Gate of God

A Life And Death Struggle with the Sword

A Life And Death Struggle with the Sword

0"Chi Guyan…" For the first time, Fang Zhengzhi felt that he was touched deeply in his heart. It was not because of winning or losing but rather strong willpower.     

The willpower to kill her enemy even if she died.     

As for the Space-splitting Demon God, the scene caused him to be more astonished than Fang Zhengzhi.     

"No!!!" The Space-splitting Demon God growled unwillingly. He had never in his life felt a sense of crisis like now.     

However, no matter how unwilling he was, Chi Guyan's sword had reached him. The ordinary blade of the sword turned into a Milky Way that was filled with twinkling stars as it struck towards the Demon Eye on the Space-splitting Demon God's forehead.     

It was so fast that he could not dodge.     

At this moment, the Space-splitting Demon God's heart sank and cold sweat started forming on his forehead. He knew that it was impossible for him to dodge this attack.     

Of course, he could still use all his powers to defend the attack.     

The golden fluid that had initially flowed out of the Demon Eye started surging towards the Demon Eye like floodwater that approached the Milky Way.     

Could he really defend the attack?     

Chi Guyan held his sword firmly. Even though she was suffering from the injury caused by Monster Emperor Baizhi's attack, she still managed to penetrate the golden fluid in front of the Demon Eye with her sword.     

At the instant when the sword penetrated the fluid, Chi Guyan's eyes lit up. Millions of spots of light lit up in her eyes like exploding stars.     

Buzz! A vibration was felt.     

The solidified golden fluid was broken. Beams of eye-catching golden light rays spread across the sky like ripples, looking extremely unsteady.     

The Space-splitting Demon God widened his eyes that were bloodshot. He knew that this would be the outcome after Chi Guyan destroyed the powers he had accumulated.     

He could not block it?     

'No, I cannot die, I am the ancient Demon God!'     

The Space-splitting Demon God was unwilling to give up. He was in a coma for thousands of years and finally managed to step out of the galaxy. He still had lots of things to accomplish. He still did not have the chance to vent his grievances for all these years. He still did not have the time to enjoy the prosperity and vibrancy in the new world.     

Die? He had never died in ancient battlefields, would he die now? Dying in the hands of two anonymous pawns, dying in the hands of two humans of the mortal state?!     

How would he be willing!     

"Let me go, I can promise that you will be able to stay alive in the future!" The Space-splitting Demon God tried to negotiate. Although it was not a very good term, it was the first time he had initiated a negotiation ever since he became the ancient Demon God.     

He thought this term would be able to persuade Chi Guyan. At least, it was a promise made by him as the Demon God.     

However, he realized…     

Chi Guyan's expression did not change at all when he tried to negotiate. The look in her eyes was also not swayed by his terms.     

Determination, resolution!     

It was the determination to kill the Space-splitting Demon God!     

The Space-splitting Demon God had completely given up. He knew from Chi Guyan's expression that she would not accept any terms that he offered.     

Was he really going to die?     

For the first time, this thought flashed across his mind. That was because Chi Guyan had already broken all of the golden fluid accumulated by him.     

She was getting closer and closer…     

The Space-splitting Demon God widened his eyes as he saw the approaching "Milky Way". However, at the very last moment, before he was about to brace for the arrival of death, a white light shone on the side of Chi Guyan.     


It was a beautiful white tail with fine and smooth fur. However, everyone knew that the fine and smooth fur was as hard as steel.     

"Am I saved?!" The Space-splitting Demon God widened his eyes again. His heart began palpitating as he saw Chi Guyan being struck by the fox tail.     

Who would want to die?     

Nobody would want to die. Furthermore, he was a Demon God who had lived for thousands of years!     

Although he did not know how powerful was Monster Emperor Baizhi's attack, he was aware that Chi Guyan's injuries were extremely severe.     

She definitely would not be able to last through!     

However, just as the Space-splitting Demon God thought Chi Guyan would be sent flying by this blow, he discovered to his surprise, the approaching "Milky Way" only shook a little before stabilizing.     

"How is this possible? How?!" The Space-splitting Demon God could not believe his eyes. After all, Chi Guyan could not have possibly blocked the attack with her injuries.     

That was the attack made by Monster Emperor Baizhi!     

The Space-splitting Demon God stared until his eyes were about to pop out. However, no matter what, the "Milky Way" had already struck his Demon Eye.     

Buzz! The Space-splitting Demon God shook. Then, he heard a crisp shattering sound as though the entire world had collapsed.     

Why did this happen?     


The Space-splitting Demon God wanted to know the reason but his vision was gradually turning blur and the only thing he could see clearly was an enormous figure standing in front of him.     

It was a lady, or rather, a lady with a human body and a snake tail.     

Pure and elegant, long hair fell like a waterfall behind her back, her snake tail was covered in scales of five different colors.     

It was very clear that it looked like reality.     

"Mo… Mother… Earth…" The Space-splitting Demon God moved his lips. Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, he finally closed his eyes.     

As his eyes closed, the Demon Eye on his forehead had completely erupted.     


The golden fluid below the Space-splitting Demon God's head also began to dissipate like golden mist and vanished in a split second.     

There was absolute silence.     

Even though the wind on the Heaven Zen Mountain was still blowing, nobody could hear the sound of the wind as the scene in front of them made them lose their ability to think.     

The position where Chi Guyan was standing at no longer had the pink figure.     

Instead, it was a lady with the human body and a snake tail. Like the faint shadow behind her, she was so elegant and pure. She stood at the spot silently arrogantly.     

On her forehead…     

There was a mark that was made up of five different colors — red, blue, white, black, gold — the five different colors were located at five different locations, forming the Five Element Formation.     

