barely move the fang with only one hand!

17 feet long and yet it was a thousand times heavier than any normal metallic object, Zhong Yue lifted up the fang and said, "Even with my psyche that can usually lift up items of tens of thousands of kilograms, I still can't move the god's fang. It seems like the intensity of my psyche's strength is indeed, not up to par."

"Wait until you've formed a pool of lightning with your psyche, only then can your soul and psyche control and wield this fang, for now, you can only swing it like a normal weapon. This fang is huge, it must be very convenient to cleave someone with it."

Xin Huo hurried him and said, "Let's go, find the teleportation portal I've left behind and let's head to the moon and manifest the moon spirit!"

"Then, this new soul weapon of mine, I will name it… Fang Blade!"

Zhong Yue carried the Fang Blade on his back, his psyche formed into three Jiao Dragons and tied tightly around the seventeen feet long Fang Blade so that it would not fall off when he traveled. He stood up and strode forward, thoughts lurking in his heart, Thanks to the beast god essence, I am now trapped in the form of a Xiang Dragon, I have to keep my visualizations on continuously without resting a single second to revert to my human form. But it's an important task to search for the teleportation portal. It'd be best if I travel and cultivate at the same time, taking this as a kind of training to consolidate my unconscious visualization!

In the wilderness of the Great Wilderness, the monster beasts lifted their heads up and stared at a 40 feet long dragon carrying a huge fang behind it's back. It sauntered past them walking like a human in a swaggering manner.

Ever since then, a strange rumor spread like wildfire across the land: There was a peculiar monster beast that wandered around like a human who had the look of a tiger, head and tail of a dragon, and the bristles of a horse.

"The previous Xin Huo inheritor and I had left the teleportation portals, but they are not around in the Great Wilderness, they should be located outside of Great Wilderness. The geographical conditions weren't the same as before. They had changed drastically over the years; I've constructed the portal in the core of a volcano, harvesting the fire elements from the volcano as the power source to maintain operation of the portal."

Zhong Yue climbed to the summit of a majestic mountain, Xin Huo leaped out and gazed around; the Wei River could be seen from afar while on the other side. There were sounds of thunder rumbling, above a lake there was lightning striking down incessantly, that would be the territory of the Lei Hu Clan.

"Before this, there weren't such things as the Wei River, Lightning Lake, or even Swords Gate; it wouldn't be easy to find that volcano we are looking for. Thankfully, the teleportation portal was not destroyed, I can still feel a minimal link that connects my senses to it."

Moments later, Xin Huo was filled with joy, "There, let's go!"

Zhong Yue dashed down from the mountain toward the direction Xin Huo was pointing, he thought in his heart, Not in Great Wilderness? Then it will be out of here. I hear that it is extremely dangerous out there, even the Qi Practitioners seldom survive, I wonder what I will encounter…

Even with him carrying the Fang Blade behind him, he was still speedy, moving across the mountains and rivers. He was getting nearer to the territory of Shui Tu Clan with great speed.

"It's that Xiang Dragon!"

In the stockade of Shui Tu Clan, one of the Qi Practitioners suddenly noticed Zhong Yue who was treading on the river, he was shocked and overjoyed, he yelled out in excitement, "It's that Xiang Dragon, it appeared again! Senior martial siblings, quickly come over!"

His words sparked a round of commotion in the stockade. Three Qi Practitioners thrust up into the air. They cast their gaze at Zhong Yue, and one of them laughed and said, "Walking with two legs, it must be that same Xiang Dragon! We must not let it slip past our fingers once again!"

On the Wei River, waves of currents suddenly billowed vigorously as a ship hundreds of feet high sailed out from the water stockade, the three Qi Practitioners boarded the ship and sailed toward Zhong Yue!

"Hebo! Hebo!"

Spiritual chants came out from the water stockade accompanied with the rhythmic beating of drums – it was the Shui Tu Clan members. All of a sudden, from the middle of the water stockade, a water god that was a thousand feet tall rose up. It was the totem spirit of the Shui Tu Clan, the God of the River, Hebo!

The Shui Tu Clan totem spirit was awakened by the chants and drummings, as he made his appearance, the water tides billowed vigorously, and the water line rose, with the help of the Hebo totem spirit, the three Qi Practitioners aboard the ship sailed quicker toward Zhong Yue!

It's the Shui Tu Clan again!

Enmities old and new between them flooded into Zhong Yue's mind, his eyes were burning with anger, and he rushed right at the ship. Along the way, there were numerous waves of monstrous aquatic beasts pouncing at him, they were all the psyche manifestations of the Shui Tu Clan Qi Practitioners, they were dreadful and among them were even giant beasts such as water dragons and water pythons!

"This Xiang Dragon is actually harboring bitter resentments, it recognized us for the attempt to capture it the last time!" One of the Qi Practitioners chortled.

Right when he finished his words, the Xiang Dragon held onto the fang behind it and swung it heavily. All of the water style techniques around it were crushed into impotent sprinkles, the monstrous fish, water dragons, and water pythons were all cleaved in half; Zhong Yue trod on the water and dashed toward the ship.


Water tides rose high and lifted the ship up, with an immensely strong impact, it gushed down at Zhong Yue while the three Qi Practitioners onboard controlled their soul weapons and slashed at Zhong Yue in coordination.


A sword ray flashed over, and the ship was cleaved in half in the middle by Zhong Yue.

The broken halves of the ship splashed onto the water surface and set off miniature tsunamis that crashed onto the river banks!

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