Gate of God

The Truth of the Black Stone Palace

The Truth of the Black Stone Palace

0In reality, when Fang Zhengzhi entered the black stone palace, he thought of many possible scenarios such as how the black stone palace was a battlefield filled with bodies and bones, or how it was full of various types of traps.     

However, the scene in front of him was way beyond his imagination.     

There were no piles of bodies or bones, and no cliffs or traps, however, what was in front of him was even more shocking than all of these.     

Roar! A thunderous roar was heard and a gigantic horse charged out of the haze into another cloud of haze.     

It was not too astonishing.     

However, that is not the case if there were all types of exotic creatures swimming around the horse and all types of streams of lights around it.     

It was a word made up of streams of light and countless exotic creatures.     

It was clearly not an ordinary world.     

Because Fang Zhengzhi could clearly sense that everything in front of him was "non-existent". Even the horse, golden birds and gigantic rhinoceros that appeared in the sky were not real.     

However, these imaginary objects existed in front of his eyes.     

This was an irony.     

Fang Zhengzhi did not know how to describe this but he could clearly sense that everything in front of him should not exist in that world.     

"So this place is merely a gigantic illusionary state?" Ping Yang's voice was heard and she sounded extremely shocked.     

"Illusionary state?" Fang Zhengzhi shook his head involuntarily.     

Any ordinary person who witnessed this scene should have come to the same deduction as Ping Yang because whatever they saw was unrealistic.     

Yet, Fang Zhengzhi had another view as he saw a world that was different from what others' saw.     

It was a black and white world.     

The Sixth Rebirth Dao technique, Ghost Dao!     

Ever since he could appreciate the Ghost Dao, Fang Zhengzhi had the ability to ensure that he would not be confused by any illusions. Therefore, he was sure that the scene in front of him was not an illusion.     

An unrealistic world…     

But not an illusionary state?     

Ping Yang, who was very certain about her own deduction, would not believe in Fang Zhengzhi's deduction. In fact, even Fang Zhengzhi felt that his deduction was not convincing.     

"You don't think so?" Ping Yang asked Fang Zhengzhi as he saw him shake his head.     

"No, you are right, it is an illusion." Fang Zhengzhi shook his head again. Since he could not explain himself, he would rather not say anything.     

"So… Is it dangerous?"     

"Mu Qingfeng had entered earlier than us and there were quite a lot of people who entered. Therefore, even if there was a danger, they would have resolved it."     

"So you mean we should just charge forward?"     

"Hmm, we can do that until we meet Mu Qingfeng and the rest." Fang Zhengzhi nodded.     

"Then what are we waiting for?" Hearing this, Ping Yang's confidence was boosted and she looked extremely eager to try.     

"We will charge when Mo Shanshi and the rest come."     


"Then, we can rightfully claim that we are opening the path for them. After all, I am Meng Tian, the savior of the Human Alliance!" Fang Zhengzhi knocked Ping Yang's head lightly.     

"Wa… I understand now!" Ping Yang figured it out immediately.     

"How shameless." Yun Qingwu's eyes twitched when she heard their conversation.     

Fang Zhengzhi did not bother about what Yun Qingwu said.     

As he had said, he was the Sagely Battle God Meng Tian and therefore, he should be behaving with the corresponding "behavior" of Meng Tian.     

Running at a fast speed?     

That was nothing!     


Soon after, Mo Shanshi, who was supported by two disciples of the Human Alliance on his left and right, appeared within Fang Zhengzhi and Ping Yang's sight.     

Appearing along with Mo Shanshi was a wave of disciples of the Human Alliance. Every one of them ran relatively quickly like grasshoppers.     

"Hurry up…"     

"Hurry run, the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race are catching up!"     

"Don't block the way!"     

As the disciples of the Human Alliance escaped, they did it with 120 percent of their ability, causing their faces to turn red as they huffed and puffed.     

However, they showed no signs of stopping at all.     

