The Record of Unusual Creatures

Who's Got Better Digging Skills?

Who's Got Better Digging Skills?

0Soon, there was nothing much for Hao Ren to do, because Hilda had already begun the follow-up on diplomatic negotiations. Technical negotiations were handled by several leaders from the elven engineering team, so Hao Ren's mission was basically over...     

Holletta had already received word from Hao Ren a few days ago. The residents near the Volcano of Dusk and the Giant Tree of Life had already been evacuated. The related propagandas were also on schedule. Hao Ren did not know what kind of comfort words the Disciples of Glory cooked up for the public. Presumably, it had to have something to do with the goddess again.     

Hilda and the pope were exchanging ideas on their two civilizations, which were meeting for the very first time. Ophra then took the opportunity to get out. She winked at Hao Ren and the two of them went to a quiet place. The marshal looked hesitant. "Why didn't you inform me ahead of time that there would be a foreign queen visiting? The King should be the one to come and meet her in person. That is in accordance to the rules. We thought that the ones who would come to help would be your ordinary subordinates..."     

Hao Ren laughed wryly, and said, "Ahh... I didn't know Hilda wanted to come along. She must have had her own considerations. But don't get yourself so worked up; the elves are just here to work. They don't care about formalities."     

Ophra looked at Hao Ren as if she was sizing him up. It made Hao Ren a little nervous. Then Ophra said, "The elves called you Sun King, but obviously you're not of their race. I'm curious about what you do in the Otherworld. Of course, I'm just asking in my personal capacity. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."     

"It's not a secret." Hao Ren shrugged. "I'm like a traffic police and law enforcer. I'm responsible for law and order in the area under my jurisdiction. It's just that my area of jurisdiction is relatively large. I brought these elves out from another world and I promised them a new land. So, now I'm their landlord."     

Ophra was amazed. "A piece of... land?"     

Hao Ren patted himself on the chest and said, "Yeah, can't you see how big the family business is?"     

"Sorry, but I can't see it."     

Hao Ren was silent for a moment before he steered the conversation away awkwardly. "The operation will cause a scene this time, no less bigger than the Dragonspine Ridge operation. I hope you've already done your homework."     

"With the experience of the Dragonspine Ridge operation, pacifying the public at home isn't going to be much of a problem. The only problem is the surrounding small countries." Opha smiled slightly. "It's hard not to expect some opportunists popping up. Those barbarians have never believed in the goddess' teaching, so they probably wouldn't believe the Church's 'miracle' explanation. They may think that a natural disaster is manifesting, and then take the opportunity to loot the kingdom. The King has been too soft for too long. Someone always forget the taste of blood."     

Glancing at Hao Ren, Ophra said, "What do you think?"     

"Think about what?"     

"As an... um, as you say, inspector. Don't you think that your job is to travel around the world as a spokesperson to observe the development of history in all species? So, the war between Holletta and the surrounding barbarians..."     

Hao Ren shrugged. "You guys can just go at it."     

Ophra was startled for a moment. Hao Ren smiled. "I know you're dealing with me on behalf of the King, but I regret to inform you that you won't get the answer you want. His Highness, Mhoren thinks that I'll help out because of my relationship with the Kingdom of Holletta? That when you go to war with the neighboring barbarians, there will be soldiers from heaven to help you win the war? Please send my words to His Highness the King and tell him that I will not intervene because it's a civil war—yes, it's written in my handbook, this is a civil war. The conflict between the races on your planet is due to the artificial division of the belligerents into 'Royal Army' and 'Barbarian Army'. We'll only intervene if one thing happens," Hao Ren said, raising his hand pointing to the sky.     

"Natural disasters, extinction-level natural disasters. My job is only to deal with such situations, because we want to ensure the diversity of civilizations. As long as diversity is maintained, it doesn't matter who is the dominant race of the civilization. It's called natural selection.     

