Pursuit of the Truth

Cultivation Base Clone

Cultivation Base Clone

0Along with that voice came a slender figure who walked out of the shattered door, and his presence caused Elder Feng and the members of the Lie Shan Family to have their pupils shrink.     

That person had a handsome face, looking as if the world's serendipity had gathered on him and blessed his entire body. His black hair danced in the air, and that Sacred Constellation Robe shone in a dazzling light. As he stood there, the ethereal presence from him was powerful enough to cause all those who saw him to have their eyes trained on him.     

His eyes were bright, and he had sharp, curing eyebrows that were in the shape of mountains. As he stood there, it made it seem as if all the light around him had become dim, and only he would become the focus of all the people's eyes.     

A person who robbed all serendipities in the world, who enjoyed the kismet from the universe. This was him - Dao Kong!     

Xu Hui frowned and took several steps back. The remaining sixteen figures also dispersed. The nine old men swiftly came towards him and surrounded Dao Kong like guards to protect him. The concern on their faces was incredibly clear.     

"This is just a misunderstanding. I hope that the families within Black Ink Planet will not mind." Dao Kong smiled faintly and wrapped his fist in his palm before bowing slightly to Elder Feng and the others.     

A barely noticeable glint appeared in Elder Feng's eyes, and he moved his gaze from Dao Kong's body to the room where Su Ming was. In the room, he saw Yu Rou, the thirteen old men, and also Su Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a calm gaze.     

"Fellow Daoist Su had a secret he wanted to discuss with me, which was why he had laid out this plan and Relocated me to this place. We have finished speaking now. Please do not blame fellow Daoist Su for this." Dao Kong smiled faintly.     

Su Ming also smiled, and a hint of regret appeared on his face as he looked towards Elder Feng, the nine old men beside Dao Kong, and also Xu Hui.     

Xu Hui stared at Dao Kong. If it was not because she did not sense a single change within Dao Kong's presence, then she would definitely suspect that there was something wrong in this matter. However, the feeling she had in her soul was as usual at that moment, yet still, she felt that there was something that was off.     

But she could not pinpoint it. With a glint in her eyes, her body disappeared quietly into the air.     

"Since it is a misunderstanding, then fellow Daoists from True Morning Dao World, please return to your rooms. The auction is still in progress. Now, pardon me." Elder Feng cast a profound look at Dao Kong before he said flatly.     

"My subordinates have been rude just now, do forgive us." Dao Kong remained elegant and refined. When he wrapped his fist in his palm, an expression of regret also appeared on his face. It was one suited for his status and also one that conformed to the feeling he usually gave to others. As he spoke, he turned around and cast Su Ming a look. Once he smiled and nodded towards him, he strode towards his room.     

The nine old man cast hostile looks at the Lie Shan Family and left while trailing behind Dao Kong.     

When they left, Elder Feng frowned and he cast a glance at Su Ming once again. After a brief period of silence, he turned around and led the members of the Lie Shan Family to leave the place as well. As for Elder Yu, he had already disappeared into the air beforehand and was now nowhere to be seen.     

The thirteen old men's faces were apathetic as they remained in Su Ming's room. They would not think about anything that was related to Su Ming. In their minds, they only needed to obey his orders.     

But it was not so for Yu Rou. She looked at Su Ming with a complicated expression on her face. She had a vague guess in her heart, but that guess seemed rather inconceivable to her.     

'This should not be a Possession, or else why would that Dao Kong still have his intelligence intact. In fact, Su Ming also has his intelligence intact as well, and judging by how the people from Morning Dao Sect reacted and how they had been able to find this place immediately, it could only mean that there is someone among them who has a close connection to Dao Kong, but once Dao Kong was Possessed, then that connection would definitely be broken…     

'However, based on their reactions just now, it seems like… that connection is still around?     

'But if it wasn't a Possession, then was it..?' As Yu Rou thought about it, a deep wariness appeared in her eyes as she looked towards Su Ming. Su Ming had become even more unfathomable in her mind.     

"Let's go. There's no need for us to linger around here anymore." Su Ming stood up, and when he spoke flatly, he walked forward. Yu Rou followed behind him. As for the thirteen old men, they bowed respectfully to Su Ming and disappeared into their rooms to act as garrisons for the auction.     

"Prepare a chamber for me. I want to enter isolation." When he walked out of the room, Su Ming spoke in a calm manner, and Yu Rou lowered her head to voice her obedience.     

After a moment, Su Ming sat down cross-legged in a chamber deep underground within Black Water City. It was quiet all around him. He had his eyes open, and his expression was calm. Not a single hint of emotion was revealed on his face.     

He seemed to be waiting for something. When the time taken for an incense stick to burn passed, a light breeze seemed to blow in the chamber, and Su Ming looked over.     

Elder Feng walked out from the wind and sat down cross-legged in front of Su Ming.     

"Lord God of Berserkers, please grant me an explanation," Elder Feng looked at Su Ming and said hoarsely.     

Su Ming did not speak. Instead, he lifted his right hand. Freezing air slowly appeared in the air above his right hand, followed soon by snow manifesting themselves above his palm. This was not an illusion. This was snow brought about due to the cold from Midwinter's Chill, which was part of Su Ming's Life Matrix.     

The few flakes of snow that appeared on Su Ming's palm floated down to the ground from his palm, and gradually, a layer of snow covered the area around Su Ming.     

"Elder Feng, what did you see?" Su Ming asked languidly.     

"Snow." Elder frowned slightly.     