After all, My Xing and three other Godly State experts were closing up behind them. The disciples of the Human Alliance who were lagging behind were being killed once again.     

If the path to the black stone palace was not so narrow, there would have been at least two times as many casualties for the Human Alliance.     

"Valley Master Mo, can you still walk?" Fang Zhengzhi asked Mo Shanshi in concern.     

"Senior Meng Tian, you… you didn't run? Are you waiting for…" Mo Shanshi was slightly surprised as he remembered clearly that "Meng Tian" was the first person to charge into the black stone palace.     

Yet now…     

Meng Tian was waiting for him at the entrance of the path?     

This was the first thought that struck Mo Shanshi. However, when he looked at Fang Zhengzhi, the scene in front of him stopped him from continuing his sentence.     


Not only was Mo Shanshi astonished, but the disciples of the Human Alliance behind Mo Shanshi were also astonished and widened their eyes.     

"What… what is this?!"     

"Light, these light… and those beasts?"     

"It's an illusionary state. Yes, Vice Alliance Leader Mu Qingfeng told us before that we will see illusion after we enter the black stone palace and told us to be extra careful!"     

The disciples of the Human Alliance remembered what Mu Qingfeng once said on the Ling Xiao Mountain.     

"Mu Qingfeng also thought that these are illusions?" Fang Zhengzhi was slightly shocked. He had not been to the Ling Xiao Mountain and therefore did not know how Mu Qingfeng had described the black stone place.     

However, from the comments made by the disciples of the Human Alliance, he deduced that Mu Qingfeng had entered the black stone palace before he went up to the Ling Xiao Mountain.     

Oh right!     

Mu Qingfeng did enter the black stone palace before!     

Fang Zhengzhi suddenly remembered the reason why Mu Qingfeng held a Heaven Alliance Meeting on the Heaven Zen Mountain because he saw some inscription in the black stone palace.     

However, Fang Zhengzhi was a little late for the battle on the Heaven Zen Mountain. He only heard about this from Ping Yang after the battle.     

So it meant that…     

Mu Qingfeng and the rest were probably at a place with the inscription.     

"What should we do? There are illusions ahead of us and the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race are catching up behind us. Are all of us going to die here?" At this moment, a voice broke off Fang Zhengzhi's train of thought.     

"That's right, now that Valley Master Mo is injured and we don't have Vice Alliance Leader Mu who is familiar with the palace to lead us, how can we break through the illusion?"     

"We can only force our way through…"     

"Looks like we have no other choice, we will fight it through then!"     

The other disciples of the Human Alliance quickly responded. After all, they had not much time to hesitate. Even if there was a fire ahead of them, they had to charge in as if they did not, they would be killed by the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race.     

"Don't worry, I am here, I will personally lead the way for all of you!" Fang Zhengzhi knew that it was time for him to act.     

"Senior Meng Tian, indeed puts the affairs of the country and the people before anything else!" Ping Yang was clever enough to know what she should say at this point in time.     


"Senior Meng Tian, so you have always been leading us!"     

"We thought you fled because you were afraid, we are… we shouldn't be called human!"     

"That's right, we are extremely ashamed!"     

The disciples of the Human Alliance were shocked but soon regained their senses. Each of them looked extremely guilty.     

Meanwhile, Yun Qingwu who was being held by Fang Zhengzhi turned her head helplessly and snorted. "Shameless."     

"Follow me closely, everyone!" Fang Zhengzhi did not drag on any further. He turned and charged into the illusionary world with Yun Qingwu in one hand and holding Ping Yang in the other.     

Although he had not figured out what exactly was the black stone palace and why was there something that looked like an illusion, those were not the most crucial things for now…     

That was because the sound of the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race was approaching.     


That's the most crucial thing now!     

As the Human Alliance blamed themselves for misunderstanding Fang Zhengzhi, Fang Zhengzhi brought Ping Yang and Yun Qingwu and rain into the haze which was filled with streams of light.     

When he entered the haze, buzzing sounds ran beside his ears. The sound did not seem like the growls of the beasts.     

