Stealing the Heavens

Natural Enemy

Natural Enemy


After a long, hysterical laugh, Gui You pointed at Wu Qi and said coldly, "You want to kill me for virtues?"


Wu Qi nodded firmly and cracked his neck before he suddenly grew to about a hundred meters tall. Purple-and-golden dragon scales flipped out from all over his body, and a pair of seven-colored dragon horns slowly stretched out of his forehead. Dragons were the gods of thunder, wind, and rain. As soon as Wu Qi transformed into his form of half-human and half-dragon with Dragon Kill, the dragon aura he emanated immediately made the thunderbolts in the void spin and wheel. They gradually gathered into a vortex of thunderclouds, having a diameter of over ten thousand miles.

A beam of five-colored divine ray shot out from the top of Princess Zhang Le's head. Her avatar of the God of Thunder was sitting in its altar as it raised both hands over its shoulders. Soon, countless bolts of thunder began to gather in its palms and compressing into a purple ball of thunder about the size of a fist. This was the strongest attack of the Gods of Thunder, the Void Shattering Thunder; a mighty divine ability that could shatter even the Primal Chaos.

With her current level of cultivation, this ball of thunder could pose a great threat to enemies whose overall strength was several levels higher than hers.

Gui You shook his head, his two rows of teeth clattered derisively. "The Dragon Kill from Great Yu's Secret Palace?" he said while grinning coldly. "Well, I killed someone who practiced this technique many years ago, whose cultivation base was twice as strong as you! A genius who cultivates body and magic together is nothing special in my eyes. My body is the condensation of the Pure Yang Ghost Energy. Unless you are skillful in the art of ghost expulsion, there is nothing you can do to me!"

After making his comment on Wu Qi, he gave the princess a glance, then shook his head again and sighed. "You are no better. Thunder magic is no doubt the strongest offensive technique for immortals like you, but my race, the Ghost Fiend, has fought against those Thunder Fiends for countless generations, and I've mastered all kinds of techniques that are very effective against thunder. At the most, only one-third power of your magic can get to my body. So, tell me, how are you going to hurt me?"

Wu Qi could not help but laugh in his heart. 'This big fella is such an honest fiend god! How could he show us all his trump cards even before our fight began? Ha! His body is the condensation of Pure Yang Ghost Energy? Well... I've not heard of such energy in this world created by the Great Saint Pangu. Is it a kind of energy that exists only in his homeworld? Nevertheless, he is going to suffer for not taking us seriously.'

A plume of chaotic energy gushed out from the top of Wu Qi's head, transforming into Dark Yin Celestial Tower that was only about a foot in height. With that, the time within this small world was immediately accelerated by two thousand times.

Outside, Lei Meng could last for ten days before he was expelled by the Heavenly Dao. That meant Wu Qi had twenty thousand days, or about fifty years of time in here. If he could not defeat Gui You within this period, then there was nothing else he could do.

The ghost fire in Gui You's eyes flickered as he said in a deep voice, "A Supreme Tower that can manipulate time? Amazing! I never expected for you to have such an extraordinary treasure. So, you're really determined to trap me here, eh?"

Gui You did not wait for an answer; instead, he opened his mouth and blew at Wu Qi. A stream of black mist shot toward Wu Qi with a terrible stench of corpses. It moved through the air so quickly that he was completely engulfed before he could dodge it. In just the blink of an eye, his bright scales darkened, and he felt a burning pain all over his body. Many scales turned lifeless and deathly pale, while a dozen of them on his chest bore the brunt, turning into white dust and falling off his skin.

A chunk of flesh about a foot across his chest had its life force sucked out by the ghostly mist, and like the scales, it turned into lifeless white specks of dust and drifted in all directions.

Wu Qi laughed in anger. With the Scroll of Stealing, he was now the master of stealing and plundering, yet this Gui You was seizing his life force with those ghost energies? It was as if someone was showing off his slight accomplishments in front of an expert. But then, he was a little shocked as well. He knew how strong his dragon scales were, for even Princess Zhang Le could hardly break them with her divine thunder. Still, Gui You had destroyed them with just a mouthful of dark breath. It made him wonder what the origin of this ghost energy was!

He gave a cold snort as a shining cloak suddenly emerged behind his back, and then he bolted out in a beam of light and came in front of Gui You in an instant, thrusting both fists toward the fiend god's spine. Behind him, Princess Zhang Le shouted and threw out the purple ball of thunder. It pierced through the air silently and overtook Wu Qi, shooting straight for Gui You's breastbones.

The fiend laughed sinisterly. Before Wu Qi's fists could get close to his body, his spine had turned into a clump of ghostly smoke. Dozens of bony ghost claws stretched out of the sticky, black smoke, all grabbing toward Wu Qi. Even then, he pulled his scythe from behind his back and casually swung it down at the ball of thunder, cutting it from the middle.

The dozens of ghost claws grasped firmly at Wu Qi, before he could even dodge. Condensed from the Pure Yang Ghost Energy, they were extremely tough and powerful. As soon as he was captured, he struggled fiercely, yet he could not free himself from them. Gui You laughed with pride when he saw Wu Qi being trapped by his magic.

Meanwhile, the scythe, all black and looking as if it was crafted from bones, hacked on the ball of thunder. In Gui You's surprised eyes, it flashed and vanished, then suddenly appeared in front of his chest and exploded violently. With the power of all the thunderbolts within a thousand miles and a thread of the law of thunder Princess Zhang Le had mastered, it spread out silently into a mass of plasma and enveloped the fiend god.