"Of course, if you're really being beaten by others and are about to be wiped out, I'll come and help you to sail through the difficult moment. That's considered my personal initiative. The last time I did that, I moved 500,000 people."     

As soon as Hao Ren's voice trailed off, Ophra was surprised. For a moment, she was unable to give a response. A few seconds later, the marshal said with a subtle smile on her face, "Okay, that's rather expected. We set up a group of experts and scholars earlier on to study the ways that you as well as your forces thinking and act. It looks like they were right at least one-third of the time. I'll pass on your reply to the King. I hope we won't leave a bad impression all because of these questions. As you know, it's human nature to do things for our own interest."     

Hao Ren smiled but said nothing, quietly feeling relieved that the MDT had forced him to study the handbook during the last few days. He just happened to read about this matter, otherwise he would not have been able to answer so matter-of-factly.     

Ophra kneaded her face and her expression was a little hapless. "I've done my part. I'm not really used to saying those words... I prefer to go into the battlefield, see who I'm upset with and finish them with just a wave of my sword. Not so much wrestling with words and the mind. It's a pity that there hasn't been a war for many years. Besides doing some relief work, a marshal can only go and parade in the streets to fire up the atmosphere, and occasionally serve as a diplomat for Mhoren, which should be Hoffman's responsibility."     

Ophra had actually prepared a grander welcoming ceremony under the king's decree. It included a banquet and meeting with other court officers. However, it was clear that the Aerymian Elves did not have much interest in these arrangements. Hilda approached Hao Ren and said, "The handover of technology is over. Could you please bring my men to the site first? Leave the Hollettan banquet aside... at least, until after the mission is done."     

Hao Ren sensed that Hilda had other arrangements. "What about you?"     

"I'm going to meet King Mhoren." Hilda grinned with her hands spread open. "What did you think I came for? This is a historic moment where two unfamiliar civilizations have come into contact with each other—do you not think it is a big deal?"     

Hao Ren scratched his head. "I don't understand how the minds of politicians work. Go ahead and get your work done. I'll bring your people and head over to the Giant Tree of Life. You can find me there when you're done."     

Having said that, Hao Ren strode towards the Aerymian Elves and clapped his hands. "Attention, people! We'll go as planned; there will be two teams, Team A and Team B. Team A will head to the Volcano of Dusk, and Team B to the Giant Tree of Life. Now, let's split into your teams and get your gear."     

The elven technicians immediately sprang into action as they split into two teams in the vast field outside the manor. Ophra and her men looked on curiously to see what Hao Ren would do next. They saw the foreigner wave his hand once...     

Suddenly, groups of huge, alien equipment appeared in the sky like phantoms!     

They were all gigantic. They were gray and white; and each was more than 100 m in length. They all looked like weird ships, inlaid with huge gray crystals on one end and a strange metal structure on the other. These huge things were suspended in the air, swarming the sky in a flash. Even the noonday was darkened, and the atmosphere of the estate looked similar to dusk.     

After the appearance of these weird, "gray-white spaceships", more oddly shaped equipment began to emerge one after another.     

The commanders of the elven technicians immediately got busy as commands were issued among the teams. "Team A Group One, board the Cutter Ship... Team B Group Two, board the Cutter Ship... Team A Group Four, operate the Gravity Tractor. Installation team, check the respective magic connections to ensure that each person controls two sets of gravity generators. Hurry up! And do your best for the honor of the Queen!"     

The elven technicians boarded their respective machines. As the cockpit of each machine closed, a deep roar was emitted and the surface of the machines flowed with colors. Before long, the entire sky was full of extra-terrestrial ships and equipment. The pope was stunned beyond words as he witnessed the spectacular scene.     

But Ophra was total cool. The marshal had witnessed the Dragonspine Ridge event. What unfolded before her at the moment was no match for what she had seen the last time.     

After the convoy of the super excavators were all in place, Hao Ren said to Ophra cheerfully, "Now, let's experience the advanced excavation technology of the aliens!"     

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