Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Bewitching the Masses

Bewitching the Masses

0This scene of human-beast exchange made Meng Chao's hair stand on end.     

Then, he thought of throwing his soul into the body of the super giant sandworm and turning into a demonic earthquake.     

More Peach Blossom townspeople poured in from behind like a tide.     

They were all like Gu Ling, holding or carrying a large number of industrial products from the Earth era.     

Most of them were earth clothes or phones and computers that had long been damaged and could not be turned on.     

There were also people riding monsters and carrying or pulling black engines on their backs.     

Judging from the dents on the engines, people had already vented their anger on these "evil technologies" before they were pulled there.     

Meng Chao also saw several burly men carrying a couple of plastic mannequins.     

These plastic mannequins were all in suits and ties, with many mobile phones and computers tied to their bodies, as though they were wearing an ugly suit of armor.     

Their faces were painted with makeup, showing all kinds of expressions of greed, anxiety, and confusion.     

Another person used a long-expired lipstick and drew a big red cross on the plastic mannequin's face.     

When the strong men finally carried the plastic doll under the Tree of Wisdom and poked it in the tangled vines, many of Peach Blossom Town's residents went up to it and angrily spat at it.     

Meng Chao guessed that the plastic dolls were supposed to be a symbol of the "sinful Earthlings."     

Spitting at them meant that they were drawing a clear line with Earth's civilization or even swearing to be enemies.     

Such actions of punishing evil idols and praying for good luck in the coming year was a very common ritual in many primitive and medieval civilizations.     

Peach Blossom Town, which originated from modern earth, had only passed transmigrated more than half a century ago and had already embarked on an irreversible path of degeneration?     

Meng Chao sighed in his heart.     

At that moment, the Tree of Wisdom's huge crown shook, and countless vines extended out, forming a slowly descending staircase.     

A man wearing a black wooden mask and a gorgeous feather robe slowly walked down the vine staircase. He looked like a colorful bear.     

He really took his time walking, giving the people of Peach Blossom Town, who were intoxicated and making merry, time to calm down.     

From the hundreds of meters high tree canopy, he walked down until he was about twenty meters away from the ground. Then, he stopped.     

The ladder of vines under his feet naturally transformed into the shape of a lotus.     

There were also colorful flowers that stubbornly crawled out from the gaps of the vines. They gradually bloomed and pollen erupted like spores, forming a gorgeous and mysterious garland around the man.     

Meng Chao noticed that the mask worn by the man had the appearance of a human on the left and a monster on the right. There was also a small tree carved on the forehead part with branches that waved like tentacles. Dozens of tentacles wrapped around the human's and monster's eyes respectively, so the entire picture was indescribably strange.     

The head behind the black wooden mask was completely white.     

That person who was qualified to descend from the Tree of Wisdom's depths should be Gu Ling's grandfather, the mayor of Peach Blossom Town.     

Sure enough, Gu Ling gently pulled Meng Chao and winked at him. That was her grandfather, and the Harvest Ceremony was about to begin!     

"Citizens of Peach Blossom Town!"     

After everyone quieted down and the square that contained tens of thousands of people fell silent, the mayor cleared his throat and finally opened his mouth. "A long, long time ago, although our ancestors escaped from hell, their souls were still being roasted by its invisible and haunting flames. They could not understand the true meaning of life and civilization. However, their desires were hard to fill, and they were insatiable. They wanted to turn the new world that they had entered with great difficulty into a new hell!     

"They almost succeeded!     

"During those years, Peach Blossom Town was filled a large factory and barracks where the strong bullied, enslaved, and played with the weak. Except for a few high-ranking experts, most of the residents lived a precarious and miserable life.     

"The green mountains, emerald rivers, birds, and flowers around Peach Blossom Town were also turned into a mess by them.     

"Now that we think about it, we are still terrified. If they had succeeded in turning the land of peach blossoms into a new earth—a living hell where the air is dirty, machinery is roaring, and people are either scheming against each other or cold and distant—what an irreparable sin it would be!     

"Thankfully, the Tree of Wisdom saved us at the critical moment.     

"The spirit beasts that were hurt by our ancestors also accepted us without any grudges, giving us a chance to turn over a new leaf and live a new life.     

"From that day on, we vowed to draw a clear line with the way of life, social structure, and form of civilization on Earth, and to explore a path that was completely different from Earth's self-destructive civilization.     

"The annual Harvest Festival is our most sincere gratitude to the Tree of Wisdom for protecting the entire Peach Blossom Town and making it a paradise for humans and spirit beasts.     

"It is also a 'regular treatment' that we must carry out. We completely open our hearts and souls during the Harvest Ceremony and examine each other's souls to see if the evil genes that originated from Earth will sprout again in the depths of our minds!"     

When Meng Chao heard that, his heart trembled.     

He was especially sensitive to the words "completely open our hearts and examine our souls."     