A huge ball of thunder filled with violet-and-blue electric arcs suspended in the void, with Gui You trapped within like a fly in a crystal. The heat of the thunder was constantly burning his body and soul, making him let out a bloodcurdling screech as wisps of black smoke rose from all over him. Just then, countless tiny black runes began to emerge across his pale bones, which kept the thunder's damage to the minimum. Evidently, he was not boasting that he had mastered all kinds of techniques that were very effective against thunder magic.

The ball of thunder Princess Zhang Le had unleashed was the evilest kind of Void Shattering Divine Thunders. Once it struck the enemy, it would cling to the body like maggots in a corpse, and constantly release thunderbolts to wipe out the enemy from the root. But for Gui You, whose overall strength was much stronger than hers, such an attack was clearly not enough to seriously injure him.

Amidst a gruesome laugh, the electric arcs that surrounded Gui You faded away, and pale bones emerged one by one from the blinding light. Staring at Princess Zhang Le, the fiend god said, "I've told you…you cannot hurt me with your little tricks!" He paused, laughing proudly and then going on, "This Supreme Tower is a good treasure. Although I can't control it, I can take it back as my private collection. Well, it's time to kill both of you, and then I'll have to leave this place and kill everyone out there!"

Raising the scythe high over his head, Gui You looked down at Wu Qi and said with a smile, "Do you really think you can hurt my body with your melee techniques?"

However, his scythe suddenly halted midair as Gui You was stunned by what he saw. Wu Qi was smiling, and his body covered with dragon scales was radiating a bright golden light. In Gui You's shocking glance, his body slowly transformed from a half-human, half-dragon into the avatar of Buddha, with four faces and six arms.

When Wu Qi finally completed his transformation, Gui You felt his little brain turn into a mess. He let out a scream, then pointed at Wu Qi in horror and said, "Aren't you a human warrior? Even if you are cultivating body and magic at the same time, you can only... you can only..." he was too shocked to get the words out of his mouth.

What he wanted to say was: "Even if you are cultivating body and magic at the same time, you can only use the evil magic of the human Oracles such as curses. How is it even possible that you can use the supreme divine ability of the Buddhist League?" Everyone in the world knew that the cultivation techniques of the human race were totally incompatible with the cultivation methods of both the Buddhist League and Dao League. Wherever there was Pangu Sacred Energy, all the Buddhist energy and immortal energy would be completely dissolved.

If anyone from the Buddhist League, including those mighty Buddhas, cultivated the body tempering technique of the human race and allowed the Pangu Sacred Energy to enter his body, his avatar would slowly melt away, and all his power would vanish. He would lose his ability to subdue demons and get rid of fiends. But Wu Qi, in Gui You's eyes, was a freak; After all, he was using Dragon Kill a moment ago when he approached him, the divine ability of Great Yu's Secret Palace. But now, he had transformed into the avatar of the Buddhist League!

If Gui You had known Wu Qi could use the divine abilities of the Buddhist League, he would never let him near his body. Although he was a fiend god from an alien realm, such divine abilities could still greatly restrain him. In fact, the Buddhist League's reputation for being the best at subduing demons and getting rid of fiends was built on the bones of countless fiend gods from the alien realm.

The fiend god felt he wanted to cry. He screeched and tried to throw Wu Qi away with the dozens of ghost claws.

However, Wu Qi laughed and opened his mouth to shoot out six blood-red sword beams. Six Blood Centipede Swords flew whistling out and hacked Gui You on the neck. With the extreme sharpness and the fearsome killing intent of the innate spirit artifacts, six sword beams struck down one after another. Even though his body was condensed of Pure Yang Ghost Energy, Gui You's neck bone was still severed by them, and a grotesque-looking head flew up high into the air.

He screamed and bellowed furiously, "How dare you! This is strange! How can you even use the divine ability of the Buddhist League?"

Accompanied by his shriek of exasperation and incomprehension, Gui You's body exploded into a thick cloud of ghostly smoke, covering down toward Wu Qi. His hideous laugh could be heard coming out of it. "Don't you think you can kill me with that avatar of Buddhist League! With your current cultivation base, you are nowhere as good as..."

Gui You's words were interrupted by Wu Qi's action, who slapped himself on the head, causing eighteen blood-red relics and eighteen pure-white relics to fly out from the top of his head. Thirty-six relics emanated two totally different bright lights to light up the void: one was evil, and the other righteous. From the evil red light, eighteen blood-red shadows dashed out while laughing evilly, and brought forth a boundless sea of blood to completely wrap up Gui You.

Meanwhile, the bright light radiated out of the eighteen white relics sprinkled down on the ghostly smoke like flames. Wherever they touched, the smoke rippled like boiling water and produced an ear-splitting sizzling noise.

Gui You let out a shrill, jarring cry. Without hesitation, he transformed into a plume of black smoke and tried to shoot up into the sky. But with the sea of blood attached to his body, his attempt to flee failed. "The Dark Nether Blood Sea from the Yellow Spring? How can this filthy thing exist in this world?" he howled painfully.

Wu Qi ignored the fiend god and began to chant a spell in a low voice, his body slowly growing to a height of about ten thousand miles.

Sitting down cross-legged, he locked both hands into a lotus seal, trapping a hundred miles wide void in between his palms, including the black smoke Gui You had transformed into. The mantra of the Buddhist League came spewing out of his mouth one word at a time, gradually transforming into a golden sea to envelop the void.

After some time, a howl of despair echoed out from between Wu Qi's palms. A loud rumble followed, and in the next moment, a black pearl, wrapped in sticky green fluid, shot up and went straight for Wu Qi's forehead.

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