Am I A God?

Zhao Yao Was Contemplating

Zhao Yao Was Contemplating

0When she heard Old K's question, Xiao Shiyu furrowed her brows and asked, "Join you? Who are you?"     

Old K laughed, knocked on the table and said, "You do not have to know who we are. You only need to know that our power is much greater than you can imagine."     

Old K was testing Xiao Shiyu. He was waiting for an opportunity to bring her out alone for questioning.     

On the other side of the room, mushroom-headed Lang Gou sat down in front of Zhao Yao. He smiled merrily and said, "I've heard that you are the owner of this shop?"     

Zhao Yao lifted his head, looked at him with a pair of lifeless eyes and said, "I am not receiving guests right now. Go play with the cats." He ignored Lang Gou and focused on the computer screen before him.     

Lang Gou smiled and disregarded his impudence. He rested his chin on his hand and said, "I heard that two years ago in Jianghai, there was a serial killer and a sharp decrease in people who maltreated cats."     

Looking at Zhao Yao's indifference, Lang Gou slightly creased his brow and said, "I've also heard that the police tracked this serial killer down and discovered that he was a cat."     

As Lang Gou spoke, he fixed his eyes firmly on Zhao Yao's, searching for a change in his expression.     

However, there were no changes in Zhao Yao's eyes. They remained dull and lifeless. They were fixated on the computer screen and their reflections showed the screen's colorful changes.     

Lang Gou continued and said, "I've heard that the police surrounded this cat but it had supernatural powers. The police failed to capture the cat and sent another person to capture this killer cat."     

"Hey cafe owner, have you heard of this incident before?"     

Looking into Zhao Yao's lifeless gaze, Lang Gou furrowed his brows and thought, "No reaction at all? If he was innocent, there would be some reaction to this story. This man is definitely suspicious."     

Zhao Yao was fixated on the computer screen, looking at Airplane's message on WeChat.     

"Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao, this is the stuff that I've found for now."     

Initially, Zhao Yao was dismissive. "What kind of good stuff can a cat find?" He thought.     

He casually opened up a few of the links and his attention was captivated by what he saw.     

"Hmm, so there are such websites in other countries? After not learning for a long time, one will become obsolete." Zhao Yao was eagerly assimilating the information on the websites. He was feeling surprised and thought, "The Koreans have some pretty good live streaming websites too."     

"Huh? Account-ID required?"     

While Zhao Yao was feeling inconvenienced, Airplane sent another message.     

"These are the Account-IDs that the royal cat guards have gathered over the past few weeks. All can be used."     

Zhao Yao's eyes brightened immediately.     

Airplane said, "With the increasingly unstable international situation, we have to properly understand the survival conditions of supercats in friendly countries. This internet research method has the best cost to performance ratio."     

Zhao Yao contemplated…     

Zhao Yao contemplated some more…     

Zhao Yao confirmed Airplane's idea.     

Zhao Yao used an account ID.     

Zhao Yao felt happier.     

Airplane looked at the smiley sent by Zhao Yao and decided to strike while the iron was hot. Ever since Matcha had been removed from the leadership position of the royal cat guards, he was temporarily taking over the post.     

However, he knew that his position was not stable, especially since Matcha was now in charge of the high-profile construction site. He felt he had to curry Zhao Yao's favor and cater to his wishes, so as to consolidate his leadership position in the royal cat guards.     

Airplane sent another message, saying, "Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao, after our research, we feel the necessity to establish a specialized task force in the royal cat guards to process complex information on the internet. Then we will submit a summary of our research to you for you to skim through."     

Zhao Yao contemplated his proposal.     

Zhao Yao spent some more time contemplating.     

Zhao Yao supported Airplane's idea.     

Zhao Yao transferred 1000 dollars to Airplane.     

"This money is considered funding for the task force's research." Zhao Yao squinted his eyes and typed, "The huge amount of information available on the internet is too overwhelming for me. I am unable to look through all of it. I am depending on you to collect the information. Make this work Airplane. I think very highly of you."     

With the support of Zhao Yao, Airplane's confidence was greatly boosted. "This assignment will definitely be completed."     

Lang Gou, who was sitting opposite to Zhao Yao, found that he was totally indifferent to his words. He decided to use other methods to probe his target.     

He straightened his body, shifted slightly towards Zhao Yao and said, "Cafe owner, I have some business to discuss with you." He looked at Zhao Yao's eyes while his body's supernatural ability was getting ready to activate. His ability did not have visible effects and was imperceptible to normal people. He intended to use his ability directly.     

Zhao Yao's sharp sixth sense detected something. He lifted his head to look at Lang Gou and said, "What are you doing?" He frowned as he continued, "You better not antagonize me."     

"Very confident indeed. After defeating killer cat, Sun Meng, and Nessie, anyone who did that would be very confident." Lang Gou smiled as he said, "You were like me before. When I first obtained my abilities, after defeating several strong opponents, I thought that I was the most special of them all and that the future was mine."     

At this point, he sighed and said, "However, someone taught me the cruel reality of the world."     

Lang Gou's handphone rang. It was Midnight.     

Midnight said, "Withdraw your team immediately."     

"What? Why?"     

Midnight said, "According to my latest intelligence, this cafe is closely related to higher echelons of the government. They possess healing abilities that can cure illnesses of the leaders. The repercussions for antagonizing them is too great. Moreover…"     

Midnight paused to suppress his excitement. He said, "I have found the target."     

Lang Gou nodded his head and kept quiet. He glanced at Zhao Yao and thought, "Lucky fellow." He left without looking back.     

On the other side of the room, Old K had also received Midnight's information. He glanced at Xiao Shiyu regretfully, settled his bill, and left.     

As the two men left, Bai Quan walked to Zhao Yao's side and said, "Boss, those two guys are apostles? Do you want…"     

"That does not concern me. If there are issues, Xiao Shiyu will report them to higher authorities." Zhao Yao looked at both their heads and scanned the surrounding heads. Then he immediately focused on the computer again. Those two did not have missions and they were not mission targets. Investigating them wasn't worth the effort.     

Moreover, Xiao Shiyu was a member of the government. When she met unidentified apostles, she reported it to her superior.     

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