One should know that in his previous life, the greatest threat to Dragon City was not the Apocalyptic Beasts that possessed the power to destroy the world.     

Instead, it was an intelligent monster that had a deep understanding of humans and could even vividly imitate them.     

Supernatural entities were the cream of the crop.     

Right now, there were still a total of five supernatural entities that had yet to show their faces!     

Perhaps the monster mastermind could be used to create the powerful body of a supernatural entity through gene modulation.     

However, the ability to play with the free will of humans would probably require thousands and thousands of humans to open up their souls for cultivation, right?     

"This year's Harvest Ceremony is also different from previous years. Our Peach Blossom Town has welcomed a group of pitiful guests, our compatriots from Dragon City!"     

The mayor suddenly changed the subject and mentioned Meng Chao and the other people from Dragon City.     

However, there was not much hostility or malice in his words. In contrast, he was full of deep sympathy and pity, just like Gu Ling.     

"Through their narration, we learned that it was not only Peach Blossom Town that escaped from Earth, but also the entire Dragon City."     

The mayor sighed and continued, "Unfortunately, their luck was not as good as ours. They did not encounter the Tree of Wisdom at the beginning of their transmigration. In addition, their population was too large, the impact of Earth's civilization was too strong, and the spirit beasts around Dragon City were too weak. They were actually unable to resist the forces of evil.     

"As a result, Dragon City now still maintains the dark, tragic, and decaying civilization of the Earth era.     

"Today's Dragon City is the embodiment of Earth's sins.     

"A small number of people from the nine great families have used the nine mega corporations as tools to take control of Dragon City's management system, monopolize most of the resources, and become supreme experts who are high and mighty.     

"Most of the ordinary citizens and low-level warriors can only struggle under the unfair rules of the game set by the supreme experts. They endure enslavement, deception, and oppression from the supreme experts—exactly the same as in Peach Blossom Town previously.     

"While we Peach Blossom people, regardless of our status, power, or wealth, enjoy the delicious mushrooms and fruits without discrimination here, the ordinary citizens of Dragon City can only eat disgusting canned food that's synthesized by adding chemicals from the leftovers of the spirit beasts. However, the experts from the nine big families can slowly cut off the tenderloin of the high-level spirit beasts and feed the dogs that prostrate at their feet!     

"We Peach Blossom people wake up every day in the grass and sea of flowers where the birds sing and the flowers are fragrant. Our sight is not blocked by railings and walls, and we can enjoy every beautiful scene in the town to our heart's content. Conversely, the ordinary citizens of Dragon City can only struggle to get up in dark and narrow slums, which are even worse than rat nests, to engage in hard and dangerous work in exchange for those disgusting processed cans. However, the powerhouses from the nine major families can stretch comfortably in their gorgeous palaces without having to go out to work. They only need to keep practicing, strengthen themselves, and ensure that they have absolute power above the ordinary citizens.     

"While the people of Peach Blossom Town sing and dance with the spirit beasts every day, the ordinary citizens of Dragon City are driven by all kinds of lies and violence to fight the unknown spirit beasts in the depths of the wilderness.     

"Countless people have died for no reason. Some lucky ones have lost a few organs and limbs.     

"However, the spoils of war that they've exchanged for with their lives have shamelessly been plundered by the nine noble families.     

"In the past six months alone, after slaughtering countless pitiful spirit beasts, the nine noble families have been running wild in the periphery of Dragon City. They have almost swallowed a land larger than the total area of Dragon City and occupied countless crystal veins that are abundant in spirit energy. The place has become their independent kingdom.     

"In these independent kingdoms, the sons of the major families are able to receive almost unlimited training resources without leaving their homes. They can also manipulate the price of training resources through various financial instruments and earn a hundred times more profit without any effort in hard battles. Even if they go deep into the wilderness to fight, they will be supported by large groups of people and super firepower. The unlikeliness and probability of their casualties will be ten times lower than that of the ordinary citizens who have no power or influence!     

"We, who have always lived in Peach Blossom Town, never imagined that such an unfair and absurd thing could exist in the world!     

"Nevertheless, this is definitely not my fabricated story. We all have visitors from Dragon City. As long as we ask them, the truth will come out!"     

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! For a moment, countless eyes were fixed on Meng Chao and Lu Siya.     

Lu Siya had long mingled with the people of Peach Blossom Town, and everyone knew her.     

Meng Chao's incompatible temperament made him stand out like a firefly in the dark night, and everyone instantly spotted him.     

Of course, Meng Chao was not the only one with a similar temperament.     

The exploration team members of the man-eating pomfret team and Lu Siya's team, as well as the powerhouses from the Red Dragon Army such as Long Feijun, the Railway Gun, were scattered in the crowd. They were being slightly monitored by the people of Peach Blossom Town and the monsters.     

They could only greet each other with their eyes from afar and mark their own kind.     

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