MMORPG: The Elementalist

Viridian Giantflame Wolf Defeated

Viridian Giantflame Wolf Defeated

0On one side, there was a Radiant Priest from Netherspirit's Claw and a Tier 4 Fire-type Summoned Monster, the Viridian Giantflame Wolf. On the other side, there was merely a normal Tier 3 Aquamancer with normal equipment…     

Witnessing such a showdown, any player who was familiar with H&G would have never thought it possible for the Tier 3 Aquamancer to possess the strength to evenly rival the opponent before him. And killing his opponent, that was the biggest joke that anyone could hear that day!     

Nevertheless, it was really unexpected that things actually took a different turn…     

Right before the eyes of more than twenty Tier 4 players, Crackpot and the Viridian Giantflame Wolf had just smashed two Frostramparts before they were greeted by a tremendous cold breeze, which suddenly rose up and placed the two of them into an enhanced Frozen status effect right away...     

The Snow Domain, which was already extremely cold had abruptly become even colder by 10 °C. Not only did the cold airstreams that cut into one's bones moved at a speed visible to the naked eye, the airstreams rapidly covered Crackpot's entire body with a thin layer of ice. It appeared crystal clear, weakening his mobility by 30 %. Even the Fire-type monster, the Viridian Giantflame Wolf was heavily suppressed by the bitter cold the moment it set foot in the vicinity of the Twelve Frostramparts Formation—In the natural environment of the Snow Domain, the attribute of the Twelve Frostramparts Formation seemingly received a temporary boost. The flames around the Tier 4 monster's body were suppressed by the cold air from the Frostramparts Formation to the point that sparks of fire could no longer be seen. All others could see was a monster shivering from top to bottom. The speed of its movements and attacks was greatly limited at the same time.     

As he engaged the two opponents in front of him, Qin Ruo continued to stand behind a Frostrampart of two meters tall, shuttling the other Frostramparts. The Frostramparts of the Frostramparts Formation then rapidly and abruptly emerged from the ground like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. They materialized like a giant fortress as they swiftly trapped Crackpot and the Viridian Giantflame Wolf into an igloo once again. Any visuals of the man and monster were completely sealed off in the igloo, not giving Crackpot even the slightest chance to strike back.     

Poor Crackpot… His ability had utterly fallen short of his wishes at that very moment. Under the influence of the horrific icy airstreams in his surroundings, his limbs were stiffened by the bone-cutting coldness, and the air he exhaled instantly froze into a crystalline form… His nerves also seemed to be on the brink of being completely frozen!     

His initial intention was to prepare to launch an AoE Magic Attack, Psystorm. But after he got blocked by a Frostrampart right in the face, the attack he launched could not even completely destroy that Frostrampart. He also missed a precious chance to attack his opponent. When he thought about casting his magic again, he discovered that his speed of magic casting was almost as slow as the speed of a tortoise. The Tier 4 Vigilance Hammer would require at least six seconds before it could be successfully cast again.     

So, he decided to turn his focus towards commanding his Viridian Giantflame Wolf. But then, he found that the Fire-type Monster was being oppressively restrained in the Frostrampart Formation as well. Not only was its Fire-type Magic Damage weakened by 30%, but its attack speed was equally as slow as Crackpot's. Even if its attack was successfully launched against his opponent, the attack would no longer have the momentum and effect it had when it broke the igloo a while ago. Its power had greatly dropped.     

Crackpot was now truly horrified to realize that this Tier 3 Aquamancer was astoundingly powerful to such an extent… No wonder the brat was daring enough to challenge him back when they were at the entrance of the Ruins. Players who possessed such control and strength would certainly have pretty high self-esteem. But of course, Qin Ruo did not mention it at all after he was disrespected and called a rookie.     

Unfortunately, it was already too late to regret now…     

Not long after being trapped in the igloo, Crackpot heard the system notification saying that his Tier 4 Summoned Monster, the Viridian Giantflame Wolf had died. The existence of a Fire-type Monster was basically the greatest threat to the Frostramparts. Its existence was also the source of the greatest uncertainty for the Twelve Frostramparts Formation. In order to prevent any unwarranted accidents from happening, Qin Ruo gulped down a bottle of Mana Potion (M) and set the Viridian Giantflame Wolf as his primary target, bombarding his attacks on it.     

