The Nine Cauldrons

The Spear Forged

The Spear Forged


Chapter 62: The Spear Forged!


Before leaving the Great Yan Mountain, Teng Qingshan changed out of the set of clothes he had purchased from Yi City into ordinary clothes and also hid his battle saber into his bag. It was only then did he return to the village like how he always did. He walked towards the village with the bag on his back.

"Qingshan, you're back from the mountains!" The clansmen guarding the entrance to Teng Jia Village smiled and greeted him. Teng Qingshan also greeted them warmly. There had not been any changes since he had left the village for one day. Everyone thought that Teng Qingshan had just returned from the mountains.

After all, even when he was in Teng Jia Village, Teng Qingshan would generally be practicing his spear arts or Xing Yi Martial Art. The people in the clan rarely had the chance to see Teng Qingshan.

"Brother!" A charming lady on the training ground shouted happily.

"Qingyu." Teng Qingshan loves his sister very much. Qingyu, who was now thirteen-years-old, had grown up to be very beautiful. Girls were considered adults at the age of fourteen years old and were considered marriageable. In fact, quite a number of people had requested to marry Teng Qingyu. It was not just people from outside the village, but also people from within the village.

After all, the Teng Clan was a clan that had existed for over a thousand years. The clan had encountered dangers and the clansmen had lived difficulty before. In order to pass on the legacy of the clan, there had been cases in which cousins married each other.

However, the lives of the Teng Clan had stabilized now. As long as the couple wasn't related by blood within three generations, then they were allowed to get married.

"Qingyu, where's Father?" Teng Qingshan asked.

"At the weapon shop," Qingyu replied.

"Go ask father to go home." Teng Qingshan instructed. "Alright," Qingyu replied and immediately ran toward the weapon shop.

Teng Qingshan carried his bag and continued his way home.


A short moment later.

In the hall in Teng Qingshan's home:

Teng Yongfan, Teng Qingshan, and Teng Yunlong gathered here. Teng Yongfan immediately locked up the door to the hall.

"Qingshan, what did you trade with that seven Jin and two taels of Purple Radiant Coldsteel?" Teng Yunlong was slightly excited as he asked.

Teng Qingshan looked at his grandfather in surprise. His father, Teng Yongfan, who was next to him, smiled and said, "Qingshan, after you went to the Yi City, I went to talk to your grandfather. He was overjoyed when he knew that he had such an amazing grandchild who was able to fight against the Flood Dragon. Haha, it's just that he isn't happy that you're so reckless. Thankfully, your grandfather has agreed to help me forge this weapon for you."

Thank you, Grandfather." Teng Qingshan immediately said.

"Haha, I've been a blacksmith my entire life. If I can forge a godly weapon, I will be able to die without any regrets." Teng Yunlong laughed heartily.

"Grandfather, look."

As Teng Qingshan spoke, he opened up the two bags at the side. One of them was filled with many blocks of Star Pattern Steel while the other was filled with dazzling and blinding gold bars.

Both Teng Yunlong and Teng Yongfan gasped as they eyes widened.

"There's one hundred and ten Jin of Star Pattern Steel and sixty Jin of gold here!" Teng Qingshan said.

"Sixty Jin of gold!" Teng Yunlong was stunned for a moment before he burst into waves of laughter. He exchanged a glance with Teng Yongfan, "Yongfan, I have never seen so much gold before! Sixty Jin! That's six hundred gold taels! With this amount of gold, our Teng Jia Village will not have to worry about not having enough money for at least one hundred years."

There were many gold bars, some weighing one tael and some weighing one Jin.

Such a big pile of gold bars was truly dazzling and tempting.

"It was worth it to exchange Seven Jin and two taels Purple Radiant Coldsteel for so much Star Pattern Steel and gold!" Teng Yongfan laughed as well.

"I wouldn't even dare to dream about using the Star Pattern Steel and Purple Radiant Coldsteel!" Teng Yunlong's eyes gleamed. "The best material for the spear's handle is the Star Pattern Steel and the best material for the tip is the Purple Radiant Coldsteel. On the Land of the Nine Prefectures, only very few numbers of longspears can surpass the longspear we will be forging."

"Yongfan, let's have a good rest today. We will start work early tomorrow morning!" Teng Yunlong said.

"Alright, Teacher. The various items required for forging this weapon has already been prepared. All that's left is for us to start work." Teng Yongfan said with a smile.


The next morning.

Both the front and back doors of the weapon shop were closed. There were only three people in the weapon shop—Teng Yunlong, Teng Yongfan, and Teng Qingshan. Teng Yongfan led the forging of the weapon, while Teng Yunlong aided. As for Teng Qingshan, he just helped out with the odd chores, immediately doing whatever his father and grandfather told him to do.

Teng Qingshan completed the odd chores very quickly.

Soon, it was night time.

Teng Qingshan stood at the back door.

