I Am A Prodigy

Watching His Own Movie

Watching His Own Movie

0The meal concluded with Miyako's assistance. Ye Lingchen enjoyed it greatly while Zhang Yunxi had her reservations.     

"Alright, it's your turn to eat. Don't forget to do the dishes." Satisfied with dinner, Ye Lingchen ignored Miyako's silent objections in her eyes and went upstairs.     

Miyako sat alone on the table. Imagining her horrible life ahead, sadness welled up from within her and her eyes turned red.     

She had never imagined herself to be in such a sorry state. That was just too pitiful and unfair.     

If someone were to see the disciple of the Gambling King in such a state, their eyes would pop out of their sockets.     

The next day…     

Ye Lingchen arrived at the venue Xiao Feifei decided on.     

Xiao Feifei arrived with a pair of shades. She wore a halterneck dress, draped with a tulle jacket on the outside, and a cap, giving off an impression of a goddess.     

"Lingchen, you're finally here." Xiao Feifei immediately went forward to greet him, finally having the motivation when she saw Ye Lingchen.     

Standing there, she was undoubtedly the most attractive person there. Although she hid her face, those passing by would unwittingly shift their gaze unto her. Some would even come over with some pickup lines, further pressuring her as she feared being identified.     

"Sister Feifei, you're really beautiful today," Ye Lingchen teased softly.     

Xiao Feifei rolled her eyes at him, then grabbed onto his arms without warning. Both of them walked towards the cinema like a couple.     

"Lingchen, where's Little Grey and Little Green?" Xiao Feifei asked.     

Ye Lingchen patted his chest, indicating that they were hidden within his clothes. Two wolf heads immediately poked out of there, looking at Xiao Feifei.     

"They've grown so much," Xiao Feifei exclaimed, immediately drawing attention to the wolf pups. Their eyes were filled with adoration.     

The wolf pups were a fair bit larger than last time. Very soon, they will no longer fit into Ye Lingchen's clothes.     

"That's right. They're big eaters and have put on a lot of weight." Ye Lingchen laughed.     

"Let me hold them," Xiao Feifei asked excitedly and took one of the wolf pups into her arms. She then exclaimed in surprise, "They're a lot heavier!"     

They both eventually arrived at the cinema while chatting. Countless people were in line to purchase the tickets. Even the e-tickets collection had a long queue.     

"Look at the crowd wanting to watch your movie," Xiao Feifei stated as she watched the massive crowd. After a moment's hesitation, she pinched Ye Lingchen, then pursed her lips, "Hmph! You didn't even let me take part in your movie."     

Ye Lingchen smiled bitterly as he shook his head. Xiao Feifei had seemingly got into the character of being his girlfriend.     

The cinema opened 10 minutes before the show started. To remain discreet, Xiao Feifei bought a couple's seat in the corner for them.     

Looking over, the entire cinema could fit a few hundred people, yet the seats were all taken. [1]     

There were still 5 minutes before the movie started, yet the seats were all filled. Even the first row was fully taken. That itself could be considered a miracle.     

With enough people, murmurs of discussions grew as well. All of them had a look of excitement and anticipation on their faces.     

"The movie is about to start. I wonder if it's as good as the rumors claimed."     

"This is so exciting. I knew Y wouldn't let me down. I really can't believe that Huo Yuanjia's initial review scores were that low."     

"I didn't expect such a huge turnout. How popular is this movie?"     

"Bro, are you that clueless? Now Huo Yuanjia's tickets are sold out everywhere. It's already a blessing to be able to get seats in the first row."     

"Luckily my reaction was quick. I didn't expect there to be extra screenings of Huo Yuanjia today. The tickets sold out in just an instant!"     


The majority of the crowd were youngsters, mostly couples. Some even came in groups.     

Finally, the background music started playing and the movie began!     

Right at the start, it was Huo Yuanjia during his childhood. His father was a martial artist and had to fight in the arena with someone daily. However, his father forbade him from learning martial arts, forcing him to learn how to read.     

One day, his father lost because of his code of honor, losing the glorious title of Jinmen's best. That act had planted a seed in Huo Yuanjia.     

He did not understand why his father would put martial arts and honor together. At that moment, he resolved himself to be Jinmen's best in the future!     

The early phase of the movie was focused around fights in the arena. The fights happened round after round, accompanying Huo Yuanjia's growth. He fought with his opponents daily due to his battle lust. It was so strong that he would beat all those that opposed him into submission!     

Furthermore, he was extremely prideful and arrogant, unwilling to listen to advice.     

At that moment, the movie slowly moved into its climax. Everyone felt that something was about to happen if that went on, an ominous feeling enveloped them.     

Many viewers were fully immersed in the movie, their eyes glued to the screen. There was hardly anyone touching their popcorn.     

Finally, Huo Yuanjia's disciple was wounded. He did not investigate further and brought the issue straight to the other party, facing off in a duel with the strongest martial artist of that time, Elder Qin!     

Elder Qin was strong!     

It was pouring during the fight. Both their movements had the viewers in the cinema holding their breath. At the same time, many of their hearts were pumping wildly. Such an action scene could not be found anywhere else!     


Extremely realistic!     

Furthermore, each move captured the essence of the fight, captivating the hearts of the viewers. That was the real world of martial artists. Such a fight was the real struggles of a life and death battle!     

Finally, Huo Yuanjia won, and Elder Qin had fallen!     

However, color faded from the movie screen. Huo Yuanjia began to reflect on his actions, on the reasons behind his actions.     

He attended Elder Qin's funeral. By the time he returned, all he saw was a bloody scene. His wife and daughter were murdered by his enemies.     

At that moment, he finally understood why his father would always place martial arts and honor together, always forgiving whenever possible.     

The rain continued to pour and the atmosphere in the cinema turned gloomy.     

Finally, Huo Yuanjia decided to dive into the river. Following its current, he surprisingly arrived at a small peaceful village.     

There, the men plowed the fields while the women tended the chores, enjoying their simple yet fulfilled life without any fights or schemes. There, he finally found the peace he long yearned for.     

Right then, sobbing sounds appeared in the cinema, bringing out a shred of lamentations from the viewers.     

Although the movie was telling the story of Huo Yuanjia, many viewers saw their own reflections. Huo Yuanjia in his youth was like most of them, insolent and prideful, only to find out much later that a peaceful life was their final goal in life.     

Huo Yuanjia stayed for a long time in that village, but in the end, he still left it behind him. He wanted to go back to his old world and have a look.     

Nonetheless, when he got back, he was stunned. The entire world had changed.     

The place was filled with Westerners, and the Chinese were being enslaved. Everyone passed their days in fear. It was no longer the prosperous scene of the past, but instead a depressing sight to behold.     



[1] Despite the previous chapter stating that Xiao Feifei bought all available tickets for the show throughout the week, we suspect the author may have forgotten that detail. Another explanation could be that Xiao Feifei had Sister Lin sell off the extra tickets after she had confirmed the date with Ye Lingchen. Whichever option, we will let you readers come up with your own theory. Perhaps we could even start collecting a list of mysteries and maybe have some theories running on the side :P     

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