It had a strange tempo.     

It was described as a "tempo" because it was not loud but it was as though it was right beside his ears.     

It was so near that it felt as though it was connected to his heartbeat and the flow of blood.     

"Something is wrong!" Fang Zhengzhi could feel that there were some changes to his heartbeat and blood under the influence of this rhythm.     

Meanwhile, he felt the surrounding scene change from the original haze with a stream of light into images of grass, tree, and sea.     

Changing his heartbeat and flow of blood so as to create an illusion?     

It was a typical illusion spell.     

Why did this happen?     

He was clearly not in an illusionary state!     

It was not an illusionary state but it was made to look like one?     

Could it be that…     

Someone was trying to hide something?!     

As this thought struck him, Fang Zhengzhi's heartbeat and flow of blood resumed to a normal state before his eyes turned silvery white.     

In the world of black and white, he saw the disciples of the Human Alliance and Mo Shanshi as he looked down from the sky.     


Similarly, he heard Mo Shanshi yelling.     

"Listen up, everyone, keep silent and hold your breath in the illusionary state, do not be affected by the sound that you hear. If you discover people around you behaving strangely, slap his chest above his heart so as to disturb his heartbeat!"     

"Roger!" The disciples of the Human Alliance obeyed his order immediately.     

After that, Fang Zhengzhi saw red light shoot out from one of the disciples' eyes as he became extremely violent.     

After that…     

Another disciple beside him slapped him on the chest above his heart.     

Spat! He spat out a mouthful of blood.     

The aroused disciple became normal again.     

"Thank you, Senior, for saving me!"     

"You are welcome, Junior!"     


Everything seemed to be telling Fang Zhengzhi that the haze with the streams of light would cause one to see an illusion in the mind.     

What exactly was it trying to hide?     

Just as Fang Zhengzhi was pondering over this, newcomers entered the area with haze. It was three figures who were wearing black cloaks.     

Evidently, the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race had charged in under the leader of Mu Xing and three other Godly State experts.     

However, unlike the disciples of the Human Alliance…     

Three different colors of light screens radiated from the Godly State experts' bodies. Like three gigantic umbrellas, these light screens shrouded the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race behind them.     

This caused them to proceed extremely quickly.     

They were close!     

Getting closer and closer!     

As Fang Zhengzhi dashed forward with Yun Qingwu and Ping Yang, he could "see" the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race advance extremely quickly towards the disciples of the Human Alliance.     

It was a good thing to have a pair of eyes that allowed him to see another world.     

However, the more he saw, the more things he had to face.     

If Fang Zhengzhi did not see this, he would have charged forward with Ping Yang without any concerns.     

However, after seeing it…     

Could he still do that?     

Fang Zhengzhi was shameless and a little selfish. However, he was still a man, a man with blood and flesh, emotions and determination.     

Fang Zhengzhi did not like the words "bringing up the rear" because he always misunderstood it as losing his progenies. [1. In Mandarin, the same phrase had two interpretations based on context.]     

However, he could afford to not bring up the rear and slightly harass the troops of the Monster Race and Demon Race.     

As this thought struck him, Fang Zhengzhi took a glance at Ping Yang beside him and gradually loosened his grip on Ping Yang's hand. "Follow me closely!"     

"Alright!" Although Ping Yang was confused, she quickly nodded.     

Meanwhile, Fang Zhengzhi flipped his right hand and instantly, three silvery white long swords appeared on his hand.     

Swoosh! With a soft sound, the three long swords were thrown by Fang Zhengzhi and made a parabolic path in the sky.     


Like three silver meteors that passed through the sky, they struck the light screens on the head of the Godly State experts at the same time!     

Boom! A thunderous boom was heard.     

A powerful airwave rippled like waves and spread to the surroundings when the long swords collided with the light screens.     

Meanwhile, a strange scene happened. The haze filled with streams of light seemed to have become thinner and a black hue could be seen vaguely…     

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