Godfather Of Champions

David’s Plans

David’s Plans

0"America!" Tang En exclaimed in shock, making Beckham jump andt pull the cell phone away from his ears, despite the loud surroundings.     

"What's the matter, Tony?"     

Tang En, who realized his loss of composure, hurriedly coughed. "I'm just... just surprised. Aren't you in Spain? Why did you suddenly go to America?"     

"I recently got injured, so I can't play in matches. Coincidentally, I had to come to America for a contract discussion." Beckham explained.     

Tang En's heart jumped again.     

"A transfer contract?" he asked jokingly.     

Beckham laughter drifted over from the other end. "How is that possible? It's only a normal business contract."     

Tang En breathed a small sigh of relief.     

"That's right. Why are you looking for me, Tony?" Beckham asked.     

"Uh, I'm calling to wish you a merry Christmas..."     

"It's only the 10th now." Beckham laughed again.     

"I'm calling earl- early to do the greetings. I know you're very busy. I won't disturb you anymore. Enjoy your trip in America."     

"Thank you, Tony. I wish you an early merry Christmas too."     

Beckham's brows furrowed as he finished up the call. Victoria looked back at him. "What's the matter, David?"     

"It's Tony. Tony Twain called."     

"Shania's friend?" Victoria recalled.     

Beckham nodded.     

"Was he looking for you for something?"     

Beckham laughed. "What else would it be? He wants me to return to England to play there."     

"To play for Nottingham Forest?"     


As the two spoke, they walked out to the airport's corridors. The football fans and reporters waiting outside started a commotion when they saw Beckham and his wife finally appearing.     

Beckham stopped the discussion with his wife and lifted his hand to wave at the people waiting. He beamed with a smile as bright as California's sunshine, prompting a wave of shrieks from the women.     

"So what are your thoughts about it, David?"     

Beckham continued the show in front of the cameras as if he did not hear the question from his wife.     


The next day, Tang En took note of news concerning Beckham's trip to the States. The news of Beckham using his recuperation time to visit America were mentioned in newspapers, on television, and on the internet. However, he only attended a press conference in New York for the publicity of his own brand.     

There was no news about him and LA Galaxy, or of any interactions with personnel from the Major League Soccer.     

Tang En finally relaxed. It seemed like it was really a normal business meeting.      

The adverse effect of this piece of news was that Beckham fell another step further out of favor in Capello's heart. The tough Italian manager felt that his actions of privately going out to take part in business activities were not a show of the professional conduct that a professional footballer should have and that it was a public challenge of his authority. The risk of Beckham being iced on the bench became much more certain.     

On the same day, Allan Adams excitedly found his way to Tang En.     

"Tony, I've heard that you are friends with Beckham?" Allan exclaimed loudly as he stepped into the main manager's office.     

Tang En happened to be reading news on the internet. He immediately closed the webpage and looked up at Allan. "That's right. We even had a meal together."     

"This would go well then. You do know that Beckham hasn't been very happy at Real Madrid lately, don't you?"     

Tang En could guess at Allan's intentions and shook his head. "It's no use, Allan. I've already asked him earlier in the season if he wanted to return to England to play soccer, but he rejected the idea without any hesitation."     

Allan was not at all deterred. "That was at the beginning of the season. At that time, Beckham was probably filled with expectations and illusions of his new manager. Now, it's different. Didn't you see the recent news? Capello is extremely unhappy about Beckham taking a trip to America on his own."     

"Beckham said he had gotten the agreement of the club's higher management."     

Allan waved his hands. "It's hard to know for sort of matter, but that isn't what we should be concerned about. The whole world now knows that he is unhappy at Real Madrid. Many clubs are fighting for him to join them. He'll be a free agent after this Christmas. There won't be a need to spend a penny on the transfer fee." It was as if Allan had already seen a shiny future of gold.     

"Beckham. Do you know what he represents in the commercial market, Tony?" His voice was a little high with his agitated emotions.     

Tang En nodded. "Of course I know."     

