I Am A Prodigy

Zhou Ran's Breakdown

Zhou Ran's Breakdown

0Zhou Ran's ten fingers froze and he frowned at Ye Lingchen.     

He pursed his lips in disinterest and shook his head disdainfully. "Boring. So boring to meet an opponent like you."     

The question had just only been displayed when Ye Lingchen answered arbitrarily. It was simply too unrealistic. Would anyone be able to do that?     

If he wanted to hoodwink everyone, he should at least do so a bit more genuinely!     

He ought to have waited some time before blabbing out a more persuasive answer, but the first thing he said when he opened his mouth was zero. Was he afraid that others would be in the dark regarding his deceit?     

"Just tell him to come down and say that Capital city is going to abstain. A show of magnanimity is better than losing our honor," Professor Tang waved his hand weakly and said.     

"Teacher Xu, you were the one who found him, so you should be the one to go up there and call him down," Xu Dong said to Xu Wanqing.     

"Let's see whether the answer is correct or not before deciding." Xu Wanqing's felt a bit of uneasiness in her heart, but she bit her lip and insisted.     

"Wait before deciding? Are you seriously expecting a miracle to..." Xu Dong left his words hanging because when he looked at the computer, he was staring so hard that his eyes nearly popped out. No words came out of his mouth despite it being wide agape.     

As soon as Ye Lingchen's finished his words, the computer screen froze and the image changed. A zero appeared, and following a tick, Ye Lingchen scored a point.     

"F*ck? Am I seeing things? That kid got a point?!"     

"Crazy! This world is crazy! Either that or my eyes are blind!"     

"The answer is really zero!? Why is it zero, how did he count? F*cking hell!?"     

Everyone was delirious. Many students jumped from their seats and had incredulous looks in their eyes. Some people even gave themselves a tight slap in the hopes of waking themselves up. Surely, they were dreaming a dream that was beyond all reason!     

Teachers as well as highly-respected professors were also stupefied at that moment. Their calmness disappeared and they looked as though they had seen a ghost.     

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!"     

Professor Bai would not have believed it had he not seen it. At first glance, his jaw nearly fell to the ground and he hardly looked the part of a professor. "He got it right? The answer is really zero!"     

"How bloody...amazing!" Professor An blurted out unwittingly and was equally shocked.     

Zhang Yu and Cao Tongtong exchanged glances and were utterly dumbfounded. Their minds had gone blank.     

"This boy's luck is just too ridiculous!"     

Someone exclaimed in a shaking voice, "Forget about their direct advancement earlier. This time, he took a shot in the dark with that answer and got it right. Heaven must be looking fondly over this kid. Lady Luck is on their side!"     

Zhou Ran's expression froze too. He stared at Ye Lingchen and sank into gloominess. "How is this possible ?!"     

Ye Lingchen waved his hand in front of Zhou Ran to let the latter snap back. "Hey, the second question is already given. Are you going to count or not?"     

"It's just one question, don't be so smug. You're destined not to go far if you only rely on luck!" Zhou Ran immediately adjusted his mentality, took a deep breath, and immediately dived right into the new question.     

Just as his ten fingers were lifted and he was about to start calculating, he heard Ye Lingchen's faint voice, "The answer to this question is root two."     

"Would it kill you to do these questions properly?" A red-faced Zhou Ran glared at Ye Lingchen. "Please respect your opponent even if you don't want to win. Let me do my calculations, please?!"     

He was thoroughly irate. Being a math genius meant that he was naturally attuned to math, so he found it maddening when others disturbed him while he solved problems.     

"Sigh, just tell him to come down." Professor Tang sighed once more. The kid was truly a marvel. After guessing that the first answer was zero, he proceeded to take a guess and answer it as root two.     

"Professor Tang, it looks like...Ye Lingchen is correct again this time..." Zhang Yu's voice trembled. The only thing he could feel was a direct impact on his world view.     

"He's correct a-a-gain?" Professor Tang looked up and saw the eye-catching tick. Ye Lingchen had scored another point.     

"Old Bai, am I dreaming?" The trembling Professor Tang grabbed Professor Bai. His old face was red and his breathing became rapid, almost to the extent of panting. "No, this isn't good. My brain is not working anymore. I'm starting to hallucinate. Quick! Call an ambulance!"     

"Old Tang, you're not hallucinating. This really is happening!" Professor Bai quickly appeased Professor Tang. "Calm your heartbeat down and take care of your body. Be careful of getting a heart attack!"     

Everyone there were expert mathematicians. If the first time was pure luck, then the probability that he would be lucky a second time was 0.03%, which was practically impossible.     

The hubbub at the scene vanished. Everyone looked at Ye Lingchen in a daze.     

At that point, the third question had already begun.     

Zhou Ran was hit hard by what happened. Thin beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and he looked at Ye Lingchen in horror. The next moment, his pupils expanded considerably and he saw Ye Lingchen mouth beginning to open.     

What the f*ck! Was that b*stard going to answer again?!     

"The answer to this question is root 3 plus 1."     

The faint voice sounded like thunder in Zhou Ran's ear, making his head buzz.     

Sweat began flowing profusely down his cheek, yet he could not care less about it and simply stared at the screen.     

He finally lost all control when he saw a big tick--Ye Lingchen managed to snag another point. His heart crumbled and tears were gushing out. The next moment, he wailed and howled on the spot!     

"HUHUHUHU..." Zhou Ran covered his mouth in desperation and cried frantically with a look of despair. He then ran off the stage.     

It was a blow that struck not only his IQ but also his psyche.     

Who would have thought that Ye Lingchen was such a freak? To think that he could answer as soon as the question was given. The change from slacker to prodigy was so strong a contrast that Zhou Ran was crushed. In addition, Ye Lingchen answered before Zhou Ran could even finish reading those questions. The blow made Zhou Ran doubt his existence for the very first time. 'Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?'     

The pressure was too strong and he eventually found himself unable to continue any further.     

"This is..." The host was briefly stunned before saying, "It appears a player has already given up this match. The first team to win is...Capital."     


Everyone went into a frenzy.     

"Who is that kid? Why is he such a freak?"     

"A wolf in sheep's clothing. This is a typical example of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Many of us have been fooled by that kid!"     

"Zhou Ran was beaten so badly by that kid. So miserable, so ruthless!"     

"Capital is really unkind. They hid such a secret weapon and pretended to be all sad and depressed. It'll be a shame if they don't become actors!"     

"Yeah, if you look at their team, they're still playing along with their shocked looks. They're doing a good job at pretending!"     


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