Su Ming furled his right hand into a fist, and once he seized the snow floating down, he unfurled his palm to reveal the snow, which had not melted on his palm.     

"What is this?"     

"Snow," Elder Feng answered faintly.     

Su Ming smiled. He flicked his wrist, and once he flung off the snow on his palm, he seized the layer of snow around him with a gentle grip.     

"And what is this?"     

"It is still snow." Elder Feng narrowed his eyes, as if he had come to an understanding.     

"I have already provided you with an explanation." Su Ming swung his arm, and all the snow around him disappeared within an instant.     

"I want to enter isolation now, and I will head to Divine Source Star Ocean as well. Once we part ways, I do not know when we will meet each other again. Elder Feng… please take care of yourself." Su Ming smiled and slowly closed his eyes.     

Elder Feng remained silent for a moment before he shook his head and smiled. He got up and bowed to Su Ming before he turned around, shook his head, and left.     

He understood now. Su Ming had indeed provided him with an explanation just now. As for the detailed explanations, it would differ according to each person.     

When Su Ming entered isolation, the auction continued in the world outside. Dao Kong sat down on the soft chair in his room. In his hand was a wine cup, and as he watched the auction on the screen of light, he sipped at the wine.     

The nine old men sat down behind him, and all of them had their eyes shut, covering the white light that shone from their eyes when they had flown off in rage earlier.     

The beautiful woman no longer took the form of a catwoman, but had turned into the shape of a delicate woman. She knelt down beside him as if she was terrified of Dao Kong, and in her hands she held a pot of wine, occasionally filling up Dao Kong's cup with wine.     

"I need an explanation!" Xu Hui's gloomy voice travelled out from the air.     

"Oh? What explanation do you need?" When Dao Kong asked in a light tone, a barely noticeable glint shone in his eyes, and he looked towards the woman by his side. Ever since this woman entered the room with him, she immediately put on this delicate appearance. That fear in her was not fake, but was real. She was truly afraid of him.     

"That Relocation from the Sacred Constellation Robe. What happened when you were Relocated?" Xu Hui's gloomy voice echoed in the room.     

"Fellow Daoist Su from Black Ink Planet had a deal he wanted to form with me, and since it was not convenient for him to come to me directly, he used this method…" Dao Kong spoke languidly, but when he said these words, he immediately noticed the woman by his side freezing for a moment, then lifting her head to cast him a surprised glance.     

In fact, some of the nine old men behind him also lifted their chins slightly.     

Ripples immediately appeared from the space in front of him, and Xu Hui walked out from those ripples with one single step. She glared at Dao Kong, and hints of murderous aura as well as a strange look appeared in her eyes.     

"... because only with this method could he hold a secret talk with me," Dao Kong narrowed his eyes slightly and said flatly.     

"Oh? What secret talk could that be?" Xu Hui asked once again.     

"What secret talk..?" Dao Kong lifted his head slightly, and a smile appeared on his face. He loosened his grip over the cup, and the cup in his hand immediately plunged down, but before it fell on the ground, the woman immediately extended her hand to grab the cup. When he saw this scene, the smile on Dao Kong's face grew wider. His right hand fell on the woman's face, and when he caressed her gently, the woman lowered her head. The surprise that appeared on her face previously also disappeared to be replaced by obedience.     

The few people among the nine old men behind him who had lifted their heads also lowered their heads when they saw this scene.     

In fact, even a focused glint appeared in Xu Hui's eyes. She might look as she usually did, but the doubt in her heart had disappeared slightly due to Dao Kong's actions.     

"Why should I tell you?" The ghost of a smile appeared on Dao Kong's face as his expression turned cold and he looked towards Xu Hui.     

Xu Hui frowned. She greatly detested this sort of expression and tone Dao Kong used, but it was precisely this expression and tone that caused most of the doubt in her heart to disappear. With a cold harrumph, she fused into the air once again and disappear.     

As Xu Hui disappeared, Dao Kong's gaze landed on the screen of light, the ghost of a smile appeared on his face, but he was calm deep down in his heart.     

He was not Dao Kong!     

He was Su Ming!     

Su Ming's soul and his entire mind had been Possessed by Su Ming. However, he would need some time to completely digest Dao Kong's memories, but he would not take too long. One month was enough.     

At the moment he successfully Possessed Dao Kong, Su Ming could clearly sense how greatly Dao Kong's potential surpassed his, and more importantly, he could also vaguely sense that kismet gathered on Dao Kong's body.     

This was the kismet from True Morning Dao World. With this kismet around, this cultivation base clone of his could possess limitless growth.     

'As the kismet on Ye Wang's body slowly disappears and eventually leaves him completely, this cultivation base clone of him will have most of True Morning Dao World's kismet gathered on me, and because of that, as I have this kismet nourishing me and assisting me, this clone's potential… will reach an incredibly powerful state.     

'Besides… my current status is that of Morning Dao Sect's direct descendant. Morning Dao Sect… I wonder how the grudge between us will erupt when I become the only young master in Morning Dao Sect in the future.' Su Ming smiled. That smile was incredibly brilliant, and there was also an incredibly strange as well as sinister feeling in that smile.     

When the woman by his side saw that smile, her heart trembled, and she quickly lowered her head, simply allowing Su Ming to have his right hand land on her face and gently brush past her skin.     

"This auction is boring and dull. Notify the warships in the galaxy. I want to leave by tomorrow," a glint appeared in Su Ming's eyes and he said flatly.     

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