She glanced at her surroundings, the Monster Kings on the top of the Tree of God, then the few elders of the Demon Race behind the Monster Kings. Lastly, her gaze fell upon Yun Qingwu.     

"Yun Qingwu," The lady spoke.     

"Chi Guyan," Yun Qingwu spoke too.     

A cooling gust of wind blew past, it blew on the long hair of the lady and the white dress on Yun Qingwu.     

Both the lady and Yun Qingwu stopped speaking.     

However, the Monster Kings, the elders of the Demon race and Monster Emperor Baizhi all watched with their eyes widened. From her voice, they could tell that the lady was Chi Guyan.     

"The Space-splitting Demon God died?!"     

"Chi Guyan is… She is…"     

"Yes. Sagely State, she had entered the Sagely State!"     

The Monster Kings refused to believe this. However, when they saw the mark on Chi Guyan's forehead, they knew that it was the reality.     

Chi Guyan had entered the Sagely State!     

At the last strike, she broke through the Rebirth State and entered the Sagely State!     

It was unimaginable.     

Was it a coincidence?     

The same thought flashed across the Monster Kings mind as they looked at Chi Guyan. Then, they saw Chi Guyan turn gradually towards her back.     

Behind Chi Guyan stood a person — Fang Zhengzhi!     

What was special was that Fang Zhengzhi had his two hands on Chi Guyan's waist and looked slightly pale.     

Nobody knew why Fang Zhengzhi was so pale. However, the main thing was his strange position.     

"Thank you," Chi Guyan spoke again.     

"Thank you? Hmm… Yes, you should thank me." Fang Zhengzhi was stunned for a moment. Then, he let go of his hands around Chi Guyan's waist although his face was still as pale as before.     

"Haha…" Chi Guyan smiled. Her smile was looked so comfortable and looked like the melted snow or a flower that had completely bloomed.     

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Chi Guyan and wanted to smile too. However, he could not bring himself to do so because Chi Guyan's appearance was too familiar.     

Mother Earth?     


Fang Zhengzhi did not know what the current world addressed Nüwa as, however, he was certain that Chi Guyan looked exactly identical to the legendary Nüwa in his past world.     

The only difference was…     

Chi Guyan was smiling, and when she smiled, the arrogance that she exuded seemed to disappear gradually.     

"Chi Guyan!" Fang Zhengzhi stretched out his arms again and caught Chi Guyan. Chi Guyan had closed her eyes.     

Besides that, the five-colored scales on her body also vanished. Her pink dress appeared again although it was completely stained red with blood.     

She lost the coldness in her.     

Chi Guyan's body temperature was still warm but it was decreasing rapidly.     

"She fainted?!"     

"She must have not been able to last through! Even though she managed to break through to reach the Sagely State, her injuries are too severe for her to last through!"     

"Kill her, it is the best chance now!"     

A cold murder intent flashed past the Monster Kings' eyes as they saw Chi Guyan faint. They seemed to be waiting for Yun Qingwu's order to attack.     

"Yun Qingwu, now that the Space-splitting Demon God is dead, how are you going to defend?" Fang Zhengzhi gradually raised his head and looked at Yun Qingwu.     


"This brat still has strength?"     

"He can't be thinking of killing the entire Monster race by himself?"     

The Monster Kings were shocked as they realized that Fang Zhengzhi was still alive and kicking.     

Furthermore, Monster Emperor Baizhi was already injured.     

This was evident from her purple lips. After using her entire strength to make two strikes, she was perspiring and the blood below her neck had stained a large area of her white fur.     


"I do not believe that you still can attack!" Monster Emperor Baizhi shook and her dark green eyes blinked. It was evident that she was about to reach her limits too.     

"Looks like… Old wretch wants to die first?" While Fang Zhengzhi held Chi Guyan with one hand, he tightened his grip on the other.     

"If you have the ability, I…"     

"Mother!" Yun Qingwu broke off Monster Emperor Baizhi's sentence. Then, she finally took a step out. "Fang Zhengzhi, I know that you have the chance to kill me now. However, you won't be able to leave after you do so."     

"Why?" Fang Zhengzhi sneered.     

"It is because the Gates of God of the Realm of Monsters and Demons had opened and it is only a matter of time before the ancient Demon God and Monster Gods arrive. Are you confident to fight a battle again?" Yun Qingwu said coldly.     

"Haha…" Fang Zhengzhi laughed until his body trembled. "So, are you deliberately delaying time now?"     

"I… Yes, I am. That is because I do not know when the next ancient Demon God would arrive. You can kill me, but you know that this takes time. Do you really want to take a gamble with your life? Or rather, both Chi Guyan and Wu Yuer's lives?" Yun Qingwu said again.     

"Shameless brat, do not worry about me, kill her first!" Wu Yuer's voice could be heard and it sounded very anxious.     

Hearing her words, Fang Zhengzhi trembled slightly and a drop of perspiration fell from his forehead as the hand he was holding on to Chi Guyan shook.     

However, his gaze became firm and determined again. Meanwhile, he took a look at the Monster Kings and the elders of the Demon Race beside Yun Qingwu.     

Humm! The sound of the sword that sounded like a dragon was heard.     

Meanwhile, Fang Zhengzhi's Traceless Sword started glowing with purple light, as though drops of purple blood was flowing on the sword.     

The expressions on the Monster Kings and the elders of the Demon Race changed.     

"Fang Zhengzhi, you really want to make this life and death struggle?!"     

"Want to kill Young Empress? Over my dead body!"     

"We swear that we will protect Young Lord with my life. No matter how powerful you are, we will never let you touch Young Lord at all!"     

As the Monster Kings and the elders of the Demon Race spoke, they had an extremely nervous expression on their faces. This was because, with Fang Zhengzhi's capability, they were not totally confident that they could win the battle if Fang Zhengzhi decided to give his all.     

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