"That's good. That's good. What kind of advantage does Forest Team have over the other teams?" Allan pointed to Tang En and said, "You're his friend. This matter would be a breeze. You can persuade him to join Nottingham Forest, not as Nottingham Forest's main manager, but as his friend, like you're having a heart-to-heart. While he is still confused about his future and in the painful situation he is in, you give him a call and have a soulful discussion with him during this cold winter night."     

Allan was so engrossed by describing the picture in his mind, gesturing wildly to punctuate his sentences, he completely ignored Tang En by the side.     

Tang En leaned back on his own chair and watched Allan's performance with a cocked head.     

Allan had become slightly disoriented thanks to Beckham's immense commercial value.     

Tang En waited for Allan to finish speaking. He propped his chin in his hands. "Allan, I have to admit that your thoughts are great, but it's a bit too much of wishful thinking on your part. Do you know how deep the David's affection for Manchester United is?"     

Allan was stumped at hearing Tang En's question. He had not, indeed, given thought to the issue from the perspective of playing football. Everything he had said stemmed from thoughts about the number of jerseys Beckham could help the Forest Team sell, the help he could lend the Forest Team in expanding their international influence, and of the many new big-name sponsors he could attract for Forest Team, if he joined them.     

Seeing Allan's face cloud with uncertainty, Tang En hastily waved his hands with a laugh. "I'm not rebuking you, Allan. I think your idea is good. It has only been considered from the perspective of a business operation, but isn't that precisely your job? My job is things about football. However, I feel that we should get everyone's opinions on this. You've given your side. Do you want to hear mine?"     

Allan made a gesture of invitation.     

Tang En related his discussion with Beckham, the time they had had a meal together, to Allan.     

Hearing it, Allan was momentarily stunned. "He really said that?"     

Tang En nodded.     

Allan fell silent and sat on the sofa, scratching his head. Tang En understood all too well Allan's feelings about this.     

For a man who was trying to come up with all means to mine gold from a gigantic gold mountain he saw, how would it feel to suddenly hear that the mountain was only an illusion? That it was something that couldn't be mined? It wasn't an exaggeration to describe it as having 10,000 ants crawling over his heart.     

"I don't want to be enemies with Manchester United, so I won't return to England."     

Tang En's ears rang with what Beckham had said back then. He cast his gaze out to the blue sky beyond the windows.     

Do you still think the same way even now, David?     

As Tang En looked at the blue sky outside the windows, out of sorts, Allan Adam stood up from behind him.     

"Even though he said that, I still think we should try working at it."     

Tang En looked back at Allan in surprise.     

"It's just that I think we might as well try to convince his wife rather than David Beckham himself." Allan continued. "Victoria is the only person who can influence him."     

"But I have no way of convincing Victoria too." Tang En said, opening his palms up in a show of helplessness.      

"No, you do." Allan said without hesitation. "Have you forgotten how you got to know Beckham?"     

A thought suddenly flashed through Tang En's mind.     

Shania and Victoria were friends; that was how he became friends with Beckham.     

"Alright, I'll try. But I can't promise anything." Tang En was also thinking about reaching out to Beckham for another discussion. Even Allan's additional input, he knew how great his commercial value was. Even just from a sporting perspective, Beckham was a player that he very much hoped to get.     

As a player with outstanding passing ability, he could play both as a side midfielder or defensive midfielder. His energetic running and professionalism were also a good example for the younger players on the team. He was slightly old, but it was just perfect for him to play a few more years, before helping the ones coming in after him transition to a new era. How nice would that be?     


 "… David Beckham is in big trouble, but is it any less than the trouble he was in while in Spain? Ever since his transfer to Real Madrid, he has been entangled in all sorts of trouble; on the field, off the field, and with his family. Now, his time with this century-old powerhouse is finally coming to an end."     

A huge LCD television showed the latest sports news. During the press conference regarding the team's line-up, Capello expressed strong unhappiness about Beckham's private trip to America while answering related questions from the reporters.     

"He is a professional football player. He should know what it means to abandon his team and to go to such a place at this time."     

