Am I A God?

Completed At Last

Completed At Last

0After leaving the American base, Zhao Yao found Kaede Hattori who had been waiting anxiously. He presented to him the two supercats that had been licked clean.     

"These were the only two in the base. The gravitation cat and robot integration cat were nowhere to be found."     

When Kaede Hattori saw the supercats in Zhao Yao's hands, he still walked up to him excitedly, "Great, with these two supercats gone, the superpowers of the American forces in Japan will at least be reduced by 30%. By the time they send more supercats over, a few weeks will have passed, which is enough time for us to do many things."     

With Kaede Hattori's reply, Zhao Yao completed his whole series of chain missions. He looked happily at his mission panel and saw that a 'Mission Completed' option had appeared.     

When he tapped on that option, the chain mission disappeared and was replaced by a huge rewards roulette.     

"Dragon Slaying Saber, Paralysis Ring, Spicy Cat Strips, Meow Meow Woad Root, Cat Prince Costume…"     

Looking at the different kinds of rewards displayed on the roulette, Zhao Yao could not help but laugh, as he wanted every reward that was on display.     

But as he saw that the 85% mission completion rate reduced his chances to 8 roulette spins, Zhao Yao felt the frustration rise up in his heart again.     

"Looks like every 10% increment of mission completion rate gives me one chance to win a reward," Zhao Yao thought to himself, "That's right, even if I didn't win over all the Japanese apostles in the previous two steps of the chain mission, I would still have been able to advance to the third step, just that my mission completion rate would be lower, giving me fewer chances to spin for a reward."     

Although Zhao Yao really wanted to try spinning for a reward right now, he raised his head and glanced at the crowd before him, knowing that now was not the time to do so.     

He called everyone over and clapped his hands as he said, "Everyone look over here."     

Kaede Hattori, Hideki Kujyo, Kappei Hattori, and even Kensei Yagyu, Nanako, Sylvie and the rest all looked at Zhao Yao, curious and astonished at the same time.     

Kaede Hattori thought, "This man… he might just be the hope of the Japanese supernatural realm."     

Hideki Kujyo frowned and thought to himself, "Does he like Nanako? Should I let Nanako date him? D*mn it, the thought of Nanako dating him, **** him, **** again, and *** makes me really uncomfortable."     

Nanako's face turned red and her heart started thumping as she thought, "Aren't Zhao Yao and Baiquan…? But he actually became enemies with two great countries like Japan and America for my sake… I actually made a gay guy straight! What if he confesses to me?"     

Sylvie: "This man… he went to so many clubs, stayed in a twin room with two other men and came out of there with dark under-eye circles every time. Should my lady really get together with him? Should I tell Ms. Nanako all these things?"     

Kensei Yagyu thought, "This man… has so many supercats. I really want to touch them… but that might be too frivolous of me. D*mn it…"     

Kappei Hattori thought, "I really feel like mutilating myself again, but why isn't anyone else taking action? Is everyone else all holding it in? Their tolerance level is really high. Maybe I should take the lead and start on my own? D*mn, I feel like I can't hold it in."     

Zhao Yao looked at the crowd staring at him and nodded his head in satisfaction, "Hi everyone, next we will…"     

Zhao Yao's body became invisible with Roly Poly's help, which exposed the ragdoll cat mother, Catherine, behind him.     

The moment they saw Catherine, everyone in the crowd fainted one by one. At Zhao Yao's command, Diana and Caesar walked up to crowd together and started erasing all their memories from the past 24 hours.     

After an hour, the missing people from the Tokyo incident reappeared on the streets of Akihabara. When they were discovered, they had already lost their memories and all the electronic products they had with them had disappeared without a trace as well.     

Afterward, all of them were subjected to interrogation by the Japan-United States joint investigation team. The Hattori family was also heavily punished by both Japanese and American forces. They lost their esteemed status as the strongest family in Japan, so Kappei Hattori and Nanako's wedding was naturally broken off.     

This incident had profoundly impacted the Japanese supernatural realm, the Special Higher Police, the Kujyo family, and many others. Zhao Yao, who was already on the plane back, was totally unaware of all of this.     

Zhao Yao was now looking with delight at the contents of his rewards lottery panel.     

He discovered that the rewards lottery panel activated after the completion of this chain mission was not a one-time thing. It was a rewards lottery module which the Book had directly added.     

This meant that on top of the supercat panel, mission panel, and diamond hall, there was an additional page for a rewards lottery.     

Zhao Yao thought to himself, "Does this mean that whenever I take on a mission from a burning exclamation mark, it will give me a mission that has a rewards lottery with multiple draws?"     

However, fearing that the rewards lottery would make a scene, he decided to draw the lot when he reached home. Once he alighted from the plane and turned on his phone, he received a call from Uncle Ho.     

Uncle Ho was rubbing his bald head with a pained look on his face as he sighed and said, "Zhao Yao, the Tokyo incident has nothing to do with you right?"     

"What incident?" Zhao Yao pretended like he knew nothing and continued, "I don't know what you are talking about."     

"Cut it out," Uncle Ho said, "The Japanese side just sent me the news. They hope you can go back and cooperate with their investigation."     

Zhao Yao's heart stopped for a bit, but he regained his composure almost immediately as he realized that it might be because he was on the guest list for the wedding. He continued saying, "They must be mistaken. There are so many people called Zhao Yao. I just traveled there for a normal holiday for a couple of days. What's there to investigate? Oh no, the signal is getting bad suddenly… Hello? What are you saying? Hello…"     

After ending the call, Zhao Yao hurriedly left the airport and found a toilet to go into and immediately swallowed himself into the extradimensional belly.     

He had just taken the plane back for the sole purpose of fulfilling the visa paperwork requirements.     

However, because of the Tokyo incident, Zhao Yao had used his dimension portals. He had used up the portal to the cat cafe during the battle, so the extradimensional belly only had the portals to the 18-story building and Cat Island now.     

Bai Quan had sneaked into Japan illegally to begin with, hence he did not take the plane. Rather, he had entered the extradimensional belly directly, reaching Jianghai a few hours earlier.     

Zhao Yao looked at the surrounding supercats, who had started to fight and play around with each other as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the Cat Island leisurely.     

"The world has become peaceful again. It is time for me to try my luck at the lottery 8 times." Zhao Yao had decided to come to the Cat Island and washed his hands before finding a nice place with beautiful scenery to start drawing his rewards.     

But at the next moment he suddenly remembered, "Oh right, I might as well take Red Packet here and hug him in my arms as I draw the lots."     

Red Packet's money-making ability was related to luck. Even though it was unclear if he could increase Zhao Yao's luck at the rewards lottery, he decided that it was worth a try anyway.     


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