Under ordinary circumstances, taking out a Level 40 Fire-type Monster was extremely difficult…     

But doing that in the middle of the Twelve Frostramparts Formation, a special skill used to deal with a Boss, the battle with the monster became rather easy. Not to mention, they were currently in a land of ice. Qin Ruo could even skip steps while he condensed water into ice. He had summoned some Frost Arrows from the ice beneath his feet and shot them into the Viridian Giantflame Wolf's waist. Its Defense had been weakened a little when it was caught in the deadlock.     

Well, why did it have to be a wolf? Slaughtering wolves was what Qin Ruo did to make a living…     

In mere seconds, Qin Ruo had succeeded instant-killing the Viridian Giantflame Wolf!     

At that time, poor Crackpot was finally able to complete his casting of the Tier 4 Vigilance Hammer… He slammed the attack upon one of the Frostramparts and shattered it into pieces just to sadly discover that there was another backup Frostrampart right behind the one he shattered.     

The next instant, a roar filled with intense rage and desolation rang hysterically from the Frostramparts. It echoed far out in all directions of the Snow Domain…     

In the distance, Ironjail River and the others looked solemn. None of them actually knew the function of the more than ten Frostramparts that Qin Ruo set up. They were even unclear about what exactly happened on the battlefield within the Frostramparts. However, judging from Crackpot's angry shouts, everyone could hear that his voice was filled with a strong unwillingness to reconcile. It was filled with pure rage, but it no longer carried the slightest will to fight… Perhaps, his voice also carried a hint of helplessness because he was unwilling to admit defeat.     

At that moment, the faces of the crowd including Ironjail River suddenly changed.     

Crackpot had been defeated!     

Even after he summoned a Viridian Giantflame Wolf, he still lost to that Tier 3 Aquamancer. He also seemed to be convinced of his defeat…     

Having a clear common view, the crowd in the surroundings looked at each other.     


A few seconds later, nearly twenty Frostramparts were reduced into particles of white frost as they drifted along the air and vanished from the battlefield. About ten pairs of eyes were fixed on a human figure who was gradually getting clearer by the second in the middle of the snow.     

The final victor of the battle was truly him—Qin Ruo stood there quietly with that small Tier 3 physique of his. However, in the eyes of the others, he seemed much taller at that point.     

Ironjail River took a deep breath as his eyes turned sharp all of a sudden. He then took a quick glance at the Viridian Giantflame's corpse and Crackpot's corpse, which was lying right behind Qin Ruo. Only God knew what was on his mind. But even though the people of Netherspirit's Claw were irritated by the fact that Qin Ruo had embarrassed them in public, deep down, the players who possessed true strength actually respected and admired Qin Ruo even more.     

A Tier 3 player was capable of defeating a Tier 4 Radiant Priest who had used a Tier 4 Summoning Mana Core… Such an incident had never occurred before in the entire history of H&G. With that, Qin Ruo's strength did not need to be questioned anymore.     

Violetmoon Devilite and Grand Magi were overjoyed by the look on their faces. Although it was only their first time working together with Qin Ruo, and they were merely having an employer-employee relationship, the battle had deeply astounded them. Qin Ruo managed to shatter the wrong impression that many had of him all this while—so, it looked like a Tier 3 player could also be that strong! Only Blue Princess and Grandiose Dragon, who looked down on Qin Ruo at the start, were staring at someone who should be lying dead on the snowy land. They were in an extremely depressed mood. Their eyes seemed to reveal a complicated emotion as they blinked relentlessly…     

Qin Ruo did not realize that he had become everyone's focal point. He remained on the spot as he stared blankly at the corpse on the ground. After a while, he finally moved his feet a little to walk, muttering to himself with a voice that was almost inaudible, "He didn't even drop a single piece of equipment… He wasted two bottles of my potions…" Someone seemed to have forgotten that he had defeated his opponent in a duel…     

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