The camera cut to a clip of Beckham amid a ring of reporters. "I have gotten permission from the club's higher management." After saying so, he slipped into the car and left.     

The screen turned dark with a beep; the television had been switched off.     

"Don't watch that anymore." Beckham stood behind Victoria in his sleepwear with the television remote in his hands.     

Victoria turned to look at him with a smile. "It's time to consider the future, David. America is a pretty good place, or more precisely, Los Angeles."      

Beckham furrowed his eyebrows and fell silent. There had been fewer and fewer smiles on his face recently. Unless he was in front of the media or in the public eye, he hardly smiled.     

"I've grown weary of Real Madrid's attitude," Victoria continued. "It's obvious that they don't want to renew the contract with you. Everyone here treats you like some kind of pain. Leaving is the best solution."     

Beckham rounded the couch and sat down. "Of course, leaving is the best option. But where do we go after leaving?"     

"David, have you already forgotten about the plan I drew out for you?"     

Beckham shook his head lightly.     

"Los Angeles is very good. Everyone there wants you to go. You will be treated much better there than over here. And then we can…"     

Victoria had not finished her words before being interrupted by Beckham. "But, it's a football desert over there."     

"David-" Victoria said, dragging his name out. "You should really consider your life after retirement. You're not young anymore."     

"I'm old at 31?" Beckham smiled, looking at his wife.     

He had to admit the plans his wife had designed for him were good: going to Los Angeles in the US to play football symbolically for a few years, and then naturally developing into the entertainment circle. Even if he retired from the world of football, he could continue his career in other aspects. There were also other footballers who went into film after retiring. There was one from England - Vinnie Jones. He played football in Wimbledon. Later, he retired from Queens Park Ranger and went to Hollywood. Now, he could be considered a stable B-List film star.     

However, in all honesty, Beckham did not feel that he had the talent to act. When the film crew for the movie Goal! The Dream Begins came to Real Madrid for the shooting and needed them to act, he had felt particularly awkward. It was completely different from how he felt on the field.     

His wife, though, was very keen on such things.     

At times, he felt that he owed Victoria too much. In order to take care of him while he was playing in Madrid, she sacrificed her career in England and followed him there to a that was not big in the fashion circle.     

"Look at your legs." Victoria pointed to Beckham's legs. "They're all battered. I don't want to be pushing you around in a wheelchair when we go out for walks in the future, David."     

Beckham could feel his wife's concern for him. He stretched his arm out to wrap it around her shoulders. "It's not that scary, is it? There are many retired players but only a few in wheelchairs."     

As the atmosphere developed into one suitable for a beautiful night with his wife, the cell phone he had placed on the table started ringing.     

Beckham felt helpless at hearing the ringtone disrupting the atmosphere. He smiled at his wife and unwrapped his arm from around Victoria. Standing up, he walked over to the phone to pick up the call.     

"Hello, Tony." It was a call from Tang En.     

"Hello, David."     

"Are you wishing me an early Merry Christmas again?" Beckham asked with a laugh.     

"Ah. Not this time. Shania will be in Madrid for a fashion show in a few days. She won't be in England this Christmas, so I'm thinking of going to accompany her for a day. I want to treat you and Victoria to a meal while I'm there. You treated me the last time you were in London, so I should return the favor this time around."     

Of course, Beckham knew that returning the treat was an excuse. It seemed like the main manager of Forest was especially fond of him, but since the other party invited him so warmly, he had no reason to refuse.     

"Alright, sure. Let's set a time and I'll see you then."     

After hanging up the phone, Victoria looked over at him from her position splayed out over the backrest of the sofa. "Is it just a meal?"     

Beckham smiled. "Clearly not."'     

"Hey, David. Do you wish to return to England?" Victoria asked suddenly.     

Just like the time at the airport, Beckham was stunned for a moment. However, this time, he was unable to avoid answering by waving and smiling to his fans.     


Victoria looked at him, waiting for his answer.     

Beckham fell silent for a while and shook his head. "I don't know."     

Back then, he had firmly shaken his head at the possibility of returning to England. Yet, it had now turned into an "I don't know."     

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