"Qingshan, bring this food in." Teng Qingshan's mother, Yuan Lan, arrived and gave Teng Qingshan a bamboo basket filled with food

"Okay," Teng Qingshan took the basket and said with a smile, "Mother, both Father and I won't be returning home today. You and Qingyu can close the doors and rest early. There's no need to wait for us."

"Both your father and grandfather are crazy. They are actually giving up sleep to forge this weapon." Yuan Lan shook her head as she said. She was well aware that both her husband and adoptive father were forging a weapon for Teng Qingshan. However, she did not know the value of this weapon that was being forged for Teng Qingshan.

"Mother, Father, and Grandfather are doing this for my sake. Alright, I'll be heading in now." Teng Qingshan smiled and said to his mother before entering the weapon shop and locking up the door.


Rhythmic sounds of metals striking together sounded.

Teng Qingshan watched as his father swung the hammer to strike the metal. Usually, the process of forging a weapon was very fast. However, Teng Qingshan's weapon was different.

The forging of the spear's body was not that difficult. The spear tip was the section that was the most difficult to forge! After all, the Star Pattern Steel would turn soft must quicker when subject to high temperature.

The refining and forging of the Ten Millennia Coldsteel were far too high. 

The Ten Millennia Coldsteel was indestructible. Even when it was subject to extremely high temperature, its form would not change nor would it melt. It was extremely difficult to refine the Ten Millennia Coldsteel. It would be hard to find a weapon blacksmith even in Yi City who could refine the Ten Millennia Coldsteel.

However, the Teng Jia Village had been forging weapons for over 1,000 years and had their own

unique experiences. Although they might not have great reputations, their mastery in this area was extremely high. Teng Yunlong dared to forge this spear because he had the confidence to do so. Teng Qingshan could only watch his grandfather, Teng Yunlong, frequently scatter some powder onto the Ten Millennia Coldsteel.

Chi chi~~

An extremely high temperature would be produced whenever he scattered some powder on the Ten Millennia Coldsteel, causing the Ten Millennia Coldsteel to soften slightly.

"It's not easy to become a good blacksmith for weapons either." Teng Qingshan had no idea what his father and grandfather were doing at all.

The night went by and daybreak came again.

Teng Yongfan and Teng Yunlong did not rest at all. They focused entirely on the forging of the weapon.

And another day passed by.

The sky dimmed again.

"Haha… it's done." Teng Yongfan laughed out loud as walked out from the weapon store with a longspear in his hand. Teng Yunlong, who was right beside Teng Yongfan, appeared to be very tired. However, his eyes were filled with excitement as he walked into the courtyard with Teng Yongfan.

"Qingshan, take a look at this godly weapon your grandfather and I have forged." Teng Yongfan appeared to be very confident as he handed the longspear over to Teng Qingshan.

Teng Qingshan couldn't help but feel slightly excited. As he took the longspear and touched the cold spear shaft, he felt at peace. The body of the longspear was a silvery-gray and the spear tip was black with a red tassel attached. On first glance, the longspear appeared to be very ordinary. The spear tip was the same as an ordinary Damascus Steel Spear. The back of the spear was long, the edge was thin, and the tip was sharp. There was even a blood groove on the back of the longspear.

Although the spear tip was black, it was very shiny and could even reflect the light that was coming from the fire in the weapon store.

"Qingshan, this spear has been made with about one hundred Jin of Star Pattern Steel and about eight Jin three taels of Ten Millennia Coldsteel. It weighs a total of 108 Jin! The spear is only nine Chi and six Cun in length!" Teng Yunlong laughed and said, "This Purple Radiant Coldsteel is really damn hard to refine. Just forging this spear alone took us close to thirty-six hours."

The godly spear was only completed after thirty-six hours.

"Hmm? Father, Grandfather, why is the color of the spear body silvery-gray? Why can't I see the star patterns?" Teng Qingshan asked puzzledly.

The Star Pattern Steel was not plain silver-gray. The color of the Star Pattern Steel was a bright silver color.

"It's just some tricks that we've done." Teng Yongfan laughed and said, "You wouldn't want people to glance and immediately recognize that your longspear is forged from the Star Pattern Steel, would you?"

"True," Teng Qingshan quickly nodded.

Otherwise, in this chaotic world, the spear made from the Star Pattern Steel would attract a lot of unnecessary attention. Therefore, it was better for it to be unrecognizable. Moreover, the spear tip made from the Purple Radiant Coldsteel would only emit a hint of purple glow when the surrounding was pitch black. Therefore, most people usually would not notice that the spear tip was forged from the Ten Millennia Coldsteel.

"You entered the Frost Jade Pool and obtained the materials of this weapon at the risk of your life." Teng Yunlong said with great emotions, "With the blacksmithing skills that had passed on from generations to generations for a thousand years, this weapon was created."

"The first Godly weapon of Teng Clan since thousands of years!" Teng Yunlong said with great excitement. He then looked at Teng Qingshan, "Qingshan, what do you plan to name this